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Chapter 34

Chapter 34. Dairy Foods Milk the “almost perfect” food. I. Nutrients. 2-3 Servings Per day *Contains protein, vitamin A, vitamin B12, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc *It is fortified with Vitamin D *Contains saturated fat and cholesterol. II. Types of Milk.

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Chapter 34

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  1. Chapter 34 Dairy Foods Milk the “almost perfect” food

  2. I. Nutrients 2-3 Servings Per day *Contains protein, vitamin A, vitamin B12, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc *It is fortified with Vitamin D *Contains saturated fat and cholesterol

  3. II. Types of Milk • Whole milk: 3.3% fat by weight / 48% calories from fat • Low-fat milk 1-2% fat by weight / 16-38% calories from fat • Skim milk: only trace amounts of fat • UHT milk: Ultra High Temperature. Has a box container. • Pasteurized: heat treated to kill enzymes and bacteria • Ultra – pasteurization: heat treated to higher temperatures which means it can be kept longer. • Homogenized: fat is broken down and evenly distributed in the milk so it does not separate

  4. III. Other Types of Dairy Products • Buttermilk: tart, buttery flavor. Made from cultured low-fat milk with dry milk solids added. *It was originally made from the fluid left over after cream was churned into butter. • Chocolate milk: chocolate sweeteners added • Kefir: beverage similar in flavor to yogurt originally made from fermented camel’s milk, now made from cultured cow’s milk. • Nonfat dry milk: powdered form of skim milk • Evaporated milk: canned whole or skim milk that contains ½ the amount of water of regular milk • Sweetened condensed milk: concentrated sweetened canned milk. Used to make candies and desserts. • Yogurt: Made by adding harmless bacteria

  5. IV. Cheese • Ripened *Firm, semisoft, soft, blue-veined • Unripe Ned (Fresh) *Cottage cheese, farmer’s cheese, cream cheese, ricotta

  6. V. Frozen Dairy Desserts Ice cream Ice milk Sherbet Frozen yogurt Sorbet

  7. VI. Food Science • There are two proteins: Casien and Whey • Acid: Rennin which is a milk clotting enzyme, clumps milk • Milk solids are called curds • Bluish liquid that remains after the curds clump is called whey • Little miss muffet…

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