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You might have heard that diamonds are forever since this is one of the most known quotes coming back from centuries. When we talk about the diamond, words like beauty, rarity, and timelessness are often associated with them. The origin of the diamond goes back to the dinosaur era and the estimated age ranges between 1-3.5 billion years. <br>https://www.adiamor.com/Engagement-Rings

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  1. STORY OF DIFFERENT DIAMONDS You might have heard that diamonds are forever since this is one of the most known quotes coming back from centuries. When we talk about the diamond, words like beauty, rarity, and timelessness are often associated with them. The origin of the diamond goes back to the dinosaur era and the estimated age ranges between 1-3.5 billion years. They are found well deep within the earth’s and slowly these mined pieces of carbon became a part of our lives. These days diamonds are referred to as a symbol of status, power, and eternal love. Amongst all the foundation stones on earth, they have the most strong popularity and no matter what are the traditions, diamonds are used to enhance the beauty of unique engagement rings. Let’s talk more about the diamond and how you can make a successful purchase:

  2. Whatarethemaincharacteristicsof adiamond A diamond is often referred to as the purest and most value-based by looking at the 4Cs as they are referred to as the key features. Let’s talk about the 4Cs in detail: 1. CUT: The cut of a diamond defines how beautiful a piece of diamond is. It reflects the light exquisitely in the diamond. For a perfect cut, you need to see that it’s neither too deep nor flat, but it should have the perfect symmetry. 2. COLOR: The beauty of a diamond is also defined by the color of a diamond. There should be a uniform color or equal transparency. 3. CLARITY: just like having a perfect cut, a perfect diamond should possess the utmost clarity. A near-perfect clarity will enhance the beauty of a diamond.

  3. 4. CARAT: the last C of 4Cs tells about the carat of the diamond which can be understood as the weight of it. 200 milligrams form one carat in the diamond. The carat of a diamond is a very important factor since even the slightest difference here can contribute to the drop of its monetary value. The grading system of diamond was firstly invented by GIA which stands for The Gemological Institute of America. This institute primarily focuses on research and education in the field of gemology. These days the 4Cs of any diamond are a universal standard to make the deal regarding the diamond. You can get an assessment report of the diamond once it passed through the grading system of GIA. Always go for GIA certified loose diamonds. What are the popular diamond shapes A diamond is found in the raw form during mining and later on, it is cut in various shapes where it is used in solitaire pendants or engagement rings. Let’s talk about some of the most popular diamond shapes and history associated with it:

  4. 1. Round Brilliant: this can be considered as the most popular shape ever since the 17th century period. This shape is designed in a way that reflects the maximum brightness from it. It is estimated that out of all the old diamonds annually, 75% of them are round-shaped and 54% of engagement ring center stones are preferred to be round only. 2. Oval Shape: oval-shaped diamonds are considered the olden in history. Even the world-famous Kohinoor is an oval cut diamond. The discovery of it was made in the 13th century in India and now it is part of the Tower of London in the United kingdom. This will also be called the elongated version of the round cut diamond. 3. Princess Shape: the square-cut shaped diamond known as princess shape is the second most popular diamond shape in the world. It was first found in the 1960s and from there on it gained its popularity in the 1980s. The key characteristics of this cut diamond are that it releases less rough waste when we put it in comparison to other shapes. 4. Cushion Shape: the last on our list would be a square-cut diamond which has round corners and has gained popularity steadily in the market. Looking at the popularity and the cut you might think that it’s modern but it has a long history to it and the roots go back to the 17th century. Some of them include the yellow Tiffany diamond, hop diamond, Napoleon diamond necklace, and the regent diamond. dress: 510 W 6th St. Suite 1200Los Angeles, CA, 90014 • Phone Number: 877-62 5094 H T T P S : / / W W W . A D I A M O R . C O M /

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