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ATCs in DB: Minnesota DOT’s Perspective

ATCs in DB: Minnesota DOT’s Perspective. Peter Davich MnDOT Design-Build Program Manager. MnDOT : ATC Statistics. DB Projects with ATCs: 22 since 2002 Total ATCs Submitted: 570 Total ATCs Approved: 352 (62%) Total ATCs Approved Without Conditions: 80 (14%)

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ATCs in DB: Minnesota DOT’s Perspective

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  1. ATCs in DB:Minnesota DOT’s Perspective Peter Davich MnDOT Design-Build Program Manager

  2. MnDOT: ATC Statistics DB Projects with ATCs: 22 since 2002 Total ATCs Submitted: 570 Total ATCs Approved: 352 (62%) Total ATCs Approved Without Conditions: 80 (14%) ATC Utilization Rate (Incorporated into Tech Proposal): 94% ATC Categories with the Highest Success Rates: Geotechnical – 79% Grading – 74% Materials/Walls – 71% ATC Categories with the Lowest Success Rates: Paving – 46% (MnDOT now disallows some paving ATCs) Geometrics – 49% Electrical – 50%

  3. MnDOT: ATC Graphs

  4. MnDOT: ATC Graphs Continued

  5. MnDOT: ATC Cost Statistics* ATC Cost Savings over the Life of MnDOT’s DB Program: $45.0 million Cost Savings of all Approved ATCs (including unsuccessful teams): $107.4 million Individual ATCs with Largest Cost Savings: Hastings ATC#2 “Tied Arch Alternate” $4,600,000 169/494 ATC#4 “Move Ramp G” $3,000,000 TH 212 ATC#1 “TH 212 Profile Grade Change $2,300,000 Recent Project Total ATC Cost Savings: I94 Reconstruction $1,555,000 I-35E MnPASS $3,375,000 TH 169/494 Interchange $6,545,000 *Note: Cost savings are as estimated by DB Teams

  6. MnDOT: Two-Stage One-on-One Meetings • Offer meetings ~3 weeks into procurement • “Dead on Arrival” or “Entertainable” • Bring appropriate personnel • Keep meetings small, 5-on-5? • Maintain confidentiality • No: note-taking coaching (but should point out risk areas) ‘stealing’ ideas (even for some mistakes) clarifications, unless ATC-related discussion of scoring

  7. MnDOT: ATC Process Continued • # of ATCs limited (5-25) • Identify appropriate reviewers, read details carefully and write conditions carefully • Management reviews: protect DOT interests and promote innovation • Respond within 7-10 days

  8. MnDOT: Pre-Approved Elements (PAE) • Can be thought of as a required ATC • Designed to mitigate risk for both parties • “Approved” vs “Equal or Better” • Back-and-forth discussion (“coaching”) is allowed…and necessary. • MnDOT Applications • Hastings Bridge: Redundancy, Scour, Fixity, Analysis Method • TH 610: Pavement Design

  9. MnDOT Resources • Instructions to Proposers template (ATC Process): • http://www.dot.state.mn.us/designbuild/itp.html • General Design-Build Information (Laws, Project Info, Etc) • http://www.dot.state.mn.us/designbuild/ • Forms/Other: • http://www.dot.state.mn.us/designbuild/DBmanual.html • Form 2.4a for Confidentiality Template • Form 4.9a for ATC Log, 4.9b for ATC Approval Template

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