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L’alphabet. Click on the speakers to hear each letter in French. a. b. d. c. e. f. g. Click on the speaker to hear the letter in French. a. ch a t. Click on the speaker to hear the letter in French. e. n e uf. l e. d e ux.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. L’alphabet Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  2. Click on the speakers to hear each letter in French a b d c e f g Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  3. Click on the speaker to hear the letter in French a chat Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  4. Click on the speaker to hear the letter in French e neuf le deux Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  5. Did you notice this letter sounds almost the same as in English?Listen out for more letters that sound nearly the same. f chef Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  6. Did you notice these ones rhyme?Listen out for more letters that rhyme with this sound b c g d Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  7. Click on the speakers to hear each line a b d c e f g Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  8. Click on the speakers to hear each letter in French h i k j l m n Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  9. Ooh look! Lots of volcanic ash... h Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  10. Hmm... it’s a Ford Ka k Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  11. Did you spot these ones that are nearly the same as in English? m n l Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  12. Did you spot these ones that rhyme? i j Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  13. Hmm – what do you notice about these sounds? j g Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  14. Click on the speakers to hear each line h i k j l m n Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  15. Click on the speakers to hear each letter in French o p r q s t u Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  16. What sound does a dove make? q Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  17. Did you spot these rhyming letters? p t Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  18. What do we breathe?Try rolling your ‘rrrrr’ with a mouthful of toothpaste r Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  19. and did you spot these English sounding ones again? o s Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  20. u Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010 Put your finger in your mouth like a lollipop. Remove your finger but keep your lips still. Without moving your lips, try to say ‘ee’ That is the French sound ‘u’.

  21. Click on the speakers to hear each line. o p r q s t u Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  22. Click on the speakers to hear each letter in French v w x y z Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  23. Makes more sense to me than double-u v w Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  24. Now take off the letters Tw and you are left with... x Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  25. This is actually taken from the Greek alphabet – it’s the Greek letter i y Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  26. Click on the speakers to hear each line v w x y z Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  27. ab c d efg hi jkl m n opqrstu v wxyz Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010

  28. How will you remember the letters of the alphabet in French? Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010 a as in......... b as in ........ c as in ......... d as in ........ e as in ........ f as in ......... g as in ......... h as in ......... i as in .......... j as in .......... k as in ......... l as in .......... m as in ........ n as in.......... o as in ......... p as in ......... q as in ......... r as in .......... s as in .......... t as in .......... u as in ......... v as in .......... w as in ......... x as in ......... y as in .......... z as in ..........

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