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Computer Acronyms

Computer Acronyms. Mrs. Embley Computer Technology. What is an acronym?. Definition: ac·ro·nym (ăkrə-nĭm) A word formed from the initial letters of a name. What is an acronym?. What are some examples of acronyms? How do you use acronyms, in your life, everyday?. Idk…my bff Jill?.

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Computer Acronyms

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Computer Acronyms Mrs. Embley Computer Technology

  2. What is an acronym? • Definition: • ac·ro·nym (ăkrə-nĭm) • A word formed from the initial letters of a name.

  3. What is an acronym? • What are some examples of acronyms? • How do you use acronyms, in your life, everyday?

  4. Idk…my bff Jill?

  5. Computer Acronyms • Computer language and slang uses a lot acronyms to shorten many long and complicated words. • This simplifies many computer conversations, but can leave listeners lost if they lack the schema (background) knowledge for computer talk. (blasted computer nerds!)

  6. How much do you know? • Lets take a simple quiz to test your computer knowledge. • Relax, if you have watched TV in the last five years, played on your computer, or own a cell phone, you are bound to know at least 10 of the questions  ! • Open up a bank email, type in the answers from 1-22 and email them to me by the end of class…Good Luck!

  7. Hint: Not all of these are literal acronyms, but still stand for shortened words 1.MS 2. PPT 3. CPU 4. CTE 5. ISP 6. CD-ROM 7. RAM 8. PIX 9. I/O 10. TXT 11. AOL 12. MSN 13. LOL 14. BBFN 15. BTW 16. WWW 17. BFF 18. LAN 19. WAN 20. DVD 21. CD-RW 22. URL

  8. Citations • (2007, April 19). Cingular Commercial - 'bff Jill' . Retrieved July 1, 2007, from UTube Broadcast yourself web site:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nIUcRJX9-o

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