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Updates on OCHA initiatives 2013

Updates on OCHA initiatives 2013. Cluster Reference Module Humanitarian Program Cycle Cluster Monitoring Process Needs Assessment and Monitoring initiative including MIRA. Cluster Reference Module. Circulated end 2012 as working document for use by cluster coordinators

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Updates on OCHA initiatives 2013

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  1. Updates on OCHA initiatives 2013 • Cluster Reference Module • Humanitarian Program Cycle • Cluster Monitoring Process • Needs Assessment and Monitoring initiative including MIRA

  2. Cluster Reference Module • Circulated end 2012 as working document for use by cluster coordinators • Updated 2013 used in simulation

  3. CRM – 2013 version • Cluster and sector coordination NEW • Cluster activation • Cluster transition & deactivation SIGNIFICANT CHANGES • Cluster functions • Role of cluster in preparedness NEW • Cluster management arrangements • Minimum commitments for participation in clusters • Subnational level co-ordination • Sharing leadership within the cluster approach • Inter cluster coordination SIGNIFICANT CHANGES • Coordination performance monitoring

  4. Humanitarian Program Cycle – drafted 2013 • Introduction • Humanitarian Programme Cycle enablers: Coordination Information Management Preparedness • The Humanitarian Programme Cycle: Coordination assessment and needs analsyis Strategic Planning Resource mobilisation Implementation and monitoring Operational Peer Review Evaluation

  5. HPC version 2013 • Used during simulation • Will be significantly redrafted / sections re- written based on simulation exercise and partner feedback

  6. Cluster Performance Monitoring • CPM tool initially developed by Health and Food Security clusters • Piloted in Somalia with Health, Wash & Food Security Clusters end 2012 (paper version) • Endorsed and adapted by OCHA • Piloted in South Sudan and OPT (online version) • Will be rolled out across all countries where there are active clusters

  7. Cluster Performance Monitoring Aim – Monitor Cluster against six core functions • Support service delivery • Inform strategic decision making of HC/HCT, • Planning and strategy development, • Advocacy, • Monitoring and reporting, • Contingency planning / preparedness/Capacity building The tool also assesses Accountability to Affected Populations

  8. Process • Cluster coordinator completes two questionnaires – cluster description and survey questionnaire on cluster functions • All cluster partners complete survey questionnaire • Facilitated discussion with cluster partners on findings and way forward to make cluster improvements where required

  9. Cluster Performance Monitoring • In piloting phase OCHA (SS and OPT) took full responsibility for CPM process including -- sending the questionnaires to the identified informants, --conducting the data analysis, and --preparation of preliminary reports • Responsibility for this moving to CLA – UNICEF in process of finalizing the system

  10. Rollout of Cluster Performance Monitoring • OCHA Geneva has identified some key countries where the CPM should be rolled out • In discussion with GCC on this to agree priority countries across all/most clusters • Nutrition Clusters at country level can also initiate CPM - discuss with OCHA in country / inform GNC–CT for support (http://clusters.humanitarianresponse.info/how-to/improve-cluster-performance).

  11. IASC Needs Assessment and Monitoring Initiative including MIRA Each cluster tasked to develop • Assessment indicators bank • Monitoring indicators bank OCHA working towards development of monitoring framework (for humanitarian response) • Status of MIRA

  12. Questions

  13. Humanitarain Program Cycle

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