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Twin flame relationships are intense

Twin flame relationships are intense, packed with lessons<br>and tremendous opportunities for growthu2014but they also bring<br>up a lot of questions. So, what better way to answer those<br>questions than by doing a tarot reading?<br>Here's what twin flame tarot readings are all about, plus an<br>eight-card spread you can try yourself.

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Twin flame relationships are intense

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  1. Meet Your Twin Flame LET PSYCHIC ROSE DRAW YOUR CARDS TO CREATE A DRAWING OF YOUR "MIRROR SOUL" Twin flame relationships are intense, packed with lessons and tremendous opportunities for growth—but they also bring up a lot of questions. So, what better way to answer those questions than by doing a tarot reading? Here's what twin flame tarot readings are all about, plus an eight-card spread you can try yourself.

  2. A twin flame relationship is arguably the most complex (and often most distressing) type of soul connection. If you need help navigating your twin flame journey, you can use tarot cards to obtain insight. Generally, twin flame tarot readings can help you find clarity and explore your twin flame connection. Many easy and accurate tarot spreads are available for twin flame readings, such as the Holistic Twin Flame tarot spread and Getting the Most Out of This Lifetime spread. The Twin Flame Dynamic spread, Twin Flame Energy spread, and the Twin Soul spread are some other helpful tarot spread options you can use. If you’re an experienced tarot reader, you can create a twin flame tarot spread of your own to ensure a reading that suits your needs. You might also want to take note of certain tarot cards that prove to react more with twin flame energies. Doing so will guarantee a more insightful twin flame reading.

  3. What is a twin flame? Sometimes, one soul is thought to get split into two bodies, or twin flames. This results in an intense soul connection between two people who are each other's "other half" or "mirror soul," so to speak. Twin challenging and healing, as a twin flame will show you your deepest insecurities and shadows. But they also help you overcome them and vice versa, and your twin flame will be equally affected by you. flame relationships are known for being both And according to licensed psychoanalyst Babita Spinelli, L.P., J.D., these relationships aren't always romantic. "The emphasis on a twin flame relationship is a spiritual connection where you feel a familiarity and polarity with a person. This can take the form of a friend or even an acquaintance," she previously explained to mbg. While many people consider a twin flame to be the same thing as a soulmate, they are, in fact, two very different things. What’s the difference between a twin flame and a soulmate, you ask? A “soulmate” is a soul that is part of your core “soul group.” They appear to help you evolve as a spiritual being. Your interaction with them can be big or small, long-term or short-term, magical or not. But they are there to help you learn life lessons.

  4. A “twin flame” is not part of your “soul group.” Instead, it’s the second half of your own soul—that you’re meeting again. So, interacting with a twin flame is never a trivial encounter. Because your twin flame is a part of you, meeting them can feel remarkably familiar, electric, magnetic, and potent. But, unlike a soulmate, the purpose of a twin flame isn’t to help you learn life lessons. They’re there for lessons about you. Interacting with a twin flame is like looking in the mirror; their presence shows you the darker side of your soul. Twin flame tarot reading. These tarot readings can help you answer specific questions surrounding a potential twin flame relationship. Whether you

  5. think you met your twin flame, or you've been with this person for years, a reading like this can offer insights you may not have otherwise realised. As tarot expert and author of Astrology SOS Imani Quinn tells mbg, tarot allows you to get a higher perspective on why this person is showing up in your life, so you can figure out how to navigate your relationship and where it is taking you. How to do a twin flame tarot spread. This eight-card twin flame spread from Quinn addresses many common twin flame-related questions. Pull each card one by one and lay them out in order. (You don't have to worry about the shape of the spread; just lay them out in a way that makes sense to you!) Card 1: This card represents your purpose in your twin flame's life. As Quinn explains, "Even though you both are a reflection of each other, where they're at in their life in some ways can be different from where you're at, so having an understanding of that allows for less of the tension and push-and-pull you see in the traditional chaser-runner dynamic." Card 2: Your second card represents your twin flame's purpose in your life. Understanding why they're in your life, Quinn says, can help you acknowledge this purpose head-on, "instead of staying in a place of resistance for too long." Card 3: The third card in this spread represents your past-life connection with this person. Quinn notes that understanding what happened between you two in the past can shed light on why they're showing up in your life now.

  6. Card 4: This card represents any challenges and/or karmic lessons you're facing that are relevant to this relationship. Card 5: The fifth card also represents challenges and/or karmic lessons your twin flame is facing that are relevant to this relationship. As Quinn notes, typically when a twin flame comes into your life, you're dealing with karma that came from a past, so it's important to understand and address it. Card 6: This card represents the soul contract between you and your twin flame, explaining why the universe brought you together again now. Your mission together as a twin flame pair is likely a big reason you were brought together, Quinn says, whether they're a lover or a friend. "So, understanding that mission is really important," she says. Card 7: The seventh card represents the current state of the relationship. Card 8: The eighth and final card represents the potential outcome of the relationship based on the current state of the relationship.

  7. Do I have expectations that this person will be my companion? Quinn notes that there are a lot of myths and misconceptions surrounding twin flames, and people often believe twin flames have to be romantic. "Twin flames are typically here to teach us a lesson and not necessarily to be a companion," she says, and it's worth asking yourself if you would be OK with a non-romantic relationship with this person. Am I clinging to the idea of a twin flame? With those twin flame misconceptions in mind, Quinn also says it's important to examine your ideas and expectations around twin flames. "Do you have a preconceived notion that you only have one twin flame and that's the person for you? Are you trying to fulfil this love story with them? Or are you kind of open to the idea that they could take different forms in your life?" she suggests asking. Tarot and Twin Flames Many people wonder whether they’ve met their twin flame. Sure, you could ask a psychic about your twin flame or look

  8. into getting a soulmate Tarot reading. But you could use these handy Tarot spreads to find out for yourself. ‘Find Your Twin Flame’ Tarot Spread Are you still looking for your other half? This Tarot spread helps you find your twin flame—or identify whether you’ve already met them. My twin flame (qualities, type of person) Have I met my twin flame yet? Will I meet my twin flame in a public place? What colors will they be wearing? Who will speak first?

  9. Will we know immediately that we are meant for one another? Advice on how to approach them ‘Twin Flame Relationship’ Tarot Spread Already met your twin flame? Here’s a spread to delve deeper into what the relationship is meant to teach you. You Your twin flame What our combined soul looks like My shadow self—highlighted by them Their shadow self—highlighted by me Can this be toxic? What needs to happen for the relationship to remain healthy

  10. Twin Flame Tarot Guide: Everything You Need to Know A twin flame Tarot reading can help to give us guidance towards union. It can give us insights into the journey and (more importantly) help us to understand where we should focus our energy and what we should do. It can answer questions, point us towards things we might be missing and can be one of the best tools we have to be with our mirror soul. Card readings can come in a lot of different forms, be done in different ways and (potentially) even hurt our journey. While opinions and beliefs always vary with Tarot cards these are the important things to watch out for. I’m going to look at how these spreads can help your journey and how you can do them yourself. To start with (in case you just want to get it done quickly) let’s look at where you can get one done for you. Can You Get Multiple Tarot Readings? Yes and no. Don’t fall into the trap of just asking different people to do readings until you get the answer you want or continually asking when your twin flame will be ready for union. I’ve seen people do this and they fall into the twin flame trap of obsessing without actually furthering their journey. Getting multiple readings over time to provide guidance and make sure you’re still focused in the right direction is perfectly

  11. fine but the focus should be on improving your journey, not just waiting for your twin. Can You Do a Twin Flame Tarot Reading Yourself? Yes. Anyone who tells you otherwise is likely trying to claim the Tarot is some mystical tool only their bloodline is allowed to use. Then they’re going to ask you for money. I don’t have an issue with getting a reading from someone else. I have no issue with Tarot readers helping other people in their twin flame relationship or spiritual awakening. I do have an issue with anyone claiming you can’t use the Tarot yourself and this happens far too often. Even if you do prefer to have someone like me (or anyone else of course) do your readings for you as well, it never hurts to provide yourself with insights too.

  12. Doing a spread for yourself can give you a lot of guidance on your journey and that’s something you can go back to as often as you need. I’m a big fan of this, especially if you’re using it to actively work on your progression toward union. The bottom line. Twin flame relationships bring up a lot of emotions and experiences on one's spiritual path, and this can lead to a lot of questions. Twin flame tarot readings offer answers to those questions, so you can gain challenges, and ideally, make any necessary changes within the connection. insight, acknowledge any Click to Read More about "Twin Flame Tarot - Astrology"

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