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The Wonderful World of Wikis Digital Learning in the 21 st Century

The Wonderful World of Wikis Digital Learning in the 21 st Century. MOVERS & SHAKERS Of the 20 th Century. ISRAEL FACES. by Melissa Weglein and Phylis Goldman. Neveh Channah Girls’ Torah HS Alon Shvut, Gush Etzion.

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The Wonderful World of Wikis Digital Learning in the 21 st Century

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  1. The Wonderful World of WikisDigital Learning in the 21st Century MOVERS & SHAKERS Of the 20th Century ISRAEL FACES by Melissa Weglein and Phylis Goldman Neveh Channah Girls’ Torah HS Alon Shvut, Gush Etzion

  2. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us:Melissa – melweglein@gmail.comPhylis – phylisg@gmail.com

  3. What are Wikis? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia • A collection of web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses them to contribute or modify content, using a simplified markup language. • A tool to create collaborativewebsites such as the collaborative encyclopedia, Wikipedia. • A wiki invites all users to edit any page or to create new pages within the wiki Web site. • A wiki seeks to involve the visitor in an ongoing process of creation and collaboration that constantly changes the Web site landscape. • A defining characteristic of wiki technology is the ease with which pages can be created and updated. • A single page in a wiki website is referred to as a "wiki page", while the entire collection of pages, which are usually well interconnected by hyperlinks, is "the wiki". • A wiki is essentially a database for creating, browsing, and searching through information.

  4. How do we access the Wikis? • Neveh Channah’s Home Page http://www.nevnet.etzion.k12.il/newmenu.htm • Projects 2008 • Movers and Shakers • Israel Faces

  5. Why use Wikis for project work? • Organization • Publishing • History • Instant Feedback (Discussion) • Peer Feedback (Discussion) • Web 2.0 Technology

  6. Movers and Shakers of the 20th CenturyOrganizing the Projectdeveloped by Tamar Bruck and Phylis Goldman • Description and Explanation of the Project In this project students chose to write about a person who changed the world during the last century. The person had to influence the world and create a positive change. The students' research delved into this person’s background, motives and actions as well as how he/she contributed to making the world a better place to live in. Working on the project, the students practiced both research and writing skills. They worked collaboratively, created a website to present their project, and as a concluding activity, reviewed their peers’ websites giving feedback relating to the content as well as the website’s aesthetics and technology.

  7. Movers and Shakers of the 20th CenturyOrganizing the Project • Project Time Schedule

  8. Movers and Shakers of the 20th CenturyOrganizing the Project • Worksheets to teach the various skills Project Journal Research http://movers-and-shakers.wikispaces.com/Assignment+Worksheets

  9. Movers and Shakers of the 20th CenturyThe Wiki Site - Publishing http://movers-and-shakers.wikispaces.com/

  10. Movers and Shakers of the 20th CenturyThe Wiki Site - Publishing http://movers-and-shakers.wikispaces.com/Who+was+Ariel+Sharon%3F Wikispaces editing toolbar – very similar to the WORD toolbar

  11. Movers and Shakers of the 20th CenturyThe Wiki Site - Publishing • Publishing http://movers-and-shakers.wikispaces.com/Janusz+Korczak%2C+The+Man+and+the+Legend

  12. Movers and Shakers of the 20th CenturyThe Wiki Site - Publishing Reflections

  13. Movers and Shakers of the 20th CenturyThe Wiki Site • History

  14. Movers and Shakers of the 20th CenturyThe Wiki Site • Instant Teacher Feedback

  15. Movers and Shakers of the 20th CenturyThe Wiki Site • Peer Review/ Feedback http://movers-and-shakers.wikispaces.com/Yoni+Netanyahu+by+Tamar+Sh.+%2C+Naama+and+Yael

  16. Israel Faces Projectdeveloped by Melissa Weglein and Reuven Werber • Wiki Project for English Speakers • Collaborative Learning • Rich Extensions • Opportunity for Personalized Advancement • Space for Introspection

  17. Why Wiki? • “The Medium is the Message” – Marshall McLuhan • The chosen media influences the message received • Students learning through Web 2.0 Technology receive the message that they are learning for their future. • Maximizes on-task learning • Students learn through thinking, creating, experiencing, evaluating, doing.

  18. Project Goals

  19. Our Wikispace: A Dynamic Interactive Classroom • A Two-step Process: • Preparation through Introspection and Collaboration • Individual Projects

  20. Our Collaborators:Weberwriter’s

  21. Self-profiling: An opportunity for sharing and introspection

  22. Self-profiling: An opportunity for sharing, and preparation for the project

  23. Aubrey from Atlanta

  24. Discussion Forum = self-motivated outputTova responds: Students commented: “I found myself checking my spelling because I didn’t want to look stupid"!

  25. Weekly Question:

  26. Weekly Question:Finding Common Ground

  27. To Understand and Respect

  28. Images of Israel:application of definition to a new medium

  29. Images

  30. Poetry Corner

  31. Eliana’s Translation of:הארץ שלימילים: רחל שפירא

  32. AND FINALLY…. The I-Faces Project!!


  34. Project Time Schedule

  35. RationaleDue Dates Organization Checklists

  36. Preparing Students for Interviewing

  37. Profile http://israel-faces.wikispaces.com/R%27nana%27s+I-Face+Project

  38. Bridging to other Contexts Background Research http://israel-faces.wikispaces.com/R%27nana%27s+I-Face+Project#toc3

  39. Literary Connection http://israel-faces.wikispaces.com/Kinneret%27s+I-Face+Project#toc3

  40. Creative Connection:Approaching Multiple Intelligences Tova’s Poemhttp://israel-faces.wikispaces.com/Tova%27s+I-Face+Project#toc7 Hodaya’s Slidesharehttp://israel-faces.wikispaces.com/Hodaya%27s+I-Face+Project#toc5

  41. Ma’ayan’s Thoughts on Painting Her Eye Why would one paint when he could just take a picture?? Every artist has been asked this question at a certain point. In a picture you can capture, more or less, what you see. In a painting, I feel, you have the opportunity to express not what you see, but how what you see affects you personally. For my creative assignment I have chosen to paint a painting of an eye, the window into one’s soul.Throughout working on this Ifaces Project, I see more and more clearly that the Jewish soul has a special connection to its land. In the eye’s reflection I posted pictures of places in Israel to symbolize the effect this connection has on our being. It blends in and becomes a part of us.

  42. Web 2.0 Technology in our Project • Video Conferencing with our Partners • Temima’s Creative Connection: Arriving in Israel • http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7665436422910258729 • Animotos: web-based animated slideshows • http://israel-faces.wikispaces.com/Israel+at+60+Project • R’nana • Orly • Tamar’s Video of Moshav Amiram • http://israel-faces.wikispaces.com/Tamar%27s+I-Face+Project • Embedded YouTube Videos • Links to Songs and Poetry

  43. Reflection • A channel for self-improvement • I see what I can do better • I see what I’ve done well • Gives teacher a guide for common student/teacher goals • Gives teacher feedback • Creates foundation for independent learning • Gives student and teacher retroactive appreciation facilitating stronger cooperation for future projects

  44. Kinneret’s Reflection As much as I love my home in Israel, i didn't quite understand the concept of a single person who represents a whole nation to me. It took me a long time to choose a person to interview. I felt that it wasn't a simple question- who represents the face of Israel to me. There are so many aspects of Israel, and so many people who contribute to it. How could I pick just one person? On the other hand, the idea of interacting with students in a different country made it seem a little more interesting to me. Hearing different opinions of other Jewish kids around the world, made this project seem more fun. I figured that hearing their thoughts on my work would encourage me to keep an open mind and to think about things through their eyes. Maybe they had a lot to teach me? Furthermore, I wanted them to see what life in Israel was really like.

  45. Chanita’s Reflection • Before I started the project I thought I would not gain anything, I thought it would be another project just like any other. But somewhere in the middle I just clicked, I felt I was actually looking forward to interviewing and learning more about the project. • If I had to say my favorite part of writing this project, it would probably be interviewing my brother (Eitan Gordon) because when I was interviewing him it made Koby in my eye's more human, like when he told me that Koby was really funny or that he loved pizza, it made me able to relate to him. Instead of looking at Koby like someone from above, I look at him like a real person. I would not change one thing about this project, I love the way it turned out.

  46. A Vision of K-12 Students Today:B. Nesbitt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A-ZVCjfWf8

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