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成人学士学位英语辅导. 会话技能讲解 (一). 会话技能讲解. 考纲解析: 考查实际工作中的口语交际能力; 突出交际目标,实用性,不涉及专业性; 通过选择最佳答案来补全语言情境,实现交际功能。. 会话技能讲解. 考试策略: 深入所考查的场景,注意中西方文化的差异;把握对话人的角色,掌握口语的习惯表达法;切忌死记硬背,避免受到中文口语表达的干扰。. 会话技能讲解. 解题技巧: 1. 通读对话,了解对话的情景和目的。 2. 注意对话要符合英语交际和表达习惯。 3. 每个句子都要看懂, 抓住相应语境中的关键词 ,准确理解其含义。

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  1. 成人学士学位英语辅导 会话技能讲解 (一)

  2. 会话技能讲解 • 考纲解析: 考查实际工作中的口语交际能力; 突出交际目标,实用性,不涉及专业性; 通过选择最佳答案来补全语言情境,实现交际功能。

  3. 会话技能讲解 • 考试策略: 深入所考查的场景,注意中西方文化的差异;把握对话人的角色,掌握口语的习惯表达法;切忌死记硬背,避免受到中文口语表达的干扰。

  4. 会话技能讲解 • 解题技巧: 1. 通读对话,了解对话的情景和目的。 2. 注意对话要符合英语交际和表达习惯。 3. 每个句子都要看懂,抓住相应语境中的关键词,准确理解其含义。 4. 重读对话,验证答案。 5. 采取排除法。

  5. 会话技能讲解 • 常考的英语口语交际语境: (一)问候 (二)询问 (三)建议 (四)邀请 (五)祝贺 (六)赞美 (七)感谢 (八)道歉 (九)其他

  6. 会话技能讲解 • 类别一:问候和介绍 介绍自己: • I’d like to make a self-introduction. I’m… • Please allow me to introduce myself. • I would like to introduce myself. • I’m… • How do you do ? I’m …

  7. 会话技能讲解 • 类别一:问候和介绍 介绍他人: • Tom, this is Mark, the CEO of … Tom, I’d like you to meet … • Tom, let me introduce … to you. 请求别人介绍: • Would you please introduce yourself ? • May I have your name?

  8. 会话技能讲解 • 类别一:问候和介绍 互相介绍 1. –Come and meet John. --How do you do? 2. --Let me introduce you to my friend Mr. Brown./ I would like you to meet my friend Mr. Black. --I’m pleased / glad to meet you./Nice meeting you.

  9. 会话技能讲解 • 类别一:问候和介绍 互相介绍 –How do you do? I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Tom. --How do you do? It’s a pleasure to meet you./Nice to meet you.

  10. 会话技能讲解 • 类别一:问候和介绍 问候: 1. –How are you? /How are you doing? --I’m fine, thanks./ Very well, thanks. And you? 2. –How is everything? --Pretty good. --What’s new?

  11. 会话技能讲解 • 类别一:问候和介绍 问候: How is everything going? How is it going? (包括复数的情况) How’s life with you? Fancy meeting you here! Anything new! 近况如何!

  12. 会话技能讲解 • 类别二:告别 告别前用语及其可能的回答: I have got to be going now. I’m afraid I must be off/leaving. It’s about time I was going. Can’t you stay any longer ? Do you really want to go ?

  13. 会话技能讲解 • 类别二:告别 1. Good bye. /Bye Bye. 2. –See you. --So long. /See you. 3. –Take care. --You too.

  14. 会话技能讲解 • 类别三:询问 • 问路 Excuse me , would you please tell me the way to the railway station? Excuse me, can you tell me where the Xinhua Bookstore is ? Excuse me, how can I get to …?

  15. 会话技能讲解 • 类别三:询问 • 问路 Sorry to bother/trouble you ,but can you direct me to the airport ? Excuse me, which direction is it to the Yuying Middle School?

  16. 会话技能讲解 • 类别三:询问 • 指路: Walk four blocks down the street and turn right. • 不知道方向: Sorry, I don’t know. I am new here,too. Sorry, I am not sure. You’d better ask…

  17. 会话技能讲解 • 类别三:询问 • 问距离和交通方式: How far is it from …? Is it long way to… on foot ? Which bus shall I take ?

  18. 会话技能讲解 • 类别三:询问 • 问时间: What is the time? / What time is it, please? Have you got the time? What’s the date today?/ What date is it today? What day is it today?

  19. 会话技能讲解 • 类别三:询问 • 问天气 What’s the weather like outside today? What’s the weather going to be tomorrow? How are the summer here? What’s it like outside today? What’s the temperature today? ∑.

  20. 会话技能讲解 • 类别三:询问 • 问天气的回答 • Well, it’s very hot./it’s wonderful. • Hot and humid. • It’s freezing outside. • It’s going to be cloudy tomorrow. • The temperature will drop … ∑..

  21. 成人学士学位英语辅导 会话技能讲解 (二)

  22. 会话技能讲解 • 类别四:建议与忠告 • 请求与允许/不允许 –Do you mind if I smoke? /Would you mind my smoking? --No, I don’t. --Oh, I’d rather you don’t.

  23. 会话技能讲解 • 类别四:建议与忠告 • 请求与允许/不允许 --Is it all right if I smoke? --Yes, go ahead./Do it, please. --Can I make a phone call? /I’d like to make a phone call, if you permit me. --Go ahead.

  24. 会话技能讲解 • 类别四:建议与忠告 • 建议 1. Why not go swimming? /Why don’t we go swimming? --Good idea./ Thank for your advice./ It’s a good suggestion. --I’d love to, but I have to prepare for tomorrow’s report.

  25. 会话技能讲解 • 类别四:建议与忠告 • 建议 How about going for a walk? What about a beer? Would you care to go to the party? You’d better take an umbrella with you.

  26. 会话技能讲解 • 类别四:建议与忠告 • 相应建议的回答 I’d love to. OK, I’ll do that. That’s an excellent idea.

  27. 会话技能讲解 • 类别四:建议与忠告 • 忠告 If I were you ,I’d leave now. I would try again if I were you . You’d better not go to school. We don’t permit you smoking in this building.

  28. 会话技能讲解 • 类别四:建议与忠告 • 忠告的相应回答 Thank you for reminding me. I’ll remember that. All right. I won’t go.

  29. 会话技能讲解 • 类别五:邀请与约会 • 提出邀请: Would you like to have dinner with me ? How about going to the cinema with us tonight ? I wonder if you can go picnicking with us tomorrow. I am calling to see if you would like to have lunch tomorrow.

  30. 会话技能讲解 • 类别五:邀请与约会 • 接受及婉拒 Sure./Sounds good./Yes ,that’s a great idea./ Yes, I do. / With pleasure I’d like to. But… I’m sorry. But this week is not convenient for me.

  31. 会话技能讲解 • 类别五:邀请与约会 • 商定约会时间或地点 Shall we meet at 7:00 pm ? Will 10 o’clock be OK ? Anytime and anywhere are all right. No, I can’t make it today. How about tomorrow?

  32. 会话技能讲解 • 类别六:感谢 Thank you very much./ (Many)thanks./ Thanks a lot . I can never thank you enough. Thank you for all you’ve done for us . I really appreciate your help /assistance / what you’ve done for me .

  33. 会话技能讲解 • 类别六:感谢 • 感谢的回答 It’s my pleasure. / My pleasure. / Anytime. Don’t mention it . You are welcome. That’s all right./ It’s nothing.

  34. 会话技能讲解 • 类别七:道歉 I apologize for what I have done . Please accept my heartfelt apology. I am really sorry for the trouble I brought to you. I feel sorry about … Please forgive my fault.

  35. 会话技能讲解 • 类别七:道歉 Sorry to disturb you. I did not mean to do that. It’s my fault; I’ll try to make it up to you. I owe you an apology for what I did last night.

  36. 会话技能讲解 • 类别七:道歉 • 道歉的回答 That’s all right. /Never mind. /It doesn’t matter. Forget it. / No problem./ That’s nothing . Nothing serious. It really isnot worth mentioning.

  37. 会话技能讲解 • 类别八:请求许可 I wonder if I can use your computer . Is it all right if I …? Would you mind my turning on TV ? Would you please lend … Would it be possible for me to put off the work.

  38. 会话技能讲解 • 类别八:请求许可后的 回答 No, do as you like. Certainly not./ Not at all. No, go ahead. You can … if you like. I’m sorry, but I do. I wish you would not.

  39. 会话技能讲解 • 类别九:祝愿祝贺 You look great this morning! Congratulations!/Congratulations on… Please accept my heartiest congratulation. Good luck. /The best of luck. Have a nice weekend./Happy New Year! ∑.

  40. 会话技能讲解 • 类别九:对祝愿祝贺的回答 Thank you. Thank you! It’s very kind of you to say so. The same to you. • 在此情景中要特别注意不要受到中文表达习惯的干扰。 ∑..

  41. 成人学士学位英语辅导 会话技能讲解 (三)

  42. 会话技能讲解 • 类别十:提出或请求帮助 • 提出的方式: What can I do for you ? Can I help you ? Is there anything I can do for you ? Let me give you a hand .

  43. 会话技能讲解 • 类别十:提出或请求帮助 • 提出的方式: Can you do me a favor ? Can you help me (with…) ? Would you please give me a hand ? I Would appreciate you very much if you give me some help.

  44. 会话技能讲解 • 类别十:提出或请求帮助 • 接受与拒绝: Yes, please./ Yes, thanks. It’s very knid of you. / That would be nice. No, thanks. I can manage it. Thank you all the same.

  45. 会话技能讲解 • 类别十一:电话的情景 • 打电话: May I speak to …, please? Is Tom in ? I’d like to talk to Mr. White. Is this Dr. Smith’s office? Can you connect me with Mike?

  46. 会话技能讲解 • 类别十一:电话的情景 • 接电话: This is … speaking. Speaking, please. Just a moment.I will put him on.

  47. 会话技能讲解 • 类别十一:电话的情景 • 无法接电话: Would you like to hang on a moment? Hold on, please. Sorry, he isn’t in all the moment. Sorry, He is not available now.

  48. 会话技能讲解 • 类别十一:电话的情景 • 留言: Would you like to leave a message? Would you mind calling back later? Can I leave Mr. Smith a message? Please tell him to call me back.

  49. 会话技能讲解 • 类别十一:电话的情景 • 挂断及拨错号码 Thanks for calling./ Please call again anytime. There’s no one here by that name. I am afraid you’ve got the wrong number. I am sorry. I must have misdialed.

  50. 会话技能讲解 • 类别十二:餐厅场景 • 询问及预约 Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? I’d like a restaurant with … I’d like to have some local food. I’d like to reserve a table for three. We’d like a table with a nice view.

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