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In the name of god

In the name of god. Parvaneh N amdari B irgany pragmatic. Pragmatic. -what is pragmatic ? Everything in language should investigate from 2 points of view : linguistic – psychology. In linguistic there are 2 main factors : 1.semantic 2.pragmatic.

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In the name of god

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  1. In the name of god ParvanehNamdariBirgany pragmatic

  2. Pragmatic • -what is pragmatic ? • Everything in language should investigate from 2 points of view : linguistic – psychology. • In linguistic there are 2 main factors : 1.semantic 2.pragmatic. • semantic is a literal meaning but pragmatic is the science of relation of signs to their interpreter . • Pragmatic is the relationship between language form , message language user.

  3. -pragmatic follows some questions : • - How do people communicate beyond the meaning of sentence ? • -How do peoples perception of contextual factors influence on interpreting language ? • -Why do people interpret sentence different ? The relationship between code model communication and pragmatic:

  4. Communication is encode - decode process and code is the system that enable messages and signals transmit between sender and receiver.so communication is successful.pragmatic is the science of relation of signs to their interpreter. • Pragmatic meaning : • -semantic and pragmatic • Usually the people think semantic is the study of linguistic meaning and pragmatic is the study of meaning in use but the task of pragmatic is moving from decontextualized meaning of the words and phrases to a grasp of their meaning in context by participants.

  5. -the aspects of pragmatic • The assignment of reference in context. • The assignment of sence in context. • The interpretation of illocutionary force(intended meaning) • The interpretation of implicated meaning(suggested meaning)

  6. Assigning reference in context: • -Reference is a social act • Reference isn’t a relationship between the meaning of a word –a phrase and an object or person in the word—reference is a social act in which the speaker assume that a word or phrase chosen to identify an object or person will be interpreted as the speaker intended.

  7. -Alistener need to assign reference to the word. The speaker should take the enough information or knowledge to listener because the speaker need to anticipate how much information the listener will need. So if it isn’t ,there is a gap between the decontextualized meaning of an utterance and the thought expressed by the word that will fill by inferences by speaker.

  8. Assigning scence in context: • -The process of identifying pragmatic meaning. • Sometimes the process of identifying pragmatic meaning is ambiguous.for example: nice one has 2 meanings.one of them is good the another meaning that is contextualized or natural meaning is good idea—well done: The observation shows that contextual meaning isn’t identified by the words that are used :there is a gap between the meaning of the word that are usedby the speaker intends to express by using those words. This gap is filled by addressee. • -The role of pragmatic : Pragmatic plays the important role in expressing utterance by thought.

  9. Inferring Illocutionary Force • What is illocutionary Force ? • Illocutionary Force is the speakers intention in producing that uttcrance . For example : Hows the salad doing ? • Heard of it ? • -language as a form of function • When we speak About something we do things like make a question - make a statement - offer apologies infact , the people use the language to perform actions.

  10. Working out implicated meaning. • -Implicated meaning or complicated indirectly: • Implicated meaning is refers to what is suggested in an utterance eventhought neither expressed nor implied. Infact , the main point of an utterance lienot with thought expressed by utterance but rather with the thought that hearer assume that the speaker intends to suggest. • - Grice says that people assume that communicative behavior is guided by a set of principles called co-operative principle.

  11. -four maxims of co-operative principle : • 1-Truthfulness or quality : every utterance should be true , informative , relevant and short – clear by communicator.  • 2-Informativeness or quality  • 3-relevance or relation  • 4-style or manner  • These rules are looking for the meaning different from vocabulary.

  12. Explaining the impact of social factors • - Social factors and communicative interation : • Social factors are reflected in communicative interaction. For example : politeness principle --- is the most important factor in co –operative principle. • For emample : • Pass the salt please – pass the salt – I like my .food salty

  13. - Pragma linguistic and sociopragmatic perspective by leech 1983 • Pragmalinguistic perspective focuse on the linguistic strategy that convey a pragmatic meaning.  • Sociopragmatic perspective focuse on interactional principles that under lie peoples strategy. • For example : I am a guest and I want some salt , so I can say in different way.

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