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Current Leprosy Situation

Review Meeting with State Health Secretaries on 11 th & 12 th September, 2012. National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP). Current Leprosy Situation. All States/UTs except Chhattisgarh and Dadra & Nagar Haveli achieved elimination.

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Current Leprosy Situation

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  1. Review Meeting with State Health Secretaries on 11th & 12th September, 2012.National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP)

  2. Current Leprosy Situation • All States/UTs except Chhattisgarh and Dadra & Nagar Haveli achieved elimination. • 445 (69.53%) out of 640 districts have achieved elimination. • At the end of March 2012, there were 83687 leprosy cases on record (under treatment), giving Prevalence Rate (PR) of 0.68/10,000 population. • In 2011-12, total 1,27,295 new leprosy cases were detected and put under treatment, giving Annual New Case Detection Rate (ANCDR) of 10.35 per 1,00,000 population. • 2548 reconstructive surgeries were conducted in 2011-12 for correction of disability in leprosy affected persons.

  3. Prevalence & Incidence Prevalence & ANCDR Year (March End)

  4. Achievements during 11th Plan

  5. Programme Issues - (1) 1. High Endemic Districts • 209 districts in 16 States/UTs identified for Special Activity Plan (SAP) during 2012-13. • Special Activity Plan (SAP) includes (i) Active search (ii) Capacity building of staff (iii) Awareness drive (iv) Enhanced monitoring and supervision (v) Validation of Multibacillary (MB) and child cases • Posting of Dedicated District Leprosy Officer in each high endemic district. Action Points • Preparation of detailed SAP in prescribed formats and submission to Central Leprosy Division. • Conduct SAP activities under strict supervision and monitoring.

  6. Programme Issues - (2) 2. Disability Prevention and Medical Rehabilitation (DPMR) • Two types of disability in leprosy Grade-I –insensitivity in hands and feet Grade-II – visible deformity in hands, feet and eyes • Services under DPMR cover reaction management, supply of self-care kit & MCR Footwear, referral services for management of complications and Reconstructive Surgery (RCS). • GoI recognized RCS Centres - 92 (Govt. 51 and NGO 41). • Minimum target for RCS is 3000 during 2012-13.

  7. Programme Issues - (2) Cont... Action Points: • To reduce Grade II disability in new cases by 35% during 12thPlan. • Early detection of cases through ASHA before nerve involvement and development of deformity. • Recognized centres need to perform atleast 40 RCS per year. • Performance of RCS centres should be monitored.

  8. Programme Issues (3) 3. Stigma and Discrimination • Leprosy is associated with high degree of stigma and discrimination • People living in leprosy colonies need regular services particularly for ulcer care and reaction. Regular Medical services in the colonies need to be provided by the nearest health centre. Action Points • Guidelines for reduction of stigma and discrimination against Persons Affected by Leprosy (PAL) need to be followed. • Involvement of cured PAL in planning and implementation of NLEP. They may be considered for inclusion in the State/District/Village level NRHM Committees.

  9. Thanks

  10. Incentives for services (1)

  11. Incentives for services (2)

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