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Part six-Promote your work

Using Instagram to promote Amour Propre Magazine, showcasing design aspects, website, magazine features, and interviews. Engaging with target audience and gaining followers.

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Part six-Promote your work

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  1. Part six-Promote your work Amour Propre

  2. Instagram:@amourpropremag I decided to use Instagram as a way of promoting my magazine, I was initially inspired by this idea when I looked into fitness influencers and a lot of their brands are promoted on social media as it hits a larger target audience, as well as this is targets my initial audience, this Is shown as within a few days I had gained quite a few followers. I have used Instagram to show my design aspects of my work through the highlights as well as promote the website that I’ve created and then I’ve also created posts about my title, and features written in my magazine as well.

  3. Following: In terms of my following on Instagram, The main people that follow are my own followers from my main social media account as I posted it on there. I also found that a few fitness people followed me and people who I had written features about, this is good as it’s just another way of gathering a larger audience, the main people that follow this account are women, which is expected due to the fact that that is my target audience, there is also a large amount of male fitness people who follow this account, which would be my secondary audience, this will be good to evaluate in my final evaluation as it shows that I do have a secondary engaged audience. Instagram:@amourpropremag Logo:I wanted the logo to follow my house style, therefore my magazine stays consistent throughout and it’s a way of recognising the magazine which will become easier for my reader to remember. I love how it fits my target audience so well and the fact that this symbol is also included on my website and the front cover of my magazine also helps a lot with recognition. I was going to put ‘ap’ as the image however I thought that it wasn’t very creative, so instead I found a way to include the house style of my magazine and I think that It works really well.

  4. All of my Instagram posts have complete relevance to my magazine and is designed to make the audience more excited. With this post I spoke about my interview with Ryan Beckett, giving it a brief overview and the image used is also the one used in the magazine, it's inviting and of good quality, also giving my followers an idea of the content produced in my magazine. It tells my audience the purpose of my magazine and justifies why you should read it, which is what I see on a lot of Instagram posts mainly when a new issue is about to release and I’ve seen that women’s health often do this. Instagram Posts Ryan Beckett Nutrition interview Womens health’s Instagram account:@womenshealthuk I definitely think that this post bought more of a male audience due to the fact that the person interviewed is male, this kind of feature will target both females who want to educate themselves on nutrition and personal trainers or males wanting to learn more about nutrition, it's perfect for both my main audience and my secondary audience.

  5. Others that I’ve published, I wanted to motivate my audience into trying something new and by hearing a story about how to get into it and how enjoyable it actually is, it will definitely target my audience. I wanted to ensure that when speaking in my posts that I stuck to my house style, this is important as it gives my followers an idea of how my features have been written and if it’s the kind of writing they’d want to read.I added that we spoke about aspirations on my post as I thought that this may also make others think about the types of goals that they set when it comes to exercise and nutrition. I’ve tried to keep each post’s comment area quite straight to the point and informative so that followers don’t have to read pages of writing when it could’ve been summed up in just a few sentences. I'm happy with the way that I’ve promoted this feature as I know that it’s engaging, informative and will stick to my target audience well. Thispost shows another interview completed with Vika. This photo again was one of the few used in this feature. I uploaded it because I wanted to show my target audience that not everyone featured in this magazine is a pt. or nutritionist and that there is some relatable content which may make them inspired into getting more into fitness and a new way of working out, which this interviewee did with muay Thai, I think that this interview targets my followers a lot due to the fact that the interviewee is female and young as well as the fact that the interview is quite different to any

  6. This post being a rather long one, showing my audience yet another feature written in my magazine but I think that this is a really good way of showing another feature as I speak about music and have used the playlist that I speak about in my feature as the main image, this shows my followers about the type of music I listen to when working out and connects to them on a more personal level as a lot of people hate sharing music. The writing underneath this post is quite long, however the first few lines are the most important and the reader doesn’t necessarily have to read all of it. I believe that all of the information written here will only educate my audience further and I also let them know about how to access the playlist and also the importance of music when working out. I think that this post targets my following well as it can apply to anyone interested in music and motivation, perfect for both my primary and secondary audience.

  7. This post speaks about the inspiration of my title and I think that this was an important post due t the fact that not many people will know what it means. It may be quite a boring post to read but I tried to keep it straight to the point and not overly spoken about. I wanted to educate my audience on the meaning of this phrase and how it actually means a lot to me and the idea was quite nice and actually targeted my audience really well. The posit in general is quite basic and just tells my audience about the meaning of the word but I think that the main idea was just if people were scrolling through and didn’t read the comments then they’d still have a basic understanding of what the magazine actually says. It gives my audience an idea of what to expect out of this magazine and how It will only motivate them further into achieving their goals as I don’t post generic bikini photos of girls looking unrealistic, the magazine speaks about achievements, motivation exercise and nutrition and I think that this was a really important thing to speak about prior to posting anymore about the magazine. I believe that this will engage my audience further and only encourage them to want to read it more as I’ve avoided any unnecessary features and have educated myself fully through others to understand exactly what I’m speaking about.

  8. Verdict of promoting on Instagram I think that by promoting the magazine on social media gave me the option to explore and find a larger audience, social media is used daily by my target audience and it allows me to reach them easier than any other way of promoting my work. I was going to use twitter as another way of promoting however I decided that it would be less useful for images and on Instagram I can post both images and add context to it underneath. It's also a larger platform that my audience uses and I have gained a lot of followers out of promoting this way. I also think that the type of context that I had posted was useful for my audience and I allowed myself to show previews of the design process which was really good and I got a lot of messages asking when the magazine would be completed by. I wanted to ensure that I didn’t post too much on Instagram as I would’ve given the whole magazine away, meaning that there would’ve been no point in reading. I wanted to keep it as a way to keep my readers engaged with the magazine and excited into looking at it further. I definitely think that Instagram is a great way of promoting the brand and I have gained more recognition and a larger audience out of doing it.I recently added my website link to my Instagram account, which now promotes both ways that I’ve promoted this magazine, the importance of this is to give readers who find me on either option to follow me on other platforms and it also shows a way of professionalism as I can engage with them on more than one platform.

  9. I decided to create a website as another way to promote my magazine due to the fact that it is an easier way to access content. Although it’s not in as much detail as my magazine it still has a lot of the content just with a lack of advertisements and imagery. This website was inspired by my knowledge that most print magazines also have an online platform. I think that this is a good promotional platform to grow my brand but I do think that it takes time for people to follow and understand the messages given through this magazine, therefore it may be less successful than the Instagram account. Website

  10. There is 7 out of 16 features currently posted on here as I was going to add them over time as my readers developed. I think that the features published are some of my strongest and they work the best for a blog style website. It was important to get a range of features on here as it targets a range of people and may spark their interest. I used the same imagery as I did previously in my magazine, this makes it link better to the print version and the fact that a lot of these images are from online makes the quality still work, which isn’t the case with some of them on my print version as I had a lot of changes to make. This will be my secondary platform for my Instagram followers to view if I can’t download the print version and work out how to upload to Instagram. I think that this platform Is a good way to promote my work just not as much as Instagram. There's also a place for people to comment on the features that they read and also there is a chat bar where they can interact with myself and that will let me get to know my readers more if they do wish to use it.

  11. Verdict of promoting via website • I do think that a website is a good way of making your brand spread around however I feel like due to the fact that my brand is quite small it doesn’t really have much recognition as a brand which possibly if I were to have promoted it earlier on it may do. I definitely think that it’s an essential platform for a print magazine to have but I’m unsure if my brand has had much promoting out of this and I’d definitely want to start creating this website earlier on next time so that it may have had a bigger following. • Overall I do think that it’s helped me just maybe not as much as my other ways of promoting goes, a website is always a good idea though especially when targeting a younger audience as they mainly interact online, I believe that it has had views form my Instagram link therefore it is getting attention just maybe not as much as the Instagram account is.

  12. Promoting at The Gym I got into contact with one of the personal trainers that I had interviewed and he offered to help promote the magazine within the gym in Exeter, this was very overwhelming as I never thought that this opportunity would come up and am excited that it has. I am so happy with this as it has allowed me to gain more readers. It has definitely made me think more about any changes that could be made to my magazine and because of this I have constantly been tweaking it and trying to ensure that everything is perfect prior to sending it off. I believe that this will allow me to broaden the company and maybe if things do go well then I may be able to produce a second magazine. I want to create as much of a following as possible through promotion and I believe that I have seeing as I have someone wanting to help me grow the brand further, this shows me that having good contacts within the industry that you’re specialising in as it can definitely help. All that I need to do is send it over to Ryan

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