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PI : Chaitan Baru (SDSC) Co-PIs : J Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU) Christopher Crosby (UNAVCO)

OpenTopography 2 : A Cyberinfrastructure-Enabled Facility for High-Resolution Topographic Data and Tools. PI : Chaitan Baru (SDSC) Co-PIs : J Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU) Christopher Crosby (UNAVCO) Viswanath Nandigam (SDSC)

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PI : Chaitan Baru (SDSC) Co-PIs : J Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU) Christopher Crosby (UNAVCO)

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  1. OpenTopography 2: A Cyberinfrastructure-Enabled Facility for High-Resolution Topographic Data and Tools PI: ChaitanBaru (SDSC) Co-PIs: J Ramon Arrowsmith(ASU) Christopher Crosby (UNAVCO) ViswanathNandigam (SDSC) Democratize online access to high-resolution earth science-oriented, topography data acquired with LiDAR and other technologies.

  2. Current OpenTopography Holdings How do we deliver these large community data sets to users? • Large user community with variable needs and levels of sophistication. • Goal: maximize access to data to achieve greatest scientific impact. • Big data – treat data as an asset that can be used and reused

  3. Red: NSF Green: Fed agency Blue: State/non-profit Data Status • LIDAR returns: ~499.9 billion • Size on disk: 12+ TB • Area: 85,757 km2 • 108 (7 TLS) datasets • And growing! 13078.02 MOUs & Partnerships NSF: NCALM, UNAVCO, CZOs, LTER Other: World Bank, Tahoe Regional Planning Authority, Teton Conservation District, Oregon Lidar Consortium, Idaho Lidar Consortium, NASA LVIS and GLAS, … Service Agreement: State of Indiana

  4. OT Data Ingestion by Quarter Data Status • NCALM Data: • EarthScope, CZOs, PI datasets, seed projects • ~75% of NCALM data available via OT • More coming monthly

  5. 72,212 DEMs downloaded • ~2,500 registered users • 232 “power” users • 17,790 Pt. Cloud Jobs • 447 billion pts processed Usage Metrics: users & data access 400,000,000,000 Points processed 300 Unique users/month for point processing 5/2010 11/2012

  6. Other resources: tools, education and outreach OT Tool registry--community populated clearinghouse of software, utilities, and tools oriented towards high-resolution topography data (e.g. collected with LiDAR technology) handling, processing, and analysis OT E&O: Short Courses & Workshops - Over subscribed; directly reached more than 150 participants, mostly students http://www.opentopography.org/index.php/resources/short_courses Significant tutorial content, including videos:

  7. www.opentopography.org Connecting with OT OT Advisory Committee: Represents user community Nancy Glenn, Department of Geosciences, Idaho State University Stephen DeLong, USGS Menlo Park Jason Stoker, USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Doug Yule, Department of Geological Sciences, Cal State Northridge Mark Williams, INSTAAR & Dept. Geography, CU Boulder TBD, NEON representative Noah Finnegan (NCALM representative), Earth & Planetary Sci Dept., UC, Santa Cruz http://www.opentopography.org/index.php/about/advisory

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