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Introduction. Network programming involves writing programs that communicate with other programs across a computer network. One program is normally called the client and the other the server. ( http://www.kohala.com/start/preface.unpv12e.html ).

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  1. Introduction • Network programming involves writing programs that communicate with other programs across a computer network. • One program is normally called theclient and the other the server. (http://www.kohala.com/start/preface.unpv12e.html) Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  2. Introduction In computing, network programming, essentially identical to Socket programming or client-server programming, involves writing computer program that communicate with other programs across a computer network. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_network_programming) Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  3. writing computer computer network Introduction Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  4. Introduction Jadi Pemrograman Jaringan : Sebuah program jaringan dapat menerima informasi dari seluruh komputer yang ada diseluruh dunia. Dapat juga berkomunikasi dengan banyak orang diseluruh dunia, namun juga dapat mengancam komputer-komputer diseluruh dunia Program jaringan yang simple dan terkenal adalah client server – Contoh: browser-web server, chatting/messenger, multiplayer games, peer-to-peer applications seperti Gnutella. Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  5. Introduction Apa yg dapat dilakukan Pemrograman Jaringan ? Retrieve Data – Paling banyak dipakai – Cth: browser, RSSReader Send Data – Cth: File Storage , Grid Computing Peer to Peer Interaction – Cth: Games, Chat/Messenger, File Sharing Web Based Application -Cth: Search Engine E-Commerce Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  6. Introduction Aplikasi-aplikasi Pemrograman Jaringan Network Tools – traditional: telnet, ftp, rsh, rlogin, SMTP, Internet Tools – gopher, HTTP, NTP, Chat rooms Collaborative Tools – Application Sharing , Desktop Conferencing,Distance Learning Distributed Object Computing – SUN RPC, CORBA, JAVA RMI Distributed Databases -Oracle, SQLserver Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  7. Protocols Karena harus berkomunikasi menggunakan “bahasa yang sama” Introduction Bagaimana berkomunikasi antar aplikasi dalam sistem ? Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  8. Introduction TCP/IP Protocol Architecture • Application Layer – Communication between processes or applications • Host to host, or transport layer (TCP/UDP/…) – Reliable delivery of data – Ordering of delivery • Internet Protocol – Menentukan jalur: jalur yang ditempuh antara pengirim dan penerima. – Switching: memindahkan paket dari input router ke output router yang sesuai. – Call Setup: beberapa arsitektur jaringan membutuhkan setup koneksi dahulu. Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  9. Introduction • Tujuan : • Mampu mengembangkan program client dan server dengan menggunakan protokol User Datagram Protocol (UDP) dan Transport Control Protocol (TCP) • Memahami bagaimana Internet bekerja, Arsitekturnya dan protokol TCP/IP Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  10. Introduction Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  11. Introduction Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  12. Introduction Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  13. Introduction Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  14. Introduction Diskripsi : Membangun arsitektur client-server menggunakan Socket interface (API untuk TCP/IP). Materi nya meliputi : Dasar dan lebih lanjut pemprograman jaringan TCP/ seperti multiprocesses, I/O multiplexing, multithreaded, multicasting and secure network programming. Application examples such as Internet browsing, instant messaging, proxy filtering (deskription.doc) Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  15. Introduction Application programming interface (API) is an interface that defines the ways by which an application program may request services from libraries and/or operating systems.[1][2][3] An API determines the vocabulary and calling conventions the programmer should employ to use the services. It may include specifications for routines, data structures, object classes and protocols used to communicate between the requesting software and the library. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_programming_interface) Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  16. Introduction Contoh API ASPI for SCSI device interfacing Carbon and Cocoa for the Macintosh ClipMail Comedi Data Acquisition API DirectX for Microsoft Windows Drupal API (Drupal) Facebook API (Facebook) Google Maps API iPhone API Java APIs MediaWiki API (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_programming_interface#API_examples) Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  17. Introduction OpenGL cross-platform graphics API OpenAL cross-platform sound API OpenCL cross-platform API for general-purpose computing for CPUs & GPUs PaymentVision PayAPI for ACH & Credit Card Payment Processing PayPal Payment Pro PC BIOS callinterface Mosso_(cloud_computing) API Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) Single UNIX Specification (SUS) TweetDeck (uses the Twitter API) Windows API YouTube API AMESim Circuit API Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  18. Introduction The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the core protocols of the Internet Protocol Suite. TCP is one of the two original components of the suite (the other being Internet Protocol, or IP), so the entire suite is commonly referred to as TCP/IP. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol) Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  19. SAP Network Programming Topics in this section include: • What a socket is • What you can do with a socket • The difference between TCP/IP,UDP/IP and Multicast sockets • How servers and clients communicate over sockets • How to create a simple server • How to create a simple client • How to create a multithreaded server (Socket-notes.pdf) Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  20. SAP Network Programming Topics Lecture 1: Overview, TCP/IP Architecture, Introduction to Sockets programming (C:1-5, S:3) Handout Lecture 2: Sockets Elementary, Client Algorithms and Software Architecture I (C:6,7,S:4) Handout Lecture 3: Server Algorithms and Architecture I: Iterative Servers (C:9-10, S:5,8,27) Handout Lecture 4: Server Algorithms and Architecture II: Concurrent Servers and I/O Multiplexing (C:11-13, S:6,27) Handout Lecture 5: Multi Service Servers, (C:14,16), Socket Options (S:7) Handout Lecture 6: Multithreaded Servers (S:23, papers, Examples) Handout Lecture 7: IP Multicasting: (S: 19, Examples) Handout Lecture 8: Gateway and software Tunneling (15,17,18), Daemon Processes , Non Blocking I/O (S:12,15) Handout Lecture 9: Reliable Multicasting Protocols (Handout) Lecture 10: Advanced Topics: SSL and Attack protection (Deskription.doc) Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  21. SAP Pemprograman Jaringan ( SAP GUNADARMA TI ) (AK-045214.doc) Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

  22. SAP DISKUSI Penguatan Materi Mata Kuliah : Pemprograman Jaringan, 20 Agustus 2009

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