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WordSkills. Lesson 7. agitate agent react. ag (force) ate (make, do) ag (do) ent (one who) re ( ) act (do). 1. act (ag) – drive (force), do. android philanderer androgenous. andr (male) oid ( having characteristics of) phil (love) andr (male) er (one who) andr (male)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WordSkills Lesson 7

  2. agitate agent react ag (force) ate (make, do) ag (do) ent (one who) re ( ) act (do) 1. act (ag) – drive (force), do

  3. android philanderer androgenous andr (male) oid ( having characteristics of) phil (love) andr (male) er (one who) andr (male) gen (origin) ous ( full of) 2. andr -- male

  4. arthropod arthritis arthropathy arthr (joint) pod (foot) arthr(joint) itis (inflamation) arthr( joint) path ( ) y (result of) 3. arthr -- joint

  5. bible bibliography bibliophile biblio (book) biblio (book) graph (write, record) bibilio (book) phil ( ) 4. biblio -- book

  6. calligraphy calisthenics kaleidoscope calli (beautiful) graph (write) y ( ) calli (beautiful) sthenos ( strength) ics ( science of) kali (beautiful) eidos (form) scop ( ) 5. calli (kali)-- beautiful

  7. capital decapitate capitulum capit (head) al (related to) de ( ) capit (head) ate( ) capit( head) 6. capit -- head

  8. chronic chronological synchronize chron (time) ic (having characteristics of) chron (time) log (study) al (related to ) syn (together) chron (time) ize (make, do) 7. chron -- time

  9. anemia toxemia leukemia an (lacking, without) emia (blood) tox (poison) emia ( ) leuk (white) emia (blood) 8. emia – blood condition

  10. fluent confluence superfluous flu (flow) ent ( full of) con ( ) flu (flow) ence (state or condition) super (over, above) flu (flow) ous (full of) 9. flu-- flow

  11. confuse effusive profusion con ( ) fus (pour) ef (out) fus (pour) pro (forth) fus (pour) ion (state of) 10. fus – pour

  12. agnostic ignorance prognosis a (without) gno (know) ic (related to) i (not) gno (know) ance (state of) pro (forward, before) gno (knows) sis (process) 11. gno -- know

  13. segregate congregation gregarious se (apart, away) greg (gather) ate (make, do) con ( ) greg (flock) tion(state of ) greg (flock) ious (full of) 12. greg – flock, gather

  14. hemorrhage hemophilia hematology hemo (blood) rrhage (flow) hemo (blood) phil (love) ia (condition) hem (blood) logy ( ) 13. hem (hemo)--blood

  15. communism capitalism egoism commun (common) ism (doctrine) capit (head) al (related to) ism (doctrine) ego ( ) ism (belief) 14. ism – belief, doctrine

  16. juror perjury abjure jur (swear) or ( one who) per (thoroughly) jur (swear) y ( ) ab (away) jur (swear) 15. jur --swear

  17. lateral unilateral quadrilateral Lat (side) al (related to) uni (one) later (side) al ( ) quadr (four) later (side) al (related to) 16. lat -- side

  18. maniac kleptomania pyromania mania (obsession) klept (steal) mania (obsession) pyro ( ) mania (obsession) 17. mania- obsession

  19. neurology neuralgia neurectomy neuro (nerve, brain) logy (study of) neuro (nerve, brain) alg (pain) ia (condition) neuro (nerve, brain) ec (out) tom (cut) y (result of) 18. neuro – nerve, brain

  20. pedal pedestrian podiatrist ped (foot) al ( ) ped (foot ) ian (one who) pod (foot) iatr (cure, heal) ist (one who) 19. ped (pod) -- foot

  21. rupture erupt interrupt rupt (burst) ure ( state of) e (out) rupt (burst) inter (between) rupt ( break) 20. rupt – break, burst

  22. scribble circumscribe post script scribe (write) circum ( ) scrib (write) post ( ) script (write) 21. scrib (script) -- write

  23. terrain inter terricolous terr (land) ain (related to) in (in, into) terr (earth) terr (earth) colere (dwell) ous (full of) 22.terr – land, earth

  24. torso distort tortuous tors (twist) dis (apart, away) tort (twist) tort (twist) ous (full of) 23. tors -- twist

  25. reverse convert versatile re( ) vers (turn) con ( ) vert (turn) vers (turn) 24. vers (vert) -- turn

  26. devour carnivorous voracious de (down) vor (eat) carn (flesh, meat) vor (eat) ous (full of) vor (eat) cious (having lots of) 25. vor -- eat

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