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Near future perspectives of Advanced Computing Services in Latin America

NRENs, VRCs & Accessibility are THE keywords for sustainabilty. Near future perspectives of Advanced Computing Services in Latin America Luis A. Núñez (RedCLARA/UIS) Salma Jalife (CUDI) Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012. Introduction Sustainability for DCI Services an Open Problem

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Near future perspectives of Advanced Computing Services in Latin America

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  1. NRENs, VRCs & Accessibility are THE keywords for sustainabilty Near future perspectives of Advanced Computing Services in Latin America Luis A. Núñez (RedCLARA/UIS) Salma Jalife (CUDI) Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  2. Introduction Sustainability for DCI Services an Open Problem RedCLARA & LA NRENs specificities GISELA Lesson Learned NGI Model is not enough VRC the Key for Sustainability Accessibility to the e-infrastructure Massive Applications to engage NRENs The Near Future A Road Map of DCI Projects A Project to continue A Business Model to be implemented Conclusions Outline Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  3. Sustainability for DCI Services: an Open Problem Sustainability of NGI Operations T. Ferrari/EGI.eu EGITechnical Forum 2012 http://www.gslm.eu/news/gslm-and-ngi-sustainability NGI/EIRO survey on national operational services • What operations services, if any, will be affected by the ending of EC funding provided through EGI-InSPIRE after April 2014? • No impact 30% (CERN, Georgia, Hungary, Moldova, Poland – funding until 2017); Negotiation in progress 5%; Some services stopped/downsized 5%; All NGI operations services stopped or downsized 60% • 81% NGIs without secured funding (only 45% of NGIs in negotiation phase) • Improvement of funding position in only 9.5% of the NGIs (position worsened for 25% of the NGIs) • National funding is the main source being sought for • NGI partner fees being considered by a few NGIs • Little interest in a “fee for service” model • No progress in NGI operations sustainability • No clear indication of progress in the last 12 months Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  4. RedCLARA & LA NRENs specifics • A non-profit organisation 15 National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) • Diversity of technical skills and maturity of local scientific communities of its members • Brazilian and Venezuelan NRENs are only ones that have structural governmental support • Rest of LA countries have built their NRENs with the support of their members, charging them for operations and services • In the rest of LA countries several different organisational schemes can be found, sometimes involving also the private sector Gov. Supported • Mature • Developing • Starting RedCLARA & LA NRENs have to find the most efficient way to operate Advanced Computing e-Infrastructures with a minimum budget and a maximum benefit for its members Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  5. CLARA APPLICATIONS MANAGER NETWORK MANAGER (NSC) Grid Community Coordinator Regional GOC+GOC Regional NOC+NOC GOC NOC NGI or EDGS NGI or EDGS GOC Country LA–1 REUNA Country LA–N NOC NGI or EDGS Country LA–2 NGI Model is not enough NGI ComplexModel Cooperative Broker Model No NGI? Direct service No borders in between? Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  6. Projects cooperating building VRC and sustainability plans Sharing interest in VRC, Accesibility and Sustainability Plan for services CHAIN-REDS ELCIRA MesoAmerica --31/08/2012 CHAIN GISELA --01/09/2010 ALICE2 --31/03/2010 EELA-2 --01/04/2008 --31/12/2007 EELA --01/01/2006 • ALICE2 defines RedCLARA Live Product Cycle definitions • GISELA profits from the Services Model and builds an Advanced Computing Business Plan • CHAIN/CHAIN-REDS : • Identifies Advance Computing Services to build a wide portfolio • Provides the Science Gateway concept • Uses the LPC definitions to build a Service Model • ELCIRA Deploys Identity Fed, EU-LA, HD VideoConf Standards, VRC Building • MesoAmerica, Uses GISELA expertise in disaster mitigations in Central America Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  7. Current RedCLARA Services (Web Portal) • Webconference (VCEspresso) • Videoconference (SIVIC) • Content Management (DSpace) • E-Learning System (Moodle) • Video on Demand (CLARAVe) • Web 2.0: Wikis, Blogs • Researchers/Funding opportunities/Partner search • News, Agenda, etc GISELA triggered the concept of the first RedCLARA Advanced Computing Service ! Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  8. LA regional communities LACXSER (LAtinoamerican Colaboratory of eXperimental Software Engineering Research) ReLANS (Red Latinoamericana de Nanotecnología y Sociedad) MAYA (Red de Microorganismos, Agricultura y Alimentos) MCISur (Manejo Costero Integrado del Cono Sur) LAGO (Large Aperture Gamma Ray Burst Observatory) MAPA D2 (Mapa e Programa de artes em danca digital) LACLO (Latin American Community of Learning Objects) CoLaBoRa (Comunidad Latinoamericana de Bibliotecas y Repositorios Digitales)  URDIMBRE (Research of the impact of TIC in education) ComCLARA2011 LAGO (Large Aperture Gamma Ray Burst Observatory) MAPA D2 (Mapa e Programa de artes em danca digital) LACLO (Latin American Community of Learning Objects CoLaBoRa (Comunidad Latinoamericana de Bibliotecas y Repositorios Digitales)  FLU‐CAP Programa de Influenza para Centroamérica y Panamá TIC en FID Formación Docente Inicial ACHALAI Red internacional de recuperación del patrimonio inmaterial de tradiciones musicales Grid Computación Científica y de Alto Rendimiento ARCU-RED Comunidad de arte y cultura en la red IPOL-LA Image Processing Online Latin America CLARISE Comunidad Latinoamericana Abierta Regional de Investigación Social y Educativa Latin IDE Comunidad Latinoamericana de Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales CLIC Comunidad Latinoamericana de Investigación y Construcción de Conocimiento ComCLARA2010 Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  9. ComCLARA 2010/2011 Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  10. RedCLARA synergies with other VRC projects/new communities • Database of available funding for Research and Innovation in Latin America, development funded by FEMCIDI (OAS) • Database is available and working will be linked to CHAIN Knowledge Base • Permanent population of the database being funded by ALICE2 project • Three new communities funded by IDB project • Seismology/Tsunami alert • Health/Tropical Diseases • Renewable Energy/Bio-fuels • Looking for new communities and alliances • WHO/PAHO:Network of university hospitals • CYTED/ALFA Communities • NanoAndes Community (LA-France Cooperation) • RISC EU Project: A Network for supporting the coordination of supercomputing research between Europe and Latin America Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  11. CLARA TT Lessons Learned: VRC strategic approach Identify most relevant research areas for LA for international cooperation Get a better knowledge of research groups by several means: personal visits, participation on their meetings Promote incentives for communities working on MDG and FP7 Build strong relationships with regional, other European and international S&T agencies for fruitful cooperation Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  12. CLARA TT Lessons Learned: Sustainability Recipe • Take a look around and identify all products you can offer. Thinking out of the box, exploits those services based on your most competitive skills • Wrap out all your products in a incremental model • Simplify the service delivery methodology • Aiming to the widest group of users • Aiming to solve problems with social impact • Do your math to evaluate your cost and to explain the way you did your math • Be competitive but also solidary leaving spaces for those who can not afford the services • Workout a marketing plan to reach users Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  13. RedCLARA Advanced Computing Services model • AC Expertise Transfer. Technical Consulting to assist in house applications • Federated Authentication Resources. Grant authorized access to use the federated resources at a continental scale • Application ShelfService: Application ShelfAllows the users, industrial partner and/or NREN to contract computing resources • Virtual Resources Grid Allocation. Virtual services e-infrastructure, such as: environments cores/storage/network provisioning • Data Preservation Services. To offer the possibility to store their data for a period of time • Training and Capacity Building Service. To increases the usage and the culture of Advanced Computing Services by providing people the information and the skills needed to access the AC Services Reason: Grid Services need to reach other communities than HEP and other large EU-based VRCs to become sustainable in Latin America RedCLARA AC Services Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  14. Science Gateway-based model Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  15. Services for Researchers & Students Communities Online S&T Olympics Citizen Science Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  16. Access to Application information http://www.chain-project.eu/applications Knowledge Base Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  17. Profiting from Community Model • Under Mesoamerican Integration and Development Project (MIDP) IDB Funded Project http://www.proyectomesoamerica.org/ • Sharing Sensors, Computing & Communications Resources • Profiting from Data Management for modeling severe climate events • Defining Mitigation actions and responses to handle severe climate events • Mexico, Central America Countries, Colombia & Caribbean Countries • RedCLARA IDB Promoted VRC • Researchers from: mx,gt, sv, cr, pa, co, ve, ec, cl ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  18. CLARA APPLICATIONS MANAGER NETWORK MANAGER (NSC) Grid Community Coordinator Regional GOC+GOC Regional NOC+NOC GOC NOC NGI or EDGS NGI or EDGS GOC Country LA–1 REUNA Country LA–N NOC NGI or EDGS Country LA–2 NGI Model is not enough NGI ComplexModel • 5 NRENs + 2 Insts Committed to support • CUDI-mx, RedCONARE-cr, RENATA-co, CEDIA-ec and InnovaRed-ar • UNAM-mx, UniAndes-co • ROC-LA (mx,co,br) • Mesoamerica project to foster sustainability Cooperative Broker Model No NGI? Direct service No borders in between? Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  19. D1.5: CLARA TT Action Plan / Objective 1:  Raise awareness that Advanced Services can bring to decision makers, research communities and to the public: Organising Virtual Days on Technology and the Community Organising courses and competencies for students Document the existing Applications of the GISELA Science Gateway Interview Latin American high authorities and decision makers in Science and Technology. Status at M24 13 Virtual Meetings held (7 in year-2) and 14 Tutorials & Workshops organised (7 in year-2) The Science Gateway home page includes all the necessary documentation; Regular interaction with political and S&T e.g. at GISELA-CHAIN Conference and TICAL’12 D1.5: CLARA TT Action Plan / Objective 2:  Identify the real needs of Advanced Computing Services of Research Communities. Detecting communities with high positive social impact as potential users of ACS Connecting potential research communities. Status at M24 CLARA defined its VRC strategic approach towards LA Regional Communities such as the 13 identified (ComCLARA2010 and ComCLARA2011) to key out their needs in Advanced Computing Services. CLARA TT: Answers to Reviewers Recommendations (1/2) R2.1: Complement the business plan with a detailed action plan specifying the actions necessary for each activity moving it from a concept to implementation and document this in D1.5. A report on the execution of this action plan should be presented at the next review. Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  20. CLARA TT: Answers to Reviewers Recommendations (2/2) D1.5: CLARA TT Action Plan / Objective 3: Develop Science Gateway functionality e.g.: Plug-ins for different middlewares: Adapters to access cloud computing services, Applications installers. Status at M24 OurGrid adaptor deployed, allowing execution of applications through the GISELA Science Gateway. D1.5: CLARA TT Action Plan / Objective 4: Creation of a Latin American Task Force for technical support to Applications running in a SG environment: Installing Applications of communities with high social impact (Seismology and Climate); Installing Identity Federation Systems Documenting extensively the processes of adaptation and configuration of the Science Gateway; Redefining the web interface and usability of the portal; Creating on-line and detailed technical documentation. From existing detailed base of documentation. Status at M24: The LA Task Force is operational and is currently working on: Integrating new applications on the GSG; Deploying an Identity Federation in Mexico; Updating the GSG contents, Preparing GSG training materials, Organising GSG end users training events e.g. series of Webinars. R2.2: Establish a process for collecting feedback from the users as well as partners supporting the sustainability in order to understand what are missing services and features of the science gateway. Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012 20

  21. Six month planning Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  22. Business Plan: Still being worked out The Business Plan enriched with the new reality Will start by the end of February with 5 NRENs adapting it to their national needs • Same Business model, New ingredients, New costs, New Interests: New Reality • Understanding GISELA Science Gateway, core of service model • Massive Applications for new a teaching model • Identity Federations to authenticate a lot of academic services • ROC-LA as a Regional Operational Center • MesoAmerica Project, starting point for business case • Sharing costs of ROC & RC operation from: mx, cr, co, ec, ar. • Solidarity with other regional NRENs users (gt, sv, pa) • SG LA Task Force focusing on applications with social impact • New partners from goverment and non academic institutions Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012

  23. Conclusions: What has LA inherited? Final Project Review, Brussels, 11.10.2012 • Commitment & Cooperation for ACS support • 5 NRENs committed to support the DCI in LatinAmerica • 16 institutions cooperating to provide resources • Expertise Handover and permanent NRENs-users feedback for ACS • ROC and RC operation up & running • SG adapted for NREN needs and takeover for applications from VRC • Growing Identity federation in RedCLARA members (mx, co, cl) • Generic Applications to involve students in a new model for teaching • A Service & Business Model to implement new ACS • NREN driven applications: social impacts and generic applications • Grid and other services from one spot (including social network + mobile) • New social network+mobile model for advanced network services • Ecosystem of projects to continue implementing the Business Plan • ELCIRA: Identity Federation to be used by several NRENs services • MesoAmerica Project to promote DCI applications with social impact

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