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Introducing F

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Introducing F

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Introducing F# Don Syme Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research, Cambridge

    2. Session Objectives and Agenda A Taste of the F# Language Design Exploring F# with F# Interactive Multi-paradigm Programming with F#

    3. F#: Combining Paradigms

    4. F#: The Combination Counts!

    5. F#: Influences

    6. The Path to Mastering F#

    7. Quick Overview

    8. Quick Tour

    9. Quick Overview: Types

    10. Orthogonal & Unified Constructs Let “let” simplify your life…

    11. F# - Control Flow

    12. Demo: Let’s WebCrawl…

    13. F# - Functional let f x = x+1 let pair x = (x,x) let fst (x,y) = x let data = (Some [1;2;3], Some [4;5;6]) match data with | Some(nums1), Some(nums2) -> nums1 @ nums2 | None, Some(nums) -> nums | Some(nums), None -> nums | None, None -> failwith "missing!"

    14. F#: Patterns

    15. Patterns are Everywhere

    16. Quick Overview: Functions

    17. Orthogonal & Unified Constructs Functions: like delegates + unified and simple

    18. Immutability the norm…

    19. F# - Functional List.map Seq.fold Array.filter Lazy.force Set.union Map LazyList Events Async... [ 0..1000 ] [ for x in 0..10 -> (x, x * x) ] [| for x in 0..10 -> (x, x * x) |] seq { for x in 0..10 -> (x, x * x) }

    20. F# - Sequences open System.IO let rec allFiles(dir) = seq { for file in Directory.GetFiles(dir) do yield file for sub in Directory.GetDirectories(dir) do yield! allFiles(sub) } allFiles(@"C:\WINDOWS") |> Seq.take 100 |> show

    21. //F# #light open System let a = 2 Console.WriteLine(a) Dynamic? But why does F# omit any type information? Is it not type safe? Is it coercive maybe? Or weakly typed? Maybe this is one of those dynamic languages I read about at 37 signals?But why does F# omit any type information? Is it not type safe? Is it coercive maybe? Or weakly typed? Maybe this is one of those dynamic languages I read about at 37 signals?

    22. But it has some features to make this a little more comfortable. We’ll see a bit of that later.But it has some features to make this a little more comfortable. We’ll see a bit of that later.

    23. Constraints and Variables

    24. Experimenting with Sequences and Functions

    25. F# - Imperative + Functional open System.Collections.Generic let dict = new Dictionary<int,string>(1000) dict.[17] <- "Seventeen" dict.[1000] <- "One Grand" for (KeyValue(k,v)) in dict do printfn "key = %d, value = %s" k v

    26. F# - Control Flow

    27. F# - Imperative + Functional open System.IO open System.Collections.Generic let readAllLines(file) = use inp = File.OpenText file let res = new List<_>() while not(inp.EndOfStream) do res.Add(inp.ReadLine()) res.ToArray()

    28. F# - Imperative + Functional open System.IO let allLines = seq { use inp = File.OpenText "test.txt" while not(inp.EndOfStream) do yield (inp.ReadLine()) } allLines |> Seq.truncate 1000 |> Seq.map (fun s -> uppercase s,s) |> Seq.to_array

    29. Seamlessly combines procedural functional and object oriented styles (let’s leave language oriented for another day)Seamlessly combines procedural functional and object oriented styles (let’s leave language oriented for another day)

    30. Objects

    31. F# - Objects + Functional type Vector2D(dx:double,dy:double) = member v.DX = dx member v.DY = dy member v.Length = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) member v.Scale(k) = Vector2D(dx*k,dy*k)

    32. F# - Objects + Functional type Vector2D(dx:double,dy:double) = let norm2 = dx*dx+dy*dy member v.DX = dx member v.DY = dy member v.Length = sqrt(norm2) member v.Norm2 = norm2

    33. F# - Objects + Functional type MutableVector2D(dx:double,dy:double) = let mutable currDX = dx let mutable currDX = dy member v.DX = currDX member v.DY = currDY member v.Move(x,y) = currDX <- currDX+x currDY <- currDY+y

    34. Quick Overview

    35. F# - Language Oriented type PropLogic = | And of PropLogic * PropLogic | Not of PropLogic | True let rec Eval(prop) = match prop with | And(a,b) -> Eval(a) && Eval(b) | Not(a) -> not (Eval(a)) | True -> true

    36. F# - What is it for?

    37. F# - What is it For? F# is a General Purpose language F# is also “A Bridge Language” “A Language Both Researchers and Developers Can Speak” Some important domains Scientific data analysis Data mining Domain-specific modeling Financial modeling and analysis

    38. The adCenter Problem Cash-cow of Search Selling “web space” at www.live.com and www.msn.com. “Paid Search” (prices by auctions) The internal competition focuses on Paid Search.

    39. The Scale of Things Weeks of data in training: 7,000,000,000 impressions, 6TB data 2 weeks of CPU time during training: 2 wks × 7 days × 86,400 sec/day = 1,209,600 seconds Learning algorithm speed requirement: 5,787 impression updates / sec 172.8 µs per impression update

    40. F# and adCenter 4 week project, 4 machine learning experts 100million probabilistic variables Processes 6TB of training data Real time processing

    41. The Team’s Summary “F# was absolutely integral to our success” “We delivered a robust, high-performance solution on-time.” “We couldn’t have achieved this with any other tool given the constraints of the task” “F# programming is fun – I feel like I learn more about programming every day”

    42. APG Machine Learning Observations Quick Coding Agile Coding Scripting Performance Memory-Faithful Succinct Symbolic .NET Integration

    43. F# for Bioinformatics "Rain" Genome Assembly Viewer Implemented by Darren Platt: Head of Bioinformatics, DOE JGI They sequence 20% of world's DNA Co-author on Neanderthal DNA sequencing paper. Experienced, trained programmer F# /.NET/C++ v. Perl/C++ v. Python/C++

    44. F# - Concurrent/Reactive/Parallel Concurrent: Multiple threads of execution Parallel: These execute simultaneously Asynchronous: Computations complete "later" Reactive: Waiting and responding is normal

    45. Taming Asynchronous I/O

    46. Books about F#

    47. 8 Ways to Learn FSI.exe Samples Included Go to definition Lutz’ Reflector

    48. A Thank You to French Research F# is inspired by Ocaml and partially compatible with it. Thank you INRIA! The design of F# draws on years of research in this class of language by INRIA, as well as other academic institutes across the world

    50. La référence technique pour les IT Pros : technet.microsoft.com

    51. Computing with Functions open System.IO Remap : src:Rectangle * dest:Rectangle -> (Rectangle -> Rectangle)

    52. F#: Patterns

    53. TrueSkill extensions developed and deployed Partial updates: Progressive Hill-climbing experience Skill transformation: Linking skill- and experience-based ranking (monotonically increasing smooth splines) Public beta-test 2007 Simulation of level distribution (2006) matched almost exactly findings during the beta test (2007). From a consumer entertainment standpoint, comparable to Spiderman 3 or Harry Potter (Shane Kim). Applied Games team will be mentioned in game credits TrueSkill in Halo 3

    54. Computing with Functions

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