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Turn To Allah Before You Turn To Dust

In Islam, it is true that you do need to do everything in the name of Allah (SWT) to be able to lead a happy and blessed life. From the obligatory duty of the best Umrah Tour, you do need to be sure of the fact that only with the possession of sincere behavior and honesty within your own self, you can be sure to attain the blessings and mercy of the Lord. Website: https://aleenaarfeenhajjandumrah.wordpress.com/2022/10/29/turn-to-allah-before-you-turn-to-dust/

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Turn To Allah Before You Turn To Dust

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  1. Turn To Allah Before You Turn To Dust In Islam, it is true that you do need to do everything in the name of Allah (SWT) to be able to lead a happy and blessed life. From the obligatory duty of the best Umrah Tour, you do need to be sure of the fact that only with the possession of sincere behavior and honesty within your own self, you can be sure to attain the blessings and mercy of the Lord. At the same time it is also true that in life, you do need to do everything for the name of the Almighty Allah (SWT) only to be able to get rewards and also be able to wipe away all the past mortal sins that one might have committed in their past. All about the Supreme Creator- Allah (SWT) The idea of “signs leading to faith,” as it is referred to by renowned Islamic scholars, encompasses all creational truths, information and proof of all types that inspire people to believe in Allah’s existence and oneness while also displaying His magnificent might, wisdom, and creativity. “The uttering of “Subhanallah (Glory be to Allah), Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah), La ilaha illallah (there is no true god except Allah) and Allahu Akbar (Allah is Great)’ is dearer to me than anything over which the sun rises” [Narrated by Imam Muslim] How can you be closer to Allah(SWT)?

  2. If you do wish to know more of the ways in which you can be able to be closer to the Supreme Creator, then this is for sure that there are some definite Islamic practices that you do need to follow. We do bring to you the list of the things and the actions which can make you establish a deeper level of connection with the Lord: Perform the act of Zikir:  Advertisements REPORT THIS AD In Islam, it is true that with the right acts you can not only bring Allah closer to your life but also get the chance to enter Jannah and also seek devotion and mercy from the Lord. Allah(SWT) mentions in the Quran: ُبوُلُقْلا ُّنِئَمْطَت َِّ اللَّ ِرْكِذِب َ لََأ ۗ َِّ اللَّ ِرْكِذِب مُهُبوُلُق ُّنِئَمْطَتَو اوُنَمآ َنيِذَّلا “Hearts do indeed find peace in remembering Allah” (Surah Ar-Rad, 13:28). Zikir is the practice of remembering Allah (SWT), and in certain versions, it involves expressing the innermost feelings through recitations and prayers. Start small and include the salutations SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah), Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah), La ilaha illallah (There is no real deity except Allah), and Allahu Akbar (Allah is Great) into all of your actions. Another name for this Zikir is “everlasting good deeds.” You continually make reference to Allah (SWT) in your deeds and thoughts:  You must remember Allah (SWT) while performing your everyday tasks and enlist his assistance. If you constantly think about Allah SWT, he will support you in all of your difficulties. You must live your whole life in accordance with Islamic beliefs. Always make sure to perform Ibadat:  You will gain higher benefits by engaging in deeds of Ibadat while also improving the state of your spirit, all for the pleasure of Allah (SWT). You will have a larger desire for Ibadat, thanks to Allah (SWT). For a Muslim, maintaining optimism in the face of adversity is a sign of increased Iman. You must turn to Allah (SWT) for shelter, even in your darkest moments. If you do Ibadat during difficult circumstances, Allah (SWT) will take care of all your concerns. You hold fast to the revered Quran.  The words of Allah are contained in the Holy Quran (SWT). You are repeating the exact words of Allah when you recite the Holy Quran (SWT). As you learn and recite the Holy Quran, Allah (SWT) will always make things simple for you. It is impossible to overstate the value of the Holy Quran. It has the answer to all of your problems.

  3. Make sure to also conduct the best Umrah trip from Kolkata with the aid of the cheapest Umrah packages from Kolkata that you can avail to deepen your relationship with the Creator. The best Umrah travel agency is always here to aid you and also to promote your urge of embarking on the sacred journey of your life. Reach out to us now to book the best Umrah packages and also get insights into the details of the Umrah package price. Conclusion Since we have come to the end of the blog, make sure to follow us on our Google and social accounts and also do possess the key urge which is needed for you to conduct the sacred journey of your life. Reach out to us now before the packages run out! Contact us today. For more interesting blogs, stay tuned to our blog space and also do follow us on our Google and social accounts. Link description below Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | LinkedIn Website:->https://aleenahajjumrah.com/ Aleena Hajj And Umrah Private Limited 89A, Shakespeare Sarani, Near Bhawan Chowdhury Masjid (Park Circus 7 point) Kolkata - 700017 Toll Free Contact Number : 1800-889-5657 connect@adeebatourandtravels.com https://aleenahajjumrah.com/

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