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Phones, Notes, and Social Definitions

Discover the definitions of Social Darwinism, Philanthropy, Captain of Industry, and Robber Baron. Summarize readings and analyze influential individuals. Engage in a class discussion and share your thoughts.

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Phones, Notes, and Social Definitions

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  1. Phones up and notes out!

  2. Using your book, Look up the following terms. Write the definition. You may work with your partner: Social Darwinism Philanthropy

  3. Captain of Industry or robber Baron?

  4. Summarize readings In the box that corresponds to the reading, summarize the following points about your person: • Where are they from? Are they an immigrant? • What industry they were influential to? • How did they change that industry? • Do they embody more of a social darwinist or a philanthropist and WHY?

  5. Warm Up In the middle circle, write the following question: “Who do you think was THE Captain of Industry and why? Who do you think was THE Robber Baron and why?” Answer the question in the bottom box and be ready to share!

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