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What’s left in the course

What’s left in the course. The course in a nutshell. Logics Techniques Applications. Logics. Propositional, first-order, higher-order Expressiveness, level of automation, human friendliness Constructive logic: Today!. Main search strategy. Cross-cutting aspects.

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What’s left in the course

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  1. What’s left in the course

  2. The course in a nutshell • Logics • Techniques • Applications

  3. Logics • Propositional, first-order, higher-order • Expressiveness, level of automation, human friendliness • Constructive logic: Today!

  4. Main search strategy Cross-cutting aspects Proof-system search ( ` ) Equality Induction Interpretation search (² ) Quantifiers Decision procedures Next Th: Applying induction based on recursive structures Techniques • Natural deduction • Sequents • Tactics & Tacticals • Resolution • DPLL • Backtracking • Incremental SAT • Matching • Skolemization • Unifcation Communication between decision procedures and between prover and decision procedures • E-graph • Next Tu: Rewrite rules

  5. Applications • Rhodium • ESC/Java • Proof Carrying Code • Later: Translation Validation (Zach’s project)

  6. Curry-Howard Isomorphism

  7. But before: Type systems 101

  8. Simply typed lambda calculus • Consider the simply typed lambda calculus: e ::= n (integers) | x (variables) |  x: . e (function definition) | e1 e2 (function application)  ::= int (integer type) | 1!2(function type)

  9. Typing rules • Typing judgment: ` e: • Is read as: in context , e has type  • The context tells us what the type of the free variables in e are • Example: x:int , f:int!int` (f x):int • Typing rules: Judgment1 Judgment2

  10. Rules for lambda terms  ` (f x):2

  11. Rules for lambda terms  ` ( x:1 . b):

  12. What other rules do we need?

  13. What other rules do we need? x:2 ` n: int ` x:

  14. Summary so far x:2 ` n: int ` x: , x:1` b:2  ` f:1!2  ` x:1  ` ( x:1 . b):1!2  ` (f x):2

  15. Adding pairs e ::= n | x |  x: . e | e1 e2  ::= int | 1!2

  16. Adding pairs e ::= n | x |  x: . e | e1 e2 | (e1,e2) (pair construction) | fst e (select first element of a pair) | snd e (select second element of a pair)  ::= int | 1!2 | 1 * 2 (pair type)

  17. Rules for pairs  ` (x,y):1 * 2

  18. Rules for pairs  `fst x:1  `snd x:2

  19. Rules for pairs (summary) ` x:1 * 2 ` x:1 * 2 ` x:1 ` y:2  ` (x,y):1 * 2  `fst x:1  `snd x:2

  20. Adding unions e ::= n | x |  x: . e | e1 e2 | (e1,e2) | fst e | snd e  ::= int | 1!2| 1 * 2

  21. Adding unions e ::= n | x |  x: . e | e1 e2 | (e1,e2) | fst e | snd e | inl e (create a union of the left case) | inr e (create a union of the right case) | case e of inl x ) e1 | inr y ) e2 (perform case analysis on union)  ::= int | 1!2| 1 * 2 | 1 + 2 (sum (aka union) type)

  22. Rules for unions `inlx: 1 + 2 `inr x: 1 + 2

  23. Rules for unions ` z:1 + 2 ` (case z of inl x ) b1 | inr y ) b2) : 

  24. Rules for unions (summary) ` y:2 ` x:1 `inlx: 1 + 2 `inrx: 1 + 2 ` z:1 + 2 , x:1` b1 :  , y:2` b2 :  ` (case z of inl x ) b1 | inr y ) b2) : 

  25. Curry-Howard Isomorphism

  26. Typing rules for lambda terms , x:1` b:2  ` f:1!2  ` x:1  ` ( x:1 . b):1!2  ` (f x):2 Where have we seen these rules before?

  27. Typing rules for lambda terms , x:1` b:2  ` f:1!2  ` x:1  ` ( x:1 . b):1!2  ` (f x):2 Erase terms  `1!2  `1 ,1`2  `1!2  ` 2 Convert to logic ` A ) B ` A , A` B )E )I ` B ` A ) B

  28. Typing rules for pairs ` x:1 * 2 ` x:1 * 2 ` x:1 ` y:2  ` (x,y):1 * 2  `fst x:1  `snd x:2 Where have we seen these rules before?

  29. Typing rules for pairs ` x:1 * 2 ` x:1 * 2 ` x:1 ` y:2  ` (x,y):1 * 2  `fst x:1  `snd x:2 Erase terms `1 * 2 `1 * 2 `1 `2  `1 * 2  `1  `2 Convert to logic ` A Æ B ` A Æ B ` A ` B ÆI ÆE1 ÆE2 ` A ` B ` A Æ B

  30. Typing rules for unions ` y:2 ` x:1 `inlx: 1 + 2 `inrx: 1 + 2 Where have we seen these rules before?

  31. Typing rules for unions ` y:2 ` x:1 `inlx: 1 + 2 `inrx: 1 + 2 Erase terms `1 `2 `1 + 2 `1 + 2 Convert to logic ` A ` B ÇI1 ÇI2 ` A Ç B ` A Ç B

  32. Typing rules for unions (cont’d) ` z:1 + 2 , x:1` b1 :  , y:2` b2 :  ` (case z of inl x ) b1 | inr y ) b2) :  Where have we seen this rule before?

  33. Typing rules for unions (cont’d) ` z:1 + 2 , x:1` b1 :  , y:2` b2 :  ` (case z of inl x ) b1 | inr y ) b2) :  Erase terms `1 + 2 ,1` ,2` ` Convert to logic ` A Ç B , A` C , B` C ÇE ` C

  34. Curry-Howard isomorphism • Propositions-as-types :  ::= int | 1!2| 1 * 2 | 1 + 2 A ::= p | A1 ) A2 | A1Æ A2 | A1Ç A2 • If types are propositions, then what are lambda terms?

  35. Typing rules using logic for types , x : A ` y : B  ` f : A ) B  ` x : A )I )E  ` ( x : A . y) : A ) B  ` (f x) : B ` x : A Æ B ` x : A Æ B ` x : A ` y : B ÆE2 ÆI ÆE1  ` (x,y) : A Æ B  `fst x : A  `snd x : B ` y : B ` x : A ÇI1 ÇI2 `inlx : A Ç B `inrx : A Ç B ` z : A Ç B , x : A ` e1 : C , y: B ` e2 : C ÇE ` (case z of inl x ) e1 | inr y ) e2) : C

  36. Curry-Howard isomorphism • If types are propositions, then what are lambda terms? • Answer: terms are proofs • Programs-as-proofs: ` e:A means that under assumptions , A holds and has proof e

  37. Example • A proof of A ) B is a function that takes a parameter x of type A (that is to say, a proof of A), and returns something of type B (that is to say, a proof of B) , x : A ` y : B )I  ` ( x : A . y) : A ) B

  38. Another example • Suppose we have a proof of A ) B. This is a function f that, given a proof of A, returns a proof of B. • Suppose also that we have a proof of A, call it x. • Then applying f to x gives us a proof of B.  ` f : A ) B  ` x : A )E  ` (f x) : B

  39. Another example • A proof of A Æ B is just a pair containing the proof of A and the proof of B ` x : A ` y : B ÆI  ` (x,y) : A Æ B

  40. Another example • Given a proof of A, a proof of A Ç B is a union in the left case, which records that we attained the disjunction through the left of the Ç • There is a problem though… ` x : A ÇI1 `inlx : A Ç B

  41. Another example • Given a proof of A, a proof of A Ç B is a union in the left case, which records that we attained the disjunction through the left of the Ç • Unfortunately, the proof does not record what the right type of the union is. • Given that x is a proof of A, what is inlxa proof of? • Ideally, we would like the proof (lambda term) to determine the formula (type). What’s the fix? ` x : A ÇI1 `inlx : A Ç B

  42. The fix for Ç proofs (union terms) • Ideally, we would like the proof (lambda term) to determine the formula (type). What’s the fix? ` y : B ` x : A ÇI1 ÇI2 `inl x : A Ç B `inr x : A Ç B

  43. The fix for Ç proofs (union terms) • Ideally, we would like the proof (lambda term) to determine the formula (type). What’s the fix? • We add the other type to the Ç proof (union term): ` y : B ` x : A ÇI1 ÇI2 `inlBx : A Ç B `inrAx : A Ç B

  44. Intuition for quantifiers • A proof of 8 x:. P(x) is a function that, given a parameter x of type , returns a proof of P(x) • A proof of 9 x:. P(x) is a function that computes a value of type  for which P(x) holds • Note that 8 x:.P(x) and 9 x:. P(x) are formulas, and so they are types. But they also contain a type  inside of them.

  45. Programs-as-proofs • The programs-as-proofs paradigm is operational: to prove something, we have to provide a program • This program, when run, produces a computational artifact that represents a proof of the formula • the program itself is also a representation of the proof, but so is the final result computed by the program

  46. Curry-Howard breaking down • Because of the operational nature of the programs-as-proofs paradigm, the paradigm only works for proofs that are constructive • Consider the formula 9 x. P(x) • A constructive proof must show how to compute the x that makes the formula valid • A proof by contradiction would assume 8 x. : P(x), and then derive false. • But this does not give us a way to compute x, which means it doesn’t give us a “program-as-proofs” proof.

  47. Curry-Howard breaking down • Curry-Howard isomorphism only holds for constructive logics • Like classical logic, except that we do not allow proofs by contradiction • The rule that you remove depends on the calculus you’re using • In our natural deduction calculus, remove the following rule: `:: A : E ` A

  48. Constructive logic • In other calculii, it may be the following rule: • Or it may be the law of the excluded middle: , :A`F ` A ` A Ç: A

  49. Constructive logic example • Consider the task of constructing an algorithm that prints 0 if Riemann’s Hypothesis holds and prints 1 otherwise. • Riemann’s Hypothesis has not been proved or disproved (Fermat’s last theorem was previously used, until it was proven…) • Does such an algorithm exists?

  50. Constructive logic example • Consider the task of constructing an algorithm that prints 0 if Riemann’s Hypothesis holds and prints 1 otherwise. • Riemann’s Hypothesis has not been proved or disproved (Fermat’s last theorem was previously used, until it was proven…) • Does such an algorithm exists? • Classicists: yes • Constructivists: don’t know yet. Need to wait until Riemann’s Hypothesis is proven or disproven

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