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Static Electricity Notes

Static Electricity Notes. Conductor. Substance that allows the flow of electric current with minimal resistance. Electrical conductors are usually metals. . Insulator. Substance that blocks or retards the flow of electric current.

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Static Electricity Notes

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  1. Static Electricity Notes

  2. Conductor • Substance that allows the flow of electric current with minimal resistance. • Electrical conductors are usually metals.

  3. Insulator • Substance that blocks or retards the flow of electric current. • Electrical insulators include rubber, plastic, porcelain, and mica.

  4. Resistivity • Glass 1012 • Mica 9 x 1013 • Quartz (fused) 5 x 1016 • Copper 1.7 x 10-8 Insulators vs. Conductors

  5. Why do Electrons move instead of Protons?

  6. Law of Like Charges

  7. Why electrons transfer?

  8. Triboelectric Effect • an electrical phenomenon where certain materials become electrically charged after coming into contact with another, different, material. The polarity and strength of the charges produced differ according to material and surface smoothness. Amber, for example, can acquire an electric charge by friction.

  9. Most Positive Asbestos Rabbit Fur Glass Mica Human Hair Nylon Wool Fur Silk Paper Cotton Most Negative Teflon PVC Polyethylene Polyurethane Saran Styrofoam Polyester Rayon Acetate Rubber Amber Wood Sulfur Triboelectric Series

  10. Coulomb’s Law

  11. Your Job • Make a working electroscope • First you need to produce the static electricity • Materials • Look around • Bring in stuff • Be resourceful

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