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Environment. Q1. What is an animal that hunts other animals for food called?. A1. Predator. Q2. What do you call an animal that is eaten by other animals?. A2. Prey. Q3. What is formed from interconnected food chains?. A3. Food web. Q4. What do you call an animal that only eats meat?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Environment KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  2. Q1. What is an animal that hunts other animals for food called? KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  3. A1. Predator KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  4. Q2. What do you call an animal that is eaten by other animals? KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  5. A2. Prey KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  6. Q3. What is formed from interconnected food chains? KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  7. A3. Food web KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  8. Q4. What do you call an animal that only eats meat? KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  9. A4. A Carnivore, carnivorous KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  10. Q5. What is is the name of an animal that only eats plants? KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  11. A5. Herbivore KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  12. Q6. What do you call it when animals move from one place to another with changing seasons? KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  13. A6. Migration KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  14. Q7. What do you call it when animals survive the Winter by sleeping? KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  15. A7. Hibernation KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  16. Q8. When plants show no sign of growth during the Winter months what are they called? KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  17. A8. Dormant KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  18. Q9. Plants are called this because they make their own food from light energy? KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  19. A9. Producer KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  20. Q10. Animals are called this because they cannot make their own food? KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  21. A10. Consumer KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  22. Q11. What is the process of changing to survive in a particular habitat called? KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  23. A11. Adaptation KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  24. Q12. What is the name for an animals (like humans) that can eat plants and meat KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  25. A12. An Omnivore, omnivorous KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  26. Q13. What do we call the surroundings in which all animals and plants live? KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  27. A13. Environment KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  28. Q14. What do we call the natural home of a particular plant or animal? KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  29. A14. Habitat KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  30. Q15. What do we call animals that are active at night? KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  31. A15. Nocturnal KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

  32. Well Done!Now check your score KS3 Unit 7c - Environment

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