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VOCABULARY. Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis. The plant process in which radiant energy from the sun is converted into chemical energy. Radiant Energy. The Sun’s energy. Water. A molecule made of the elements, hydrogen and oxygen.

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  1. VOCABULARY Photosynthesis

  2. Photosynthesis • The plant process in which radiant energy from the sun is converted into chemical energy.

  3. Radiant Energy • The Sun’s energy.

  4. Water • A molecule made of the elements, hydrogen and oxygen. • Water combines with radiant energy and carbon dioxide to produce glucose in the process of photosynthesis.

  5. Chloroplast • Found in the palisade layer of the leaf and where photosynthesis takes place.

  6. Chlorophyll • A green pigment found in the chloroplast of a leaf that gives green plants their color.

  7. Glucose • A carbohydrate or sugar made during photosynthesis and used to feed the plant and help it grow.

  8. Carbon Dioxide • A compound made of the elements carbon and oxygen. • Carbon dioxide combines with radiant energy and water to produce glucose in the process of photosynthesis.

  9. Oxygen • made of the element oxygen. • Oxygen is the waste product in plants in the process of photosynthesis.

  10. Transpiration • a process in which the water vapor escapes through the plant via its stomata and lenticels into its externalenvironment (atmosphere).

  11. Stomata • An opening found in plant leaves that acts as a doorway to allow substances in and out of the leaf.

  12. Stomata • More than one Stoma.

  13. Guard Cells • Two guard cells surround each stoma and open and close the stoma in response to water levels in the cells.

  14. Biomass • Organic matter in a system (dead organisms, leaves, grass, wood)

  15. Biodegradable • Matter that can decompose naturally and quickly as a result of bacteria and fungi.

  16. Decomposer • an organism that breaks down matter into carbon dioxide and water

  17. Decay • The changing of dead matter into usable nutrients for plants and other organisms such as worms.

  18. Microorganisms • Small organisms such as bacteria and fungi. • (organisms we can’t always see without a microscope.)

  19. Compost • A substance rich in nutrients and used by plants as fertilizer. • (Also called humus)

  20. Transfer • To move from one place to another. • Energy can not be created or destroyed; it is tranferred from one form to another.

  21. Food Chain • Follows a single path as organisms eat each other. The flow of energy begins with the sun and transfers through the chain as matter is consumed.

  22. Food Web • Shows how many organisms are interconnected by different paths. This includes many different food chains

  23. Producer • An organism that makes their own food

  24. Consumer • An organism that consumes another organism for energy/food

  25. Trophic Level • Indicates an organism’s position in a food chain. The number of consumers at each level decrease as the level gets higher because they have to eat more organisms to stay alive

  26. Respiration The process in which organisms release CO2 into the atmosphere and take in O2 and nutrients for energy.

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