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cover. Environment. Book 2 Unit 4 -. C ONTENT. - Text (A). - Text (B). Environment. Book 2 Unit 4 -. C ontent-2. People and issues – Text (A). Text study. Background information. Words and expressions. Text. Looking at the text. Working with words. Listening.

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  1. cover

  2. Environment Book 2 Unit 4 - CONTENT - Text (A) - Text (B)

  3. Environment Book 2 Unit 4 - Content-2 People and issues – Text (A) Text study Background information Words and expressions Text Looking at the text Working with words Listening Listening 1 Listening 2 Listening 3

  4. Environment Book 2 Unit 4 - Content-3 Personal view – Text (B) Text study Background information Words and expressions Text Looking at the text Working with words Listening Listening 4 Listening 5 Speaking

  5. Brief summary of the unit Skills • Topics • Writing a summary • Interpreting warning signs • Explaining a process • Comparing two texts, looking at key points • Writing: Writing a report on safety signs • Environmental pollution • The effects of global warming • Environmentally friendly methods of transport • Recycled goods • Reducing the production of personal garbage • Ways of saving energy • Being environmentally aware • Grammar • Adverbial clauses • Project • Analysing rubbish produced by students

  6. Warming Up What kinds of pollution do you know? Please look out of the window and answer what pollution there is out there and give examples of how it is produced. Do you know what CO2 is? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Carbon dioxide is one of the simplest and commonest molecules in the universe. It has only three atoms – one carbon and two oxygen atoms. We breathe out carbon dioxide. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen, which is why we need plants and green belts around the city.

  7. Focus 1. What kinds of pollution are shown in these pictures? water and environmental pollution air pollution

  8. Focus 1. What kinds of pollution are shown in these pictures? water pollution air pollution

  9. Focus 1. What kinds of pollution are shown in these pictures? noise pollution water and environmental pollution noise pollution

  10. Focus 2.Work with a partner and find more examples of these kinds of pollution. Another example of environmental pollution is when we throw our rubbish in the street or out of cars. Even throwing rubbish around in the school is environmental pollution. Another example of noise pollution is when one plays his music too loudly or has the TV on full volume. Water pollution is when an oil tanker breaks up and loses its cargo. Air pollution is when a lot of people smoke in one room, or when only one person is travelling in a car instead of four people.

  11. Focus 3. What can we do to stop this? We can stop this by not using the car for short journeys and walking or taking public transport. We could put a higher tax on fuel so that people would not travel alone in their car but share the cost.

  12. Focus 4. What can you personally do? I can stop smoking. I can stop throwing rubbish in the streets. I can try to recycle my rubbish by putting it in the proper containers. I can turn down the volume of the TV or my music system.

  13. Text A-background-1-1 Text study A Background information Words and Expressions Text United Nations Environment Programme: The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is an international institution (a programme, rather than an agency of the UN) that coordinates United Nations environmental activities, assisting developing countries in implementing environmentally sound policies and practices. Its activities cover a wide range of issues regarding the atmosphere, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, environmental governance and green economy. It has played a significant role in developing international environmental conventions, promoting environmental science and information and illustrating the way those can be implemented in conjunction with policy, working on the development and implementation of policy with national governments, regional institutions in conjunction with environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs). UNEP has also been active in funding and implementing environment related development projects.

  14. Text A-background-2 Text study A Background information Words and Expressions Text Cyclone In meteorology, a cyclone is an area of closed, circular fluid motion rotating in the same direction as the Earth. This is usually characterized by inward spiraling winds that rotate anti-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth. Most large-scale cyclonic circulations are centered on areas of low atmospheric pressure. The largest low-pressure systems are cold-core polar cyclones and extratropical cyclones which lie on the synoptic scale.

  15. Text A-words and expressions-1 Text study A Background information Words and ExpressionsText desperately adv. very or very much 极度地,极强烈地 environmentn.surroundings环境 committee n. a group of people chosentodo a particular job, make decisions, etc.委员会 critical adj. serious or worrying危急的,严重的 industrial adj. relating to industry工业的 climate n.weather气候

  16. Text A-W&E-2 Text study A Background information Words and ExpressionsText process n.development过程,进程 gradually adv.slowly缓慢地,逐渐地 increasingly adv. more and more越来越 violentadj.involving a lot of force猛烈的,激烈的 hurricane n.violentwind飓风 cyclonen. very strong windy storm暴风,旋风 refugee n.a person taking refuge from war,persecution, etc.难民

  17. A-W&E-4 Text study A Background information Words and ExpressionsText uncontrollable adj. not able to be controlled无法控制的 chaos n. utter confusion纷乱,混乱 melt v. become liquid 融化 low-lying adj. not far above the level ofthe sea 低洼的 disaster n.great misfortune 灾难 pray v. talk to God祈祷 champagne n.white wine with bubbles 香槟

  18. A-W&E-5 Text study A Background information Words and ExpressionsText rare adj.not common 稀罕的 announce v. make publicly known宣布 in a row 接连地 slightly adv. a little稍微, 细微 economy n.the process orsystem bywhich goods and servicesare produced,sold,and bought in a country 经济

  19. A-W&E-6 Text study A Background information Words and ExpressionsText fossil adj.remains or impression of plant or animal hardened inrock 化石 fuel n.substance such as coal,gas,or oil that can be burned to to produceheat or energy燃料 gas n.airlike substance used asfuel天然气,煤气 emission n. the act of sending outgas, light,etc. 排放

  20. A-W&E-7 Text study A Background information Words and ExpressionsText alternative adj. available as another choice 有选择的,供选择的 solaradj. of thesun太阳的 tidal adj. relating to tides潮汐的 hydroelectric adj.usingwaterpowerto produce electricity 水力发电的 billion n. one thousand million 十亿

  21. A-W&E-8 Text study A Background information Words and ExpressionsText nuclear adj. relating to or involving the nucleus of an atom 核的,核能的 EU European Union欧盟 vision n. good judgement in planning 眼光,远见 grandparent n. one of your parents' parents祖父母 generation n. stage in family history一代, 世代 global warming 全球变暖 crisis n. danger or difficulty危机

  22. Text A-1 Text study A Background information Words and Expressions Text News from the Future News from the future 1 Yesterday, January 10th, 2060, the world heard the news it so desperately did not want to hear. The United Nations Environment Programme as well as countless national environmentcommittees throughout the world announced that we have now passed the "critical figure" of 560 parts of CO2 per million parts of air in the earth's atmosphere. This is over twice as much as it was at the beginning of theindustrial age in Britain 300 years ago.

  23. Text A-2 Text study A Background information Words and Expressions Text But what does this figure really mean? Nearly all the world's scientists — over 99%, in fact — agree that this figure is the "point of no return" for climate change. It means that the process of the earth getting gradually warmer, leading to climate change, cannot now be stopped, whatever we do. We have just passed the last red danger light at high speed.

  24. Text A-3 Text study A Background information Words and Expressions Text What will happen now? The answer is: a lot. Here in Europe, summers will get ever hotter and winters ever wetter. Countries like Spain and Greece in southern Europe will become deserts without trees or water. Countries like Germany and France in northern Europe will be increasingly in danger from floods. The Netherlands could return to the sea. Sudden violent storms will become will become ever more common. And we Europeans are the lucky ones.

  25. Text A-4 Text study A Background information Words and Expressions Text In other parts of the world, life has already become very difficult or impossible because of climate change. Hurricanes are forcing people away from Central America and the USA's south-eastern coasts. In Asia, cyclones are doing the same from China to India. Africa's deserts are expanding fast. Thousands are dying. Millions more are refugees. These regions are falling into uncontrollable chaos.

  26. Text A-5 Text study A Background information Words and Expressions Text Moreover, the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are melting and sea levels are rising a centimetre a year. Many low-lying islands like the Maldives in the Indian Ocean have disappeared, and soon great cities on coasts, from Shanghai to New York, will drown as well. Scientists were warning the world about this 60 years ago. If people had acted quickly back then, they would have stopped today's disasters. But they did nothing. Why?

  27. Text A-6 Text study A Background information Words and Expressions Text News from the future 2 Yesterday, January 10th, 2060, the world heard the news it was hoping and praying for. Champagne has become rare these days, but people happily paid $1,000 for a bottle to celebrate. The United Nations Environment Programme announced that the world has again held its CO2 at 450 parts per million parts of air for the tenth year in a row. What's more, the level of CO2 will decreaseslightly this year, even though the world economy will continue growing by 4% per year.

  28. Text A-7 Text study A Background information Words and Expressions Text There are many reasons for this success, and here are just a few. First, we have reduced our use of fossil fuelssuch as oil, gas and coal by nearly 80% over the last 50 years, and it is these that produce most of the CO2 emissions. We have replaced them with a number of alternative forms of energy, such as solar, wind, tidal and hydroelectric power. There is also new fuel technology. Today this runs the world's three billion vehicles, and it produces no CO2 at all — nor any other kind of pollution. And then there is the new nuclear power, the safe, cheap nuclear technology that EU members first began developing 80 years ago.

  29. Text A-8 Text study A Background information Words and Expressions Text These and other changes have happened thanks to the strength and vision of our grandparents'generation. Their governments understood the need to fight global warming. If they had not started — and continued — the fight to control CO2 emissions then, severe climate change would have begun by now. Our world would have fallen into chaos if those wise leaders had not been there. Today, we owe them a big thank you as we come out of human history's greatestcrisis.

  30. A-Looking at the text-1-1 Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Directions: Answer these questions. News from future 1 1. What does the "critical figure" mean? _______________________________________________________ 2. What is the difference in the level of CO2 between now and at the beginning of the industrial age? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 3. Why is this so worrying? ________________________________________________________ It is 560 parts of CO2 per million parts of air in the earth's atmosphere. The level of CO2 is now over twice as much as it was at the beginning of the industrial age in Britain 300 years ago. This figure is the "point of no return" for climate change.

  31. A-Looking at the text-1-2 Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 4. What will happen in Europe? List all the changes. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Summers will get ever hotter and winters ever wetter. Countries in southern Europe will become deserts without trees or water. Countries like Germany and France in northern Europe will be increasingly in danger from floods. The Netherlands could disappear. Sudden violent storms will become ever more common.

  32. A-Looking at the text-1-3 Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 5. Where and how has life already become impossible? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ In other parts of the world life has already become impossible. For example, hurricanes are forcing people away from Central America and the USA's south-eastern coasts. In Asia, cyclones are doing the same from China to India. Africa's deserts are expanding fast.

  33. A-Looking at the text-1-4 Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 6. What have disappeared? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 7. How could we have stopped this situation from happening? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Many low-lying islands like the Maldives in the Indian Ocean have disappeared. If people had acted quickly 60 years ago and listened to the scientists, they would have stopped today's disasters.

  34. A-Looking at the text-1-5 Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Directions: Answer these questions. News from future 2 1. Why did people buy champagne, although it is rare? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 2. What will decrease and what will increase this year? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ The world heard the news it was hoping and praying for and bought champagne to celebrate. The United Nations Environment Programme announced that the world again held its CO2 at 450 parts per million parts of air for the tenth year in a row. The level of CO2 will decrease slightly this year, even though the world economy will increase.

  35. A-Looking at the text-1-6 Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 3. What have we reduced and what does this mean for the environment? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 4. What have we replaced fossil fuels with? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ We have reduced our use of fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal by nearly 80% over the last 50 years and it is these that produce most of the CO2 emissions. We have replaced them with a number of alternative forms of energy, such as solar, wind, tidal and hydroelectric power.

  36. A-Looking at the text-1-7 Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 5. What runs the world's three billion vehicles these days and what effectdoes this have? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 6. What would have happened if our grandparents' generation had not acted as they did? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Cars are running on new fuel technology which produces no CO2 at all — nor any other kind of pollution. If they had not acted as they did, severe climate change would have begun by now. Our world would have fallen into chaos.

  37. A-Looking at the text-2-1 Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Directions: Compare the two versions of our world in the future by putting the facts under the proper title.

  38. A-Looking at the text-2-2 Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 News from the future 1 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We have now passed the ‟critical figure" of 560 parts of CO2 per million parts of air in the earth's atmosphere. This is over twice as much as it was at the beginning of the industrial age in Britain 300 years ago. In Europe, summers will get ever hotter and winters ever wetter. Spain and Greece in southern Europe will become deserts without trees or water. Germany and France will be in danger from floods. The Netherlands could return to the sea. Hurricanes are forcing people away from Central America and the USA's south-eastern coasts. In Asia, cyclones are doing the same from China to India. Africa's deserts are expanding fast. Thousands are dying. Millions more are refugees. The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are melting and sea levels are rising a centimetre a year. Many low-lying islands have disappeared. Soon great cities on coasts, from Shanghai to New York, will drown as well. Scientists were warning the world about this 60 years ago.

  39. A-Looking at the text-2-3 Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 News from the future 2 _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The world has again held its CO2 at 450 parts per million parts of air for the tenth year in a row. The level of CO2 will decrease slightly this year, even though the world economy will continue growing by 4% per year. We have reduced our use of fossil fuels by nearly 80% over the last 50 years. We have replaced them with a number of alternative forms of energy. Today new fuel technology runs the world's three billion vehicles without any CO2. There is the new nuclear power, the safe, cheap nuclear technology that EU members first began developing 80 years ago. These and other changes have happened thanks to the strength and vision of our grandparents' generation.

  40. A-Looking at the text-3-1 Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Directions: Write a summary comparing the two worlds. Start like this: In the 1st version the United Nations Environment Programme announced that we have now passed the "critical figure" of 560 parts of CO2 per million parts of air in the earth's atmosphere but in the 2nd version they announced that the world has again held atmospheric CO2 at 450 parts. In the 1st version _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ we learn that in Europe, summers will get ever hotter and winters ever wetter. Spain and Greece in southern Europe will become deserts without trees or water. Germany and France will be in danger from floods. The Netherlands could return to the sea. Hurricanes are forcing people away from Central America and the USA's south-eastern coasts.

  41. A-Looking at the text-3-2 Looking at the text Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ In Asia, cyclones are doing the same from China to India. Africa's deserts are expanding fast. Thousands are dying. Millions more are refugees. The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are melting and sea levels are rising a centimetre a year. Many low-lying islands have disappeared. Soon great cities on coasts, from Shanghai to New York, will drown as well. In the 2nd version we learn that we have reduced our use of fossil fuels by nearly 80% over the last 50 years. We have replaced them with a number of alternative forms of energy. Today new fuel technology runs the world's three billion vehicles without any CO2. There is the new nuclear power, the safe, cheap nuclear technology that EU members first began developing 80 years ago.

  42. A-working with words-1 Working with words Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Directions: Match the words from News from the future 1 with their opposites in the box. calmly | contract | cool | decrease | unlike | fall | freeze dry | easy | few | international | rare | unimportant common: ________________ countless:________________ critical: ________________ desperately:________________ difficult:________________ expand:________________ increase: ________________like: ________________ melt: ________________ national: ________________ rise: ________________ warm:________________ wet: ________________ few rare calmly unimportant easy contract unlike decrease international freeze fall cool dry

  43. A-working with words-2-1 Working with words Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Directions: Now complete these sentences using words from the last exercise. You may have to change the form. 1. The amount of CO2 has __________ so it is now less than it was last year. 2. ICLEI is the ______________ council for local environment issues (or problems). 3. The ice sheets in the Antarctic are ______________ rapidly i.e. they are getting smaller. 4. The awareness amongst the people about the environmental dangers has ______________, which is a good thing. decreased international melting increased

  44. A-working with words-2-2 Working with words Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 The ______________ stage has been reached and we must do something to change the situation today. Summers in Spain and Greece have become hotter and ______________. 7. Some scientists are remaining _________ but most are starting to panic. 8. They are trying ______________to find a solution but they fear it may be too late. critical drier calm desperately 9. Islands in the Indian Ocean have become ______________ so the number has dropped. 10. In some countries a ______________ wind would be a welcome change to the hot summer they are suffering from. rare cooling

  45. A-working with words-3-1 Working with words Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Directions: Replace the highlighted words in the sentences with a word or words from the box, which is from News from the future 2. There are more words than you need. alternative | emission | fossil fuel | generation | government | global in a row | severe | slightly | vehicles | vision | wise 1. Most cars run on gas or diesel [ ]. 2. When Henry Ford had the idea [ ] of cheap cars for everybody, he didn't think of the environment. 3. The world's [ ] environmental problems must be solved by all the nations. 4. The amount of CO2 released [ ] has to be reduced by more than 10% to make a difference. fossil fuel vision global emission

  46. A-working with words-3-2 Working with words Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 alternative | emission | fossil fuel | generation | government | global in a row | severe | slightly | vehicles | vision | wise 5. One kind of substitute [ ] form of energy is solar. 6. We have improved the environment a little [ ]. 7. Our roads are jammed in the rush hour with all the buses, cars, lorries and motorbikes [ ]. 8. The last people running the country [ ] decided to try to reduce environmental problems by 2020. 9. It takes a very clever [ ] man to come up with a good solution to the world's environmental problems. alternative slightly vehicles government wise

  47. A-listening 1-1 Listening Listening 1 Listening 2 Listening 3 Listening 4 Listening 5 Riding a bicycle Directions: Listen to the interview and fill in the missing words. Today we are talking to Joe Bartts who is trying to save our environment by riding his bicycle. Interviewer: Good afternoon, Joe, thank you for coming here today. Did you come by bicycle? Joe: Yes, I did. I go (1) ________________ by bike. Tell me, did you know that a car (2) ________________ on average 11,450 pounds of CO2 (3) ________________? Because I go everywhere by bike I produce (4) ________________ CO2 emission. everywhere produces every year zero

  48. A-listening 1-2 Listening Listening 1 Listening 2 Listening 3 Listening 4 Listening 5 Interviewer: Good point. Is that the only reason? Joe:No, as I don't need to fill my bikewith (5) _______, I am not (6) __________ fossil fuel that will soon become rare. Another reason is that (7) ___________ people going by bicycle, (8) _________ new roads we will need. That would mean not so many (9) _________ would be cut down. Interviewer: I never thought of that. gas using up the more the less trees

  49. A-listening 1-3 Listening Listening 1 Listening 2 Listening 3 Listening 4 Listening 5 Joe:No, most people don't. Oh, yes, and another thing is that if you use your bike more, your car will last (10) _________. And the (11) ______ will become (12)_________. Interviewer: What about (13) ________? Joe: That depends on how (14) _______ you have to go. If you are not going far, it is (15) _______ to go by bike and you will get (16) _______ quite fast. And one last point I would like to make is that about (17) _________ birds are killed on the roads (18) _________. Interviewer: Thank you for coming in today and … longer cleaner air winter far better warm 60 million every year

  50. A-listening 2-1 Listening Listening 1 Listening 2 Listening 3 Listening 4 Listening 5 Is it a solar car or an electric car — you choose! Directions: Listen to the interview and choose the correct answer to each question. 1. How did Bob get the money to buy his new car? a. He put solar panels on his roof. b. He got a second job with a solar panel company. c. He worked on his roof. 2. How much did he make over the last two years? a. He made $56,000. b. He made $560. c. He made $5,600.

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