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Senior University, Winter 2008 Session 6

Senior University, Winter 2008 Session 6. Scientific Explanations should be as simple as possible, but not too simple Albert Einstein. “History is so indifferently rich that a case

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Senior University, Winter 2008 Session 6

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  1. Senior University, Winter 2008 Session 6 Scientific Explanations should be as simple as possible, but not too simple Albert Einstein

  2. “History is so indifferently rich that a case for almost an conclusion from it can be made by a selection of instances” Will and Ariel Durant, “The Lessons of History”

  3. Where We’ve Been Heading: The last 3000 years Geology Mining Natural Philosophy Geology History World Eurasia Europe/Asia UK USA 0 1000 500 500 1000 1500 2000 Egypt et al Greece Rome Hinduism Religion Confucianism Judaism Christianity Bible Islam Buddhism

  4. Geology through Human History Review from Session 5 1775 to 1875 1859 Charles Darwin, Origin of Species 1830 Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology 1815 William Smith, Fossil correlation maps 1788 Hutton, Theory of the Earth Mining geology: from the beginning of time to the present 1800 1900 2000 1882 Charles Blanchard President of College

  5. Geology: 1774 to 1875 New Geological Knowledge that challenged historical interpretations of the Bible Darwin: Humans=high animals, great age Lyell: predictable rates of change Hutton: Many floods Smith: fossils, great ages 1859 Charles Darwin, Origin of Species 1830 Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology Uniformitarianism 1815 William Smith, Fossil correlation maps 1788 Hutton, Theory of the Earth Mining geology: from the beginning of time to the present 1800 1900 2000 1882 Charles Blanchard President of College

  6. Plate Tectonics Geology in the Last 150 Years Geophysics: Subsurface imaging Geochemistry : Radio age dating Continental Drift Stratigraphy : Stratigraphic Column, paleo-geol ogic Maps Mineralogy: Components of rocks: Microscopes, X-ray diffraction Petrology: Origin of Rocks Petrography (classification of rocks): from early times Crystallography: gem stones: from the beginning of human history to the present Mining geology: from the beginning of time to the present 1859 Charles Darwin, Origin of Species 1830 Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology 1815 William Smith, Fossil correlation maps 1788 Hutton, Theory of the Earth 1800 1900 2000

  7. Plate Tectonics Geophysics: Subsurface imaging Geochemistry : Radio age dating Continental Drift Stratigraphy : Stratigraphic Column, paleo-geol ogic Maps Mineralogy: Components of rocks: Microscopes, X-ray diffraction Petrology: Origin of Rocks Petrography (classification of rocks): from early times Crystallography: gem stones: from the beginning of human history to the present Mining geology: from the beginning of time to the present 1859 Charles Darwin, Origin of Species 1830 Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology Paleontology 1815 William Smith, Fossil correlation maps 1788 Hutton, Theory of the Earth 1800 1900 2000 More Geology Conflicting with Historical Biblical Interpretations

  8. Continental Drift: Alfred Wegener Continental Drift Stratigraphy : Stratigraphic Column, paleo-geol ogic Maps Mineralogy: Components of rocks: Microscopes, X-ray diffraction Petrology: Origin of Rocks Petrography (classification of rocks): from early times Crystallography: gem stones: from the beginning of human history to the present Mining geology: from the beginning of time to the present 1859 Charles Darwin, Origin of Species 1830 Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology 1815 William Smith, Fossil correlation maps 1788 Hutton, Theory of the Earth 1800 1900 2000

  9. Alfred Wegener, 1880 to 1930 German Meteorologist Continental Drift Proposal 290 Million Years Ago 37 Million Years Ago

  10. Continental Drift North America through the Ages

  11. Map Reconstruction of Geologic History Stratigraphy : Stratigraphic Column, paleo-geol ogic Maps Mineralogy: Components of rocks: Microscopes, X-ray diffraction Petrology: Origin of Rocks Petrography (classification of rocks): from early times Crystallography: gem stones: from the beginning of human history to the present Mining geology: from the beginning of time to the present 1859 Charles Darwin, Origin of Species 1830 Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology 1815 William Smith, Fossil correlation maps 1788 Hutton, Theory of the Earth 1800 1900 2000

  12. The Stratigraphic Column Stratigraphy Correlating by age and Environment

  13. Paleo-Geographic Maps Stratigraphy Correlating by age and Environment The Stratigraphic Column

  14. Isopach Maps Stratigraphy Correlating by age and Environment The Stratigraphic Column Paleo-Geographic Maps

  15. Geologic Maps

  16. Geological Map of the USA

  17. Stratigraphy Correlating by age and Environment Subsurface Maps Geosynclines Gulf of Mexico Geosyncline

  18. Subsurface Cross Sections Gulf of Mexico Geosyncline New Orleans Sun City Gulf of Mexico Geosyncline

  19. “Absolute” Age Dating of Rocks Geochemistry : Radio age dating Continental Drift Stratigraphy : Stratigraphic Column, paleo-geol ogic Maps Mineralogy: Components of rocks: Microscopes, X-ray diffraction Petrology: Origin of Rocks Petrography (classification of rocks): from early times Crystallography: gem stones: from the beginning of human history to the present Mining geology: from the beginning of time to the present 1859 Charles Darwin, Origin of Species 1830 Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology 1815 William Smith, Fossil correlation maps 1788 Hutton, Theory of the Earth 1800 1900 2000

  20. J. Laurence Kulp research in radiometric dating included :-- Potassium-argon dating[6][7]- Rubidium-strontium dating[8]- Uranium-lead dating[9]- Carbon-14[10]

  21. Geochemistry: Absolute Age Dating

  22. Geochemistry: Absolute Age Dating Radio Active Age Dating Radioactive Decay of Uranium 238

  23. Geologic Time: “How old is our earth?” 1658 Bishop Ussher: 6000 years 1785 James Hutton: 30 to 50 million years 1830 Sir Charles Lyell: 80 million years Lord Kelvin, 24 to 40 million years (heat flow) 1899 John Joly, 90 million years (sea salts) 1947 to 1960 Radioactivity, 4.8 BILLION YEARS OLD!! Future ??????

  24. Geophysics: Subsurface imaging Geochemistry : Radio age dating Continental Drift Stratigraphy : Stratigraphic Column, paleo-geol ogic Maps Mineralogy: Components of rocks: Microscopes, X-ray diffraction Petrology: Origin of Rocks Petrography (classification of rocks): from early times Crystallography: gem stones: from the beginning of human history to the present Mining geology: from the beginning of time to the present 1859 Charles Darwin, Origin of Species 1830 Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology 1815 William Smith, Fossil correlation maps 1788 Hutton, Theory of the Earth 1800 1900 2000 Geophysical Subsurface Imaging

  25. Geophysics: Subsurface Imaging Sea Level 20,000 feet

  26. Plate Tectonics Geophysics: Subsurface imaging Geochemistry : Radio age dating Continental Drift Stratigraphy : Stratigraphic Column, paleo-geol ogic Maps Mineralogy: Components of rocks: Microscopes, X-ray diffraction Petrology: Origin of Rocks Petrography (classification of rocks): from early times Crystallography: gem stones: from the beginning of human history to the present Mining geology: from the beginning of time to the present 1859 Charles Darwin, Origin of Species 1830 Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology 1815 William Smith, Fossil correlation maps 1788 Hutton, Theory of the Earth 1800 1900 2000 Plate Tectonics: Ultimate Historical Geology

  27. Maurice Ewing, 1906 to 1974, Geophysicist, Lamont Geological Observatory Columbia University, New York Lamont, NY Woods Hole, Mass Scripps , CA

  28. Geologic Time Diagram Mississippian time

  29. Mississippian Time 340 million years ago Mountain Range due to Plate Collisions Scandinavia Mountain Range due to Loading England Crushed & Melted into mountain range France Spain

  30. 200 Million Years of Continental Destruction & Renewal 300 million years ago Pennsylvanian time

  31. North America: Northward Drift during Pennsylvanian Time Pennsylvanian Time 300 million years ago Mississippian Time 340 million years ago Texas at equator Greenland rotating counter clockwise

  32. West Texas Permian Basin Pennsylvanian Geosyncline in front of growing mountains

  33. Plate Tectonics Geophysics: Subsurface imaging Geochemistry : Radio age dating Continental Drift Stratigraphy : Stratigraphic Column, paleo-geol ogic Maps Mineralogy: Components of rocks: Microscopes, X-ray diffraction Petrology: Origin of Rocks Petrography (classification of rocks): from early times Crystallography: gem stones: from the beginning of human history to the present Mining geology: from the beginning of time to the present 1859 Charles Darwin, Origin of Species 1830 Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology Paleontology 1815 William Smith, Fossil correlation maps 1788 Hutton, Theory of the Earth 1800 1900 2000 Geology Conflicting with Literal Readings of Biblical account of Creation & Noah’s Flood

  34. Four Views on Religious “Stories” e.g. The Bible View One: The Bible is the Literal WORD of GOD Geological Conclusions: The Young Earth: Created by God in 4004 BC Worldwide Flood: 2348 BC Humans: Finale of God’s living Creation

  35. Four Views on Religious “Stories” e.g. The Bible View One: The Bible is the Literal WORD of GOD Geological Conclusions: The Young Earth: Created by God in 4004 BC Worldwide Flood: 2348 BC Humans: Finale of God’s living Creation

  36. Four Views on Religious “Stories” e.g. The Bible View One: The Bible is the Literal WORD of GOD Geological Interpretations The Young Earth: Created by God in 4004 BC The Old Earth: 4.5 billion years old Worldwide Flood: 2348 BC Many “worldwide floods Humans: Finale of God’s living Creation Humans current top of Homo sapiens tree

  37. View One: The Bible is the Literal WORD of GOD “Young Earth” Response 1. Majority: Ignore Science 2. Vocal Few: Uniformitarianism is invalid! God set aside natural laws to accomplish His Purpose 3. Noah’s Flood produced all geology

  38. George McCready Price (1870–1963) Young Earth Advocate Early 20th Century The New Geology (1923), a 726 page college textbook Largely ignored as Illogical & unscientific George McCready Price, left

  39. Late 20th Century Institute for Creation Research Our Mission ICR equips believers with evidence of the Bible's accuracy and authority through scientific research, educational programs, and media presentations, all conducted within a thoroughly biblical framework

  40. Institute for Creation Research Vocal Young Earth Advocates since 1970 ICR began as the research division of Christian Heritage College, now known as San Diego Christian College. The heart of ICR and the vision of our late founder, Dr. Henry M. Morris, is to conduct scientific research and gather evidences in support of biblical truth, especially on the issue of origins.

  41. Four Views on Religious “Stories” e.g. The Bible View One: The Bible is the Literal WORD of GOD View Two: The Bible is the Inerrant WORD of GOD Stories of Old Testament may be myths, Legends, etc Geological Conclusions: Creation 4.5 billion years ago acceptable to many Noah’s Flood one of many through time Humans: Finale of God’s “evolutionary” Creation

  42. Four Views on Religious “Stories” e.g. The Bible View One: The Bible is the Literal WORD of GOD View Two: The Bible is the Inerrant WORD of GOD Stories of Old Testament may be myths, Legends, etc View Three: The Bible contains the WORD of GOD Varying amounts of Bible are words of Man Geology embraced Many holding views One and Two appalled at possible dilution of the Biblical Message

  43. Four Views on Religious “Stories” e.g. The Bible View One: The Bible is the Literal WORD of GOD View Two: The Bible is the Inerrant WORD of GOD Stories of Old Testament may be myths, Legends, etc View Three: The Bible contains the WORD of GOD Varying amounts of Bible are words of Man View Four: Bible Impressive Ancient Literature Not relevant to physical sciences

  44. The Unfortunate current use of Intelligent Design Intelligent Design used by both the Media & Young Earth Advocates Since a “Young” Earth required discarding all Scientific evidence, it cannot be either intelligent or by Design. Dbeau 2008 “If young earth is true, it is the most cruel joke that a so-called benevolent Creator could make On Humans” Dr. J. Laurence Kulp

  45. The Unfortunate current use of Intelligent Design Intelligent Design used by both the Media & Young Earth Advocates Intelligent Design is said to imply great complexity. In Reality natural design, though complex, is extremely simple in function. Dbeau, 2008

  46. Scientific Explanations should be as simple as possible, but not too simple Albert Einstein In Reality natural design, though complex, is extremely simple in function. Dbeau, 2008 For Example: The Earth’s Living Crust

  47. Earth’s Living Crust

  48. Continental Drift & Plate Tectonics defined from 1950 to 1970 Unifying Theory in Geology

  49. The Earth’s Two Crustal Types Continental Crust Oceanic Crust Oceanic Crust Continental Crust

  50. Oceanic Crust: dark colored dense rocky top of the mantle about 5 miles thick

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