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Echoes of Bourguibism in Tunisian society - Apolitical meanings of Jasmine revolution

Echoes of Bourguibism in Tunisian society - Apolitical meanings of Jasmine revolution. Jakub Kydlíček Center of African studies University of West Bohemia. Research questions. Why Tunisia ? - „ tunisian “ exception due to „ citizenship “?

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Echoes of Bourguibism in Tunisian society - Apolitical meanings of Jasmine revolution

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  1. EchoesofBourguibism in Tunisian society-ApoliticalmeaningsofJasminerevolution Jakub Kydlíček Center ofAfricanstudies University ofWest Bohemia Jakub Kydlíček, Centre of African studies, University of West Bohemia

  2. Researchquestions • WhyTunisia? - „tunisian“ exceptiondue to „citizenship“? • Picture ofBourguiba as a frameof identity? - „belle époque“ as utopiaofthe past? JakubKydlíček, Centre of African studies, University of West Bohemia

  3. Methodology • Discourseanalysiswithintargetedgroups • Participantobservationandsemi-structuredquestioning • Random sample – taxi/louagedrivers, hotel staff • Analysisofpress, media and internet expressions Jakub Kydlíček, Centre of African studies, University of West Bohemia

  4. Birthof „tunisian society“ • Frenchimpact– acquisitonof western politicaltermsintotunisiannationalistmind • Reflectionsof „bourguibism“ - commentary as framefordefinitionof ideology (Ch. Micaud) • Creationofmiddleclasstroughbourguibistpragamticreforms JakubKydlíček, Centre of African studies, University of West Bohemia

  5. a. Dignity (individualandcollective) withthe "promotionofhuman," whichcallsfornationalself-determination. This dignity, however, couldbe not satisfiedwiththeacquisitionofindependence, but has to continuethroughthedevelopmentofdemocracy. • b. Thebelief in human solidarity - as factorjustifyingthenationalistaspect as well as economicaspectofdevelopment, designed to movetowards a democracy. Itisthepursuitfornationalcohesionthatexcludestribalismandleftisttraditionalism. • c. Confidence in thepowerofreason, whichistheresultofthe pro-Western discourseofscientificandcriticalthinking. Reasonistheadoptionofrealismandpragmatism. ThisapproachisconvenantingwithBourguibapromoted "politique des étapes". Patientpragmatismistheoppositeofrevolutionarydogmatismor sentimentality, which are just a formofirrationality. (Micaud, 1964) Jakub Kydlíček, Centre of African studies, University of West Bohemia

  6. Bourguiba as rethoricalstrategy (based on random sample of ca. 30 taxi drivers) • Arab persuasivetechniques : • Presentation as a proof(B. J. Koch, 1983) - creatingsocialinteraction vs. information transfer • Repetitivefigures - يحدّد و يخطّط (definesanddelimits), التخريب و التدمير (destructionanddemolition) - „Argumentum ad fontem“ - commemorationofhistoricalfactforjustifyingofpresentact Jakub Kydlíček, Centre of African studies, University of West Bohemia

  7. Keywords(andposssiblecategories) • „leader“ / „zacīm“ (“zaïm”) • Cult of personality : „père de la nation“, „pèrede l'indépendence“ • Posts : „président“, „Chef de l’État“, „Chef de Gouvernement“, „Hommed‘État“ • Acts : „libérateur de la Tunisie“, „fondateur de la Tunisiemoderne“, „combattantsuprême“/„al-Mudjahid al-Akbar“ „BānīTūnis al-Jadīd“ Jakub Kydlíček, Centre of African studies, University of West Bohemia

  8. Younggeneration • Infijarsukaniandyounggenerationwith no jobopportunities – colapsedconceptof „Universities as symbol ofsucces“ • Bourguibism as aculturatedcompetence - acculturationbased on… sharedsymbols (Bourguiba in everyplace) language (QED) anddetermined by … lackofalternativeworldview (defeatofislamism, RCD dominance) • Bourguibism as theonlyhope Jakub Kydlíček, Centre of African studies, University of West Bohemia

  9. Jakub Kydlíček, Centre of African studies, University of West Bohemia

  10. Jakub Kydlíček, Centre of African studies, University of West Bohemia

  11. www.bourguiba.com Jakub Kydlíček, Centre of African studies, University of West Bohemia

  12. Case study : Bouazizi Jakub Kydlíček, Centre of African studies, University of West Bohemia

  13. Firstprotests – similaritieswithBreadriots in 80s • „martyrisation“ ofBouazizi • Uprisingformiddleclass • Possiblescenario : collapseof „tunisian identity“? • neo-bourguibism Jakub Kydlíček, Centre of African studies, University of West Bohemia

  14. Thankyouforyourattention Jakub Kydlíček, Centre of African studies, University of West Bohemia

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