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OpenQuake. GEM. Mission and Vision It is GEM’s mission to engage a global community in the design, development and deployment of state-of-the-art models and tools for earthquake risk assessment worldwide.

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  1. OpenQuake GEM Mission and Vision It is GEM’s mission to engage a global community in the design, development and deployment of state-of-the-art models and tools for earthquake risk assessment worldwide. OECD’s Global Science Forum created the opportunity for an initiative to leverage (scientific) knowledge on earthquake risk for the benefit of society, worldwide. What GEM envisions and has started to work on, is the bringing together of state-of-the-art science and national, regional, international organisations as well as individuals, in a global collaborative effort that will have a lasting impact on seismic risk assessment.

  2. OpenQuake ? What is ? OpenQuake is an open source software application that allows users to compute seismic hazardand risk on any scale.

  3. OpenQuake ? ? How to get OpenQuake can be downloaded from www.openquake.org where the latest version is available with the installation documentation.

  4. OpenQuake ? How do I get support from ? The OpenQuake team coodinates through many communication channels such as IRC, mailing lists, blogs, forum, etc…

  5. OpenQuake What calculators does have today ?

  6. OpenQuake Classical PSHA-based risk calculator Vulnerability functions Exposure model Hazard curves Hazard Model Classical PSHA hazard curves calculator Classical PSHA-based risk calculator Loss curves

  7. OpenQuake Probabilistic event-based calculator Hazard Model Vulnerability functions Exposure model Earthquake rupture forecast calculator Stochastic event set calculator Ground motion field calculator Prob event-based risk calculator Loss curves

  8. OpenQuake Architecture

  9. OpenQuake What can I calculatewith today ?

  10. OpenQuake Currently OpenQuake is alpha-code meaning that it is a development release and all interaction with the tool is through a terminal interface

  11. OpenQuake Hazard Curves Curves that give the probability of exceedance of a certain intensity measure level, within a time span.

  12. OpenQuake Hazard Maps Distribution of the expected ground motion for a certain probability of exceedance with a given time span

  13. OpenQuake Loss curves No Image at this time Curves that give the probability of exceedance a certain loss, within a time span.

  14. OpenQuake Loss maps Distribution of the expected losses for a certain probability of exceedance with a given time span

  15. OpenQuake Where can I find documentationabout what calculates?

  16. OpenQuake OpenQuake book All the calculations, equations and assumptions inside of the OpenQuake engine are described in detail on the OpenQuake book.

  17. OpenQuake What will I calculatewith In the future?

  18. OpenQuake Future releases of OpenQuake will include a Web based user interface

  19. OpenQuake Seismic Hazard disaggregation The disaggregation provides the contributions to the hazard of discrete combinations of basic parameters considered in the calculations (e.g. magnitude, rupture-site distance)

  20. OpenQuake Ground motion fields for single events Distribution of the ground motion in a region for a single earthquake

  21. OpenQuake Disaggregation of losses The disaggregation provides the contributions to the losses of discrete combinations of basic parameters considered in the calculations (e.g. magnitude, rupture-site distance)

  22. OpenQuake Plus… • Uniform hazard spectrum calculator; • Analytical methods to estimate vulnerability; • Assessment of critical facilities and lifelines; • Socio-economic impact; • All additional contributions from the OpenQuake community!

  23. OpenQuake Questions or comments can be sent to info@openquake.org Thank you!

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