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prefix. ad-. To, toward. -hesion. Hint: Something stuck to. prefix. bi-. Two. -lateral. Hint: Two-sided. prefix. blast-. Germ or cell. -toma. Hint: A true tumor of cells. prefix. cardio-. Pertaining to the heart. -graphy. Hint: Recording of the actions of the heart. prefix.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. prefix ad- To, toward

  2. -hesion Hint: Something stuck to

  3. prefix bi- Two

  4. -lateral Hint: Two-sided

  5. prefix blast- Germ or cell

  6. -toma Hint: A true tumor of cells

  7. prefix cardio- Pertaining to the heart

  8. -graphy Hint: Recording of the actions of the heart

  9. prefix dys- With pain or difficulty

  10. -pnea Hint: Difficulty breathing

  11. prefix epi- Upon, on

  12. -dermis Hint: The skin

  13. prefix pulmo- Lung

  14. -nary Hint: Involving the lungs

  15. prefix tachy- Fast

  16. -cardia Hint: Fast heart rate

  17. prefix leuk- Pertaining to anything white

  18. -ocyte Hint: White blood cells

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