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my first experience as a writer - David Zaikin

Am David Zaikin and My wife Yana Zaikin is a very talented jewellery designer ( she is a founder of Emily H London). I dont have enough time to help her with the marketing but I decided to help her with her idea to take african diamonds directly to the consumer.<br><br>For more detail please visit here: https://medium.com/my-first-experience-as-a-writer/my-first-experience-as-a-writer-ddecdd6c6e0b

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my first experience as a writer - David Zaikin

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  1. To make Medium work, we log user data. By using Medium, you agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie policy. Sign in Get started my first experience as a writer 500 words essay on who you would like to see a speaker at your wife Charitable Foundation event  David Zaikin May 3, 2014 · 4 min read Follow My wife Yana Zaikin is a very talented jewellery designer ( she is a founder of Emily H London). I dont have enough time to help her with the marketing but I decided to help her with her idea to take african diamonds directly to the consumer. Yana asked me who would be the best person to invite to her first 8 C Foundation event … Bill Clinton “He bestrides the world as a colossus” could equally have been written by Shakespeare to describe Bill Clinton as much as it was Julius Caesar. A complex character with a fine intelligence, Bill Clinton is a hugely charismatic figure; one who is still constantly changing, growing and improving himself. And with change comes risk — something that entrepreneurs and innovative business leaders live with daily. His public stance today is more that of a Chief Executive than a politician. He stresses the importance of entrepreneurialism, recruiting most of his staff from the business world. He says using business practices, “allows us to do a lot with relatively small resources.” According to influential management consultant, the late Peter Drucker, “the entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.” Entrepreneurship is knowing how to raise, deploy and invest capital. The ideal for Drucker was the efficient, ever- effective corporation. Clinton follows Drucker’s principles. The fact that Clinton achieves so much on a monumental scale with limited resources, makes him a subject of endless fascination, he just keeps on doing it. It is for this reason that I would like to invite him as a guest speaker, to understand more about how he actually uses best business practice to self-seed projects on a global scale and to understand more about how he translates his vision into an executable, workable, strategy for success across a number of large scale projects with limited resources. This is the test for all entrepreneurs/managers to restart the organisation as if from scratch. The difference is that Clinton’s Foundation does not have customers in the true sense of the word. He still continues to search out talent, though, knowing that this can make the difference between success and failure of a project and teams up with highly successful goal-oriented individuals allowing for an innovative approach to problem solving. His most notable projects through the William J Clinton Foundation (founded 1977) include the Clinton Climate Initiative, dedicated to fostering research to combat climate change; the Clinton Global Initiative, an annual meeting of world leaders to discuss global issues; and the Clinton Foundation Haiti Fund, dedicated to rebuilding Haiti in the aftermath of its devastating 2010 earthquake. He may not have had financial resources at his disposal on the same scale as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (some $33.5 Billion), however, he has a capacity to move mountains — “we identify a problem, we analyse it and we move on,” he has been quoted as saying. I should like the opportunity to hear him speak about some of the challenges he’s faced and how he and his team identified and put into play winning strategies. Shakespeare’s play centres on the question of whether Caesar is a good or bad leader. The question remains unanswered, some saying he was ambitious and arrogant, and others that he was a commanding leader. Clinton’s own interest in public service was sparked by the principal of his High School who encouraged all his students to devote themselves to public service. He also demonstrated great shrewdness when in office, positioning himself as a New Democrat which he knew would have the broadest appeal for both Republicans and Democrats. While it is still too early to judge his presidency in terms of modern history, Clinton wrote, “I judge my presidency primarily in terms of its impact on people’s lives. That is how I kept score: all the millions of people with new jobs, new homes, and college aid; the people who left welfare for work; the families helped by the family leave law; the people living in safer neighbourhoods — all those people have stories, and they’re better ones now.” Even Clinton himself is equivocal about his contribution to public service saying only: “If you can do something that makes a difference, you have a moral obligation. But it’s not a burden, it’s a joy. I think those are my motives,” he concluded. “But who can really know?” On the passage of time will yield up the definitive view of Bill Clinton, however, I’d like the opportunity to question him myself. 1 clap WRITTEN BY David Zaikin Follow Father , Son and Husband , Scholar ,Sport Lover, Blogger , Time Traveller , News Twitter, Economy Saver, Corporate Governor, Mining Investor My First Experience as a Writer Follow Breaking the Writers Block More From Medium My Parents Didn’t Invest a Dime in Stocks and They’re Crushing Retirement 5 Famous People Who Got Away With Killing Someone The 5 Most Overrated Personalities on The Planet 4 Polkadot Projects Ready to Explode (and how to get in early) Stephanie Leguichard in Chameleon Jessica Wildfire in The Apeiron Blog Henry Gruett in Yard Couch Rocco Pendola in Making of a Millionaire Google Director Of Engineering: This is how fast the world will change in ten years Five Signs of a Highly Intelligent Person What Playing Pool With a Retired Stripper Taught Me About Men Three Things in Life That Aren’t Worth The Effort Sean Kernan in Mind Cafe Sean Kernan in Mind Cafe Emily Kingsley in Curious Michael Simmons in Accelerated Intelligence Learn more. 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