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    2. 2 OVERVIEW What is inflammation? How does inflammation occur? What happens when there is an inflammatory process? How to detect an inflammatory process? What can we do to prevent inflammation? Dietary changes Supplementation

    3. 3 WHAT IS INFLAMMATION? Inflammation is a complex series of chemical and cellular activities performed by the body in response to (1) injury or (2) abnormal stimulation caused by a physical, chemical, or biological agent. Website www. Sciencedigest.comWebsite www. Sciencedigest.com

    4. 4 INFLAMMATION is triggered whenever body tissues are injured 1) Prevents the spread of damaging agents. 2) Disposes of cell debris. 3) Sets stage for tissue repair in order to restore tissue to original state (if possible). 4) Is the body’s first action towards healing itself.

    5. 5 “Chronic (daily), subclinical (invisible) inflammation sustained over a lifetime is the underlying cause of aging.” - Peter Pugliese, M.D., 1990 This means aging and disease can be slowed and some forms may even be prevented. Depending upon lifestyle and skin care choicesDepending upon lifestyle and skin care choices

    6. 6 INFLAMMATION IS A HIDDEN CAUSE OF AGING AND DISEASE Research on the dangers of systemic inflammation is still not widely recognized. Primary risk for all cancers, Alzheimer's and heart disease. Understanding/controlling inflammation critical as prevention. Lab testing reveals inflammatory markers. Research from Life Extension Foundation, Moran EM Epidemiological Clinic research on clinical aspects of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cancer risks.Research from Life Extension Foundation, Moran EM Epidemiological Clinic research on clinical aspects of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cancer risks.

    7. 7 UV Light Smog Airborne Chemicals Tobacco Smoke Diet Alcohol Drugs Exercise Stress Skin Care & Other Cosmetics Smoke/Smog also linked to Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS) Will talk about effects of smoke & smog - and what can be done to protect the skin - in class this afternoonSmoke/Smog also linked to Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS) Will talk about effects of smoke & smog - and what can be done to protect the skin - in class this afternoon

    8. 8 2 Types of Inflammation CHRONIC Triggered if ACUTE phase isn’t effective Can be low intensity Long duration (days to a lifetime) Accumulation of macrophages and lymphocytes Leads to tissue destruction ACUTE Localized Intense Short duration (minutes to days) Usually rapid response, neutrophil primary cell ACUTE Peels, Sunburn, Paper cut, Pimple, Bee Sting CHRONIC is the aging process collagenase, elastase ACUTE Peels, Sunburn, Paper cut, Pimple, Bee Sting CHRONIC is the aging process collagenase, elastase

    9. 9

    10. 10 5 Cardinal Signs of Inflammation 1) Redness 2) Swelling 3) Heat 4) Pain 5) Loss of Function and Scarring 1) Increased blood flow 2) Capillary Leakage 3) Leukocytes migrate from blood to tissues As blood flow increases there is a retraction of the endothelial cells as the mast cells, as part of the immune function, releases histamine. This retraction allows rom for the macrophage cell, a scavenger cell, to enter to continue the immunity needed to ward of antigensAs blood flow increases there is a retraction of the endothelial cells as the mast cells, as part of the immune function, releases histamine. This retraction allows rom for the macrophage cell, a scavenger cell, to enter to continue the immunity needed to ward of antigens

    11. 11 While a little inflammation can be beneficial, severe or prolonged inflammation is not.

    12. 12

    13. 13 Immune cells are desgined as a team to seek, identify, surround, inject, destroy, clean up and remove waste from the body through complex mechanisms which we will see during the presentaion.Immune cells are desgined as a team to seek, identify, surround, inject, destroy, clean up and remove waste from the body through complex mechanisms which we will see during the presentaion.

    14. 14 THE IMMUNE SYSTEM IS A COMPLEX, DYNAMIC SOPHISTICATED system charged with protecting the body from that which is “non-self” – including pathogens, cells of diseases and molecules of foreign particles

    15. 15 Cytokine is a regulatory protein such as interleukins and lymphokines, that are released by cells of the immune system and act as intercellular mediators in a immune response.Cytokine is a regulatory protein such as interleukins and lymphokines, that are released by cells of the immune system and act as intercellular mediators in a immune response.

    16. 16 Relate to AHAs work on SC & Dermis and Peptides’s work on Dermis (collagen, elastin, matrix/HA)Relate to AHAs work on SC & Dermis and Peptides’s work on Dermis (collagen, elastin, matrix/HA)

    17. 17 WHAT ARE FREE RADICALS? An atom or molecule with an unpaired electron. Highly charged unstable electrons looking to be at rest or looking for stability. Steal electrons from more stable molecules setting off a chain reaction. Unstable molecules that disrupt normal cell function by stealing electrons to gain molecular stability. Cell membranes; phospholipids are attacked because of their lipophilic nature creating premature cell death.

    18. 18 FREE RADICALS In our environment Pesticides Microwaves In our food Not only what we take in but how we metabolize it. Burnt foods Fried foods Rancid oils Trans-Fats/Hydrogenated oils Chemicals inhaled Chemicals----trans-dermal penetrated Nitrates, Nitrites and preservatives in foods

    19. 19 Antioxidants Any large class of substances that neutralize free radicals before they cause damage Molecules that quench free radicals Protect genes Various vitamins and plant compounds Found in foods and can be supplemented Colorful fruits and vegetables Lycopene, Beta Carotene Vitamins C, A, E

    20. 20

    21. 21 Guide to IMMUNE CELLS

    22. 22 PHAGOCYTES Engulf Foreign Bodies (Antigens) Digest via enzymes, peroxides & respiratory ‘bursts’ (singlet oxygen, superoxide, hydroxyl radical) Monocytes Macrophages Dendritic Cells Neutrophils GRANULOCYTES Contain granular chemicals toxic to Foreign Bodies Neutrophils Basophils Eosinophils Mast Cells Natural Killer Cells

    23. 23 LEUKOCYTE Neutrophils the First Responder Circulate thru blood stream until they are needed in tissues—attracted by ‘chemokines’ = chemicals that cell is drawn to Both----- Phagocytic Chemokines are a group of low molecular weight cytokines such as interleukin-8 identified on the basis to induce chemokinesis in leukocytes in inflammation.Chemokines are a group of low molecular weight cytokines such as interleukin-8 identified on the basis to induce chemokinesis in leukocytes in inflammation.

    24. 24 LEUCOCYTES 1. Primary immune blood cells 2. Migrate from blood to tissues 3. First immune response within the inflammatory cascade 4. Produced in the bone marrow 5. Don’t live long/abundantly 6. Produce MMPs PAGE 11 first time leukocyte was named MMPs in Inflammatory Cascade make room for cells in second line of defense. MMPs MATRIX METELLO PROTEASES Allows the natural immune processes which is the Neutrophils call in Monocytes which become Macrophage leukocytes. EACH RELEASED and transformed into AS PART OF THE NATURAL SEQUENCE IN IMMUINTY AND WOUND HEALING. The process for wound healing is the same as a creation of a wrinkle.PAGE 11 first time leukocyte was named MMPs in Inflammatory Cascade make room for cells in second line of defense. MMPs MATRIX METELLO PROTEASES Allows the natural immune processes which is the Neutrophils call in Monocytes which become Macrophage leukocytes. EACH RELEASED and transformed into AS PART OF THE NATURAL SEQUENCE IN IMMUINTY AND WOUND HEALING. The process for wound healing is the same as a creation of a wrinkle.

    25. 25 MACROPHAGE

    26. 26 IMMUNITY = INFLAMMATION Inflammation is an important process. We are exposed to so many different types of conditions that create inflammation. What do we do? We need to have the tools to prevent and control low grade subclinical inflammation. We have choices.

    27. 27 Detecting Inflammation Symptoms Acid/Alkalinity: Urine Test Achy Joints Sinus Conditions Conditions where there is a lot of mucous sinuses, bowels Lab testing Hs CRP Homocysteine/Amino Acid in the blood Westegren/Sed. Rate Lp-PLA2 lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 Dilated Capillaries Elevated glucose levels Food Allergies Elevated Histamine/Cortisol INFLAMMATION IS THE PRECURSOR TO ALL DIS-EASE Elevated Metals 80,000 people from 32 perspective studies published in Lancet May I 2010 showed elevated levels of Lp-PLA2 assoc. with increased risk coronary artery disease. It is a vascular specific inflammatory enzyme.80,000 people from 32 perspective studies published in Lancet May I 2010 showed elevated levels of Lp-PLA2 assoc. with increased risk coronary artery disease. It is a vascular specific inflammatory enzyme.

    28. 28 LIFESTYLE CHANGES Reduce Stress Exercise Learn to be Mindful Develop a relationship with your God Prayer/Meditation Become holistic in the way we think and approach ourselves and one another Dietary Changes and Supplementation Conscious Breath Increase Water Consumption/Kangen/Bottled Water Proper Elimination Nasal Irrigation Decrease Acidic Foods Supplementation Aid your digestive process/Enzymes/Pre and Probiotics Reduce Alcohol consumption Tested the PH factors of water Water in Plastic Frozen in Plastic Heated in Plastic Microwaved in plasticTested the PH factors of water Water in Plastic Frozen in Plastic Heated in Plastic Microwaved in plastic

    29. 29 ACID ALKALINITY There are acid and alkaline foods. Fruits and Vegetables are eaten not only for their mineral and antioxidant content but most have an alkalinizing effect. Meats are acidic. Grains are acidic. 80%/20% Sugar is acid/cancer cells. Nuts are acidic. As they neutralize free radicals the body becomes more alkaline Cancer grows on refined sugars Cancer grows on refined sugar the *0/@0 that is why we are told to consumbe 5-7 servings of fruit and vegetables not only for the photochemical properties but for the alkalinityAs they neutralize free radicals the body becomes more alkaline Cancer grows on refined sugars Cancer grows on refined sugar the *0/@0 that is why we are told to consumbe 5-7 servings of fruit and vegetables not only for the photochemical properties but for the alkalinity

    30. 30 HEALING FOODS Well Tolerated By Most Alaska Salmon, Albacore Tuna, Anchovies, Sardines, Tilapia, Lake Trout Barley, Oats, Millet, Quinoa, Spelt, Brown Rice Dark Leafy Greens Flaxseed, Canola, Oils Fruit Except Citrus Legumes Red, Yellow, Orange, and Green Vegetables

    31. 31 Food Choices Reduce Inflammation/Protect Genes Water Tea Medicinal Mushrooms-Shitake Colorful Fruits and Vegetables (Organic) Foods GMO Free Free Range Meats Reduce Sugar/Salt/Processed Foods No Fried Foods Organic Dairy Products Macadamia and Walnut oils

    32. 32 RULES FOR ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EATING Eat selectively; watch portion sizes Eat smaller nutritious meals more frequently; don’t eat on the run; chew Choose tan or brown carbohydrates not white ones; grains, nuts, seeds Emphasize protein, lean, and combined vegetable sources. Eat protein foods first, followed by non-starchy vegetables, then carbos.

    33. 33 ANTI AGING EATING Drink plenty of liquids between meals instead of with the meal; no soda. If you drink alcohol, drink with the meal and moderately. Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables with the most intense color. Use high-quality oils, avoid unhealthy fats. Eat meals at regular times and do not eat late. Avoid processed foods. Choose low fat dairy products; high fat increases arachidonic acid. While we need some arachidonic acid if we have too much it causes inflammation Choose low fat dairy products.While we need some arachidonic acid if we have too much it causes inflammation Choose low fat dairy products.

    34. 34 PHYTONUTRIENTS Phyto-nutrients buzz word among food scientists. Amazing plant chemicals are antioxidants. Phyto-nutrients are pigments that give plants their vibrant color. Neutralize free radicals and inflammation Prevent cancer/ have gene restorative properties. Similar color ~~~~similar plant molecules/related disease fighting properties.

    35. 35 COLOR-CODING

    36. 36 COLOR-CODED EATING Yellow, orange, bright red---Carotenoids Beta carotene, Lycopene Green---sulfur compounds, Sulphorane, isothiocyanates, indols, R-Lipoic Acid Purple, blue, black, magenta---phenolics, flavonoids Tan---Phytosterols, phytoestrogens, fiber White---protein, omega 3 fatty acids, omega 6 fatty acids

    37. 37 Orange, red, yellow/green: carrots, pumpkin, peppers, tomatoes, mangos, papaya (Protect Genes) Green, green/white: asparagus, broccoli, bok choy, onions, mustard greens (Repair genes, improve cellular nutrients and detoxify) Purple, blue, black, magenta: blackberries, cherries, beets: (reduce inflammation) Tan, brown: barley, mushrooms, tofu, wild rice (Reduce insulin resistance and balance hormones) COLOR-CODING

    38. 38 HERBS AND SPICES Neutralize Free Radicals Garlic Onions Tea Cinnamon Turmeric Curry Ginger Ashwaganda Desmodium Cardamom Cayenne


    40. 40 Documented studies show a clear connection between higher blood levels of certain nutrients and a lower risk of many health conditions: DISEASE Documented studies examined impact of folic acid, vitamin b and their effect on tissue inflammationDocumented studies examined impact of folic acid, vitamin b and their effect on tissue inflammation

    41. 41 WHY SUPPLEMENTATION Why is supplementation important? Isolated molecules from foods delivering dosages much higher than we could possibly obtain from food. Targeted Supplementation-what is specifically being treated? Reduce inflammation/reduce pain/ stop and slow down disease progression. General Supplementation-overall prevention and reduction of inflammation. Poor eating habits, food depleted. Medications cause depletion. Cannot consume the amount of food necessary for today’s world. Stress increases oxidative burden and decreases micronutrients. We need to replace micronutrients to protect cells.

    42. 42 ANTI AGING/ANTI-INFLAMMATORY PROTOCOL High quality multi vitamin/mineral complex. Folic Acid. B vitamins. Vitamins D, C, A, E. Bioflavanoids, quercetin, pycnogenol. Boswella. Ginger. Tumeric, Curcumin Glucosamine-Chondroitin Tri-Methylglycine CoQ Enzyme 10 R-Lipoic Acid Glutathione Tripeptide that neutralized ROSTripeptide that neutralized ROS

    43. 43 ANTI-OXIDATION=DETOXIFICATION Need to rid body of free radicals. Increase detoxification Body does not make Vitamin C. Glutathione R. Lipoic Acid Acetyl L-Carnitine Stabilized Glutathione Glutathione a tri-peptide protects cells from peroxidation and free radicals ALC works directly on the mitochondia of the cells. Support normal cell function.Glutathione a tri-peptide protects cells from peroxidation and free radicals ALC works directly on the mitochondia of the cells. Support normal cell function.

    44. 44 VITAMINS A, C, E, TOCOTRIENOL Antioxidants, protect against lipid peroxidation. Lowers risk of heart disease. Improves insulin action in those with diabetes. Reduces inflammation and immune response. Protects against exercise induced oxidative damage. Inhibits protein glycation. Pycnogenol is an effective anti-inflammatory agent. Green tea protects against reoccurring estrogenic breast cancer. Gamma tocotrienol more active hten vitamin e alone. Most o=potent against cholesterolGamma tocotrienol more active hten vitamin e alone. Most o=potent against cholesterol

    45. 45 SULFUR CONTAINING ANTIOXIDANTS 13C induces detoxification enzymes that help prevent breast cancer. Indole and thio-sulfonate compounds isolated from cruciferious vegetables prevents colon cancer and does vitamin D3. DIM protects against prostate, cervical, and colon cancer. Aged garlic inhibits TNf and Nf preventing damage to DNA and reducing inflammation. TNF=Tumor Necrosis FactorTNF=Tumor Necrosis Factor

    46. 46 CO Q ENZYME 10 Ubiquinone is concentrated within the mitochondria as part of the (ATP) producing apparatus in the plant. In humans all aging conditions result from mitochondrial dysfunction due in part to insufficient CoQ10. Found in all living species. Must be supplemented with any heart medications especially statins. Decreases with age.

    47. 47 CLINICAL TRIALS COQ10 Inhibits lipid peroxidation in both cell membranes and low density lipoproteins, and protect DNA from oxidative stress. Prevent oxidative damage to brain. Enhance speedy recovery and cardiac function from heart attack. Maintain healthy apoptosis and may prevent cancer. Prevent thyroid disorders. Effective as adjunct during cardiac surgeryEffective as adjunct during cardiac surgery

    48. 48 ALPHA-LIPOIC ACID Both water and lipid soluble making it a universal antioxidant that provides protections throughout the whole body. Restores Vitamin C, E and CoQ10 to full scavenger capacity (recycling). Protects DNA by sequestering free radical generating metals. Improves carbohydrate metabolism. Improves brain energy and muscular skeletal performance. Sulfur compound, acts like sponge to sop up free radicals. Sequestering=lead intoSequestering=lead into

    49. 49 NEW RESEARCH Chen Yan, PhD. University of Rochester Medical Center Vinpocetine a derivative of vincamine (from the periwinkle plant), inhibits pro-inflammatory mediators in endothelial, epithelial cells and macrophages showing promise for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, arthritis, infectious disease cancer but especially Alzheimer's. Pronounced Vin po ca teen Inhibits enzyme phosphodiesterase the pro-inflammatory mediatorPronounced Vin po ca teen Inhibits enzyme phosphodiesterase the pro-inflammatory mediator

    50. 50 DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID AND OTHER NEW AGENTS DHA fraction of fish oil effective nonprescription supplement to suppress pro-inflammatory cytokines. Gamma-linolenic acid GLA another anti-inflammatory agent. DHEA shown to suppress IL-6 an inflammatory cytokine Nettle leaf also suppressive agent of cytokines. N-acetyl-cysteine NAC protective antioxidants. Vitamin K reduces levels of IL-6. Helps regulate calcium. GLA found in plant oilsGLA found in plant oils

    51. 51 NEW APPROACH Any free radical infestation will create low grade sub-clinical chronic inflammation. Needs to be controlled. Personal Detox Cocktail safe for everyone. Ultrafine Ascorbic Acid Powder, I tsp=2000 mg. Best source of glutathione, 400 mg. cap. R-Lipoic Acid, 300-600 mg. caplet. Drink with 16 oz. of water and continue more spring water each day to support detoxification. If diarrhea cut back to half on the vitamin C Best source of glutathione by Tyler Lab. Recancostat R lipioc acid recycles vit c and glutathione There is s form and RLipoic Acid Racemic form mirror image of itself.If diarrhea cut back to half on the vitamin C Best source of glutathione by Tyler Lab. Recancostat R lipioc acid recycles vit c and glutathione There is s form and RLipoic Acid Racemic form mirror image of itself.

    52. 52 SUMMARY Any free radical infestation will cause inflammation. Sets up environment for disease. Must intervene with multitudes of protective anti-oxidants. Cannot get enough from food. Need to supplement. Need to give body what it needs to detoxify.


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