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寶架清影 My Glory All The Cross 〈 華 〉 在主寶架清影中 我願腳步立定 〈 台 〉 在耶穌十架腳前 我今意愛豎在 Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand 好像炎暑遠行辛苦 投進磐石蔭影 這堅固石磐之蔭影 遮蓋憂悶所在 The shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 寶架清影My Glory All The Cross〈華〉在主寶架清影中 我願腳步立定〈台〉在耶穌十架腳前 我今意愛豎在Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand好像炎暑遠行辛苦 投進磐石蔭影這堅固石磐之蔭影 遮蓋憂悶所在The shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land

  2. 〈華〉好像曠野欣逢居處 長途喜見涼亭〈台〉親像在曠野之厝宅 旅途得著安歇A home within the wildernessa rest upon the way到此得息肩頭重擔 養力奔赴前程逃閃曠野如火大焰熱 重擔釋放主疼惜From the burning of the noontide heatand the burden of the day

  3. 〈華〉每逢思想奇妙十架 榮耀之主在上懸掛〈台〉我心仰望十字寶架 榮耀之主替我受罪When I survey the wondrous crossOn which the Prince of Glory died萬般尊貴頓看有損 從前所誇今覺鄙下我前欣慕世上榮華 今願為主攏總放息My richest gain I count but lossand pour contempt on all my pride

  4. 〈華〉求主禁我別有所誇 但誇我主代贖十架〈台〉使我勿得誇口一切 只有誇口我主十架Forbid it, Lord, that I should boastSave in the death of Christ, My God從前所慕虛榮假樂 今因主血甘盡丟下世間所有空虛福氣 為主寶血情願放離All the vain things that charm me mostI sacrifice them to His blood

  5. 〈華〉歲月悠悠百物衰朽 十架巍然獨存留〈台〉在主榮光十字寶架 攀過人生眾渡活In the cross of Christ I gloryTow’ring o’er the wrecks of time為我榮耀直到永久 聖蹟光輝照千秋一切聖潔光明故事 今受尊榮永無息All the light of sacred storyGathers round its head sublime

  6. 〈華〉神聖十架的蔭下是我安樂之鄉〈台〉我舉十架願祢聖影做我逃閃城I take, O cross, thy shadow for my abiding place主面光華輝煌照耀何頌別有光亮祢榮光之面貌以外我無懇求別件I ask no other sunshine than the sunshine of His face

  7. 〈華〉世界虛榮不足貪圖得失非所計較〈台〉心滿意足過一世人可知得失輕重Content to let the world go byto know no gain nor loss但將罪惡看為羞恥 寶架看為榮耀知我罪孽使我見羞 十架榮光功效My sinful self my only shamemy glory all the cross寶架看為榮耀十架榮光功效my glory all the cross

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