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Nonverbal Communication: Components and Cultural Significance

This lesson aims to familiarize students with the components of nonverbal communication and its cultural significance. It includes activities to develop analytical thinking skills and promote a respectful attitude towards other cultures. The lesson explores topics such as gestures, eye contact, touch, tone of voice, appearance, use of time, mimics, and territory.

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Nonverbal Communication: Components and Cultural Significance

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  1. Муниципальное образовательное учреждение гимназия 56 Учитель английского языка Несына Елена Владимировна

  2. Цель урока Ознакомить обучающихся с составляющими элементами коммуникации Задачи урока Образовательная: формировать умение применять знание о составляющих элементах общения невербальной коммуникациии. Развивающая: развивать аналитические способности ума. Воспитывающая: воспитывать познавательное отношение к культуре, традициям и обычаем народов других стран, толерантность к проявлением иноязычной культуры, самостоятельность.

  3. Тема урока Невербальное общение Тип урока Комбинированный Ход урока 1.Организационный момент – 2 мин. 2.Актуализация опорных знаний - 5 мин. 3.Организация самостоятельной работы- 25 мин. 4.Проверка самостоятельной работы- 10 мин. 5. Подведение итогов- 3 мин.

  4. It’s Interesting to know 1.Components of nonverbal communication 1.1.Gesture and poses 1.2. Eye contact 1.3. Touch 1.4.Tone of voice 1.5.Appearance 1.6. Use of time 1.7. Mimics 1.8. Territory

  5. It’s Interesting to know 2. Nonverbal Communication in Japan 2.1. Showing respect to objects 2.2. Gestures 2.3. Touching 2.4. Facial expression

  6. language What to say and when to say traditions body language

  7. Nonverbal Communication 93% nonverbal 55% facial expression, posture, gesture 38% tone of voice

  8. Three elements of communication

  9. Components of nonverbal communication mimics NVC

  10. Gestures and poses Leaders use more shoulder and arm gestures. In a group setting, people may adapt similar poses to those in the group that they agree with. People of higher status take a more relaxed body posture. Open body and arm position, relaxed posture increases liking. People who attempt to persuade others often use these immediacy contacts.

  11. Tone of voice Rate-speed-When a speaker uses a faster rate they may be seen as more competent Volume-How loudly we speak. Loud people look aggressive. Soft stolen voices sound polite.

  12. Eye Contact When people sit in a circle, they are more likely to talk to those across the room from them than those side to side. At a table, those who sit on the ends talk more and those who sit on the corners less. At a table, those with the most opportunity for eye contact is likely to become leader.In a conversation, the speaker should look at his/her interlocutor 65 % of the time. Direct on –to –one eye contact should last one and a half seconds. In our culture it is OK to stare at animals; rude to stare at people. Making eye contact with someone makes interaction and obligation.

  13. Touch Mothers touch their sons more than sons touch their mothers. Fathers touch their daughters more than they touch their sons. The number of times people touch each other depends on where and where they were born. During one-hour conversation between two people in a bar in Puerto Rico the number of touches was 180, in Paris - 110, in London - 0!)

  14. Appearance Attractive people find jobs easier and obtain higher starting salaries. Attractive individuals are thought to be more credible. Attractive individuals are perceived as happier, more popular, more sociable, and more successful.

  15. Use of time Often connected with status. The higher status - the more control we have over our time. e.g.You wait for the doctor. Various cultures use time differently.

  16. Mimics You have 80 muscles in your face that can create more than 7,000 facial expressions. There six main types of facial expressions found in all cultures: Happiness- round eyes, smiles, raised cheeks. Disgust-wrinkled nose, lowered eyelids and eyebrow, raised upper lip. Fear- around eyes, open mouth. Angry- lower eyebrow and stare intensely

  17. Territory People in Britain stand about 0.5 m away from a person in an intimate context, 0.5 – 1.5 m (family, friends), 3-4 m (others).

  18. Speaker voice eye contact mimics Listener eye contact positive

  19. Match Pictures and Statements a 1. Are you crazy? d 2. Good Luck! b 3. Come here! e 4. I don’t know. 5 . 5 C o m e c 5. I can’t hear you!

  20. Match Pictures and Statements h f 6. I like it very much! g 7. OK ! 8. I’m happy to see you again!

  21. Nonverbal Communication in Japan silence facial expression touching gestures showing respect to objects

  22. SHOWING RESPECT TO OBJECTS Business cards are not folded, written on, or fiddled with. A guest's coat is not thrown over a chair but instead hung up carefully. At a traditional Japanese restaurant or home, the guest's shoes are placed together and turned around so that the guest can easily put his or her shoes back on when leaving. Furniture is used properly; you do not lean on a desk or sit on a table.

  23. GESTURES Here are some signs of communication between the Japanese. "Me“- pointing to one's nose or touching the nose. "Listening“ - nodding one's head up and down. This should not be mistaken with a "yes" gesture. It means that one is listening, not necessarily agreeing. "Negative“ - to nod "no" with the hand or fan. "Money" - similar to what is sometimes used in the West to mean "OK".

  24. TOUCHING In the beginning, it is best to refrain from forms of physical contact such as a pat on the back or a hug. The Japanese do not show signs of affection or emotions in public. Young couples may be seen holding hands, but it is embarrassing to see spouses kiss in public.

  25. Facial Expression It is considered rude to express your emotions in public. The "Poker Face" is used to cover up negative emotions. The Smile can often be an expression that conceals embarrassment, pain, or anguish. Eye contact is often a Western signal for confidence or sincerity. In many cases, the Japanese consider direct and constant eye contact a rude gesture The Japanese may look down to show respect to another.

  26. crossed arms/legs open/closed posture lean back shake hands eye contact smile

  27. These people want to communicate well. Give them advice.

  28. Обзор информационных ресурсов 1. Книга для учителя к учебнику “New Millennium” для 7 кл. общеобраз. учрежд./Н.Н. Деревянко,С.В.Жаворонкова,Л.В.Козятинская, Т.Р.Колоскова,Н.И.Кузеванова,Е.В.Носович,Л.В.Талз и.-Обнинск:Титул, 2004.-192с.:ил.ISBN 5-86866-263-6 2. http://www.cambridge.org, ”Laughing Matters”,CUP, 2002 3”A Manual of Structured Experiences for Cross-Cultural Learning”, Yarmouth,Maine:Intercultural press, 1979,pp13-14 4. http://lynnmeade.tripod,com/id56.html 5.http://www.clipartguide.com/_search_terms/body_langu age.html

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