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Marine Natura in UK 2009 offshore SAC consultation Charlotte Johnston, Tom Blasdale, Sophie Elliott, JNCC North Sea RAC Spatial Planning Working Group, 16 th Feb 2009. www.jncc.gov.uk/marineconsult. 16/02/09. UK offshore site consultations.

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  1. Marine Natura in UK 2009 offshore SAC consultation Charlotte Johnston, Tom Blasdale, Sophie Elliott, JNCC North Sea RAC Spatial Planning Working Group, 16th Feb 2009 www.jncc.gov.uk/marineconsult 16/02/09

  2. UK offshore site consultations Two draft offshore SACs for public consultation starting in early 2009

  3. 2008-09 consultation timetable Oct-Dec Pre-consultation meetings with competent 2008 authorities and key stakeholder groups 3 months Formal consultation period (start pending Government approval) 2 months Analysis of consultation submissions and report to UK Government 2 months Sites submitted to European Commission

  4. Offshore site consultations • Site documents for each possible site have been available since December 2008: • scientific justification for identifying the site • draft conservation objectives and advice on operations • consultation impact assessments available early 2009 • Consultation period: 12 weeks • JNCC then compile submissions and provide a summary report • JNCC use the comments/results on the scientific justification for the site from consultation to modify site proposals if appropriate and report to Government • Government decide to submit site(s) to European Commission

  5. 2008-09 Consultation: Dogger Bank dSAC Draft Sandbanks slightly covered by seawater all the time; Harbour porpoise

  6. Dogger Bank: slope analysis

  7. Dogger Bank: infaunal communities

  8. UK Dogger Bank: Adjacent European sites

  9. IAs - Impact Assessments Government guidelines require an Impact Assessment for all policy changes (previously a Regulatory Impact Assessment or RIA) Impact Assessments examine the likely economic impacts of a policy change and the range of options for implementing it

  10. IAs - Impact Assessments • JNCC is preparing impact assessments for each site using contractors • Based on likely maximum and minimum management scenarios following JNCC’s draft Conservation Objectives and Advice on Operations for each site • Site-based Impact Assessments will be consulted on at the same time as the scientific justification for selection of the site. • Impact assessments will be updated following the consultation incorporating information from all responding stakeholders

  11. Information needed from stakeholders Information on what activities undertaken, their current and potential worth Information on likely additional costs incurred by industry if the site is designated Initial information to JNCC’s contractors during Nov-Dec 08 for inclusion in the Impact Assessment for consultation Comment and further input through 12 week formal site consultation

  12. Knowledge of current activities Oil & gas installations

  13. Knowledge of current activities Aggregate extraction licence areas

  14. Knowledge of current activities Cables & pipelines

  15. Knowledge of current activities Potential windfarm licence areas

  16. Knowledge of current activities VMS data, demersal fisheries, all member states (2004)

  17. ICES Rectangles at Dogger Bank

  18. Types of fishing on Dogger Bank Includes vessels of all nationalities as reported in landings data from July 2000 to June 2008 provided by the Marine Fisheries Agency.

  19. Landings by country for Dogger Bank Includes vessels of all nationalities as reported in landings data from July 2000 to June 2008 provided by the Marine Fisheries Agency.

  20. Species caught at Dogger Bank Includes vessels of all nationalities as reported in landings data from July 2000 to June 2008 provided by the Marine Fisheries Agency.

  21. Information sought for Impact Assessment • Identification of the number and types of vessel businesses that fish at Dogger Bank, including home port and fishing days within the SAC; • How changes in landings at foreign ports might impact the UK economy; • Views on how fishermen will respond to any potential closure; • Where activity is displaced, difference in steam time, fuel costs, fishing levels and any other cost/profit information associated with displacement alternatives; • Costs to not fish if site was designated and there were no suitable alternative sites such that site designation made some vessels unprofitable; • Potential seasonal effects of designation; • Any other data that would improve comparison of costs, earnings and profits for vessel businesses under the different scenarios; and • Other sites for plaice catch, as well as level of catch at those sites and their sensitivity and importance for overall plaice stocks

  22. UK SAC network Further areas of search to be assessed for selection as SACs for habitats

  23. Summary Two UK possible offshore SACs (Dogger Bank & NW Rockall Bank) will be consulted upon early 2009 Consultation on the scientific justification for proposing the sites as SACs, plus likely socio-economic impact of site designation Information on socio-economic impact of designation requested now and during the public consultation Nine marine SACs off England (inshore and offshore) likely to be consulted upon in late 2009-10 JNCC are undertaking survey to complete the offshore Natura 2000 network We aim to make the process as open and inclusive as possible…

  24. Further information All the information for the consultation will be available on the JNCC website: www.jncc.gov.uk/marineconsult The UK Offshore Marine Conservation Regulations: www.defra.gov.uk/marine/biodiversity/omcr.htm www.opsi.gov.uk/si/si2007/20071842.htm To contact us about SACs: • email:offshoresacs@jncc.gov.uk The consultation process - including registering your interest in taking part - email:offshoreconsult@jncc.gov.uk

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