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Metelkova mesto

Metelkova mesto. Autonomous Cultural Center. Answer from the Municipality of Ljubljana. NfM - An initiative to convert military barracks along Metelkova street into a multicultural centre . Yugoslav Peoples Armý s departure in the Autumn of 1991.

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Metelkova mesto

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Metelkova mesto AutonomousCultural Center

  2. AnswerfromtheMunicipalityof Ljubljana NfM - An initiative to convert military barracks along Metelkova street into a multicultural centre. YugoslavPeoplesArmý s departure in theAutumnof1991. April 1992, theCityof Ljubljana andtheGovernmentofRepublicofSloveniaassignedthe ultimate purposeofthebarracks to bethatofthe program ofNetworkforMetelkova.

  3. Squatting (1993) as a response 150 self-organisedindividualsoccupiedtheexmilitarybarracks. Greatcivilsocietysupport. 200 culturalevents in firstfewmonths. Crisis in December 1993.

  4. StoppinggentrificationConstantresistance against neoliberal ideological structure.Marginalspace creates a specific cultural and political practices against the societyofconsumer s capitalism.

  5. Menza pri koritu 2013 Concerts: 108 Performances: 35 Poetryevenings: 26 Eventsforkids: 9 Workshops: 8 Benefits: 4 Lectures: 4

  6. Menza pri koritu 2013 Visitors: 19.000 Averageticketprice: 2€ Subsidies: 16% Voluntarywork: 48% Open 48% of days in a year Averagespendingpervisitor: 5€

  7. The „Gastarbeiters“s trend Reversal50 travellingGerman carpenters havevoluntarily build internal and external surfaces.

  8. „AxtundKelle“ - Summermeeting 2001

  9. CollaborationwithKindergartens

  10. Comparisonof the use of external surfaces TheNorthernSection Greatcontent - littlemoney TheSouthernSection Littlecontent - a lot of money

  11. Recyclingandpreserving – twomainprinciples

  12. Recyclingandpreserving – twomainprinciples

  13. Recyclingandpreserving – twomainprinciples

  14. Recyclingas means of transformation of space - Mosaic (1997-ongoing), Hlev building,

  15. Work according to the principles of Do-It-Yourself and Do-It-With-Others - Pavillion, EdvinDobrilovič, Tina Drčar, RajkoMiladić(2011, 2013)

  16. Work according to the principles of Do-It-Yourself and Do-It-With-Others - part of the barricade which protected M alašolabulding against demolition(1)

  17. Work according to the principles of Do-It-Yourself and Do-It-With-Others - Škratovvrt behind Pešci building

  18. Work according to the principles of Do-It-Yourself and Do-It-With-Others - Children from ŠutkaTinaDrčar and Roma children from Macedonia (2011)

  19. Thankyouforvisiting! Masarykova 24, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel.: +386 (0) 1 434 0345, Fax: +386 (0)1432 3378 E-mail: natasa.s@guest.arnes.si , sebastiian1000@gmail.com

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