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Ideology. Nazis believed in racial superiority Believed that this was a scientific fact Any groups below the Aryans and Nordic races were inferior Jews were not only considered an inferior race but were accused of being responsible for many of the problems Germany was experiencing.

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  1. Ideology • Nazis believed in racial superiority • Believed that this was a scientific fact • Any groups below the Aryans and Nordic races were inferior • Jews were not only considered an inferior race but were accused of being responsible for many of the problems Germany was experiencing.

  2. Anti-semitism • Anti-semitism has long history in Europe. • Accused of being “Christ-killers” although that is not true. • Deprived of the same rights other groups enjoyed. • Forced to live in ghettos throughout Europe • During the Crusades an entire town was massacred in Germany • Hitler didn’t create anti-semitism, he merely exploited it. • However, between 1933-1937 125 laws were passed against the Jews

  3. Nuremberg Laws 1935 • They created legal basis for persecution • These laws deprived Jews of German citizenship, denied them the right to work in certain professions and declared that all marriages between Jews and Aryans were illegal.

  4. Nuremberg Laws • Intermarriages were declared null & void and became illegal • Jews were banned from civil service posts, government, hospital, court, educational jobs • Jewish books were publicly burned • Jews were required to have a “J” on their passports and identity cards

  5. Jewish Passport

  6. Nazi Indocrination Against Jews • German children were taught that Jews were inferior and had certain physical characteristics. • German newspapers such as DerSturmer ranted against the Jews weekly. • There trademark on each paper was “Die Judensindunsereungluck” The Jews are our misfortune.

  7. How to recognize Jews?

  8. Just as it’s difficult to tell the difference between a poisonous & edible mushroom so too, is it often difficult to recognize the Jew as swindler &criminal.

  9. Baptism Doesn’t Make Him a Christian

  10. How Jews Cheat in Business

  11. How Jews Torment Animals

  12. When you see a cross remember how the Jews brutally murdered Christ

  13. Money is the God of the Jews

  14. Unless we solve the Jewish Question there can be no salvation for mankind

  15. Kristallnacht 1938 • Government sponsored destruction of Jewish property, synagogues, stores • Germans wrote “Do not buy from Jews” on store windows and had Nazis stand outside. • Afterwards Jewish communities were given bill by gov to clean up the mess created • Approx 20,000 Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps

  16. Emigration Hitler favored “emigration” as a solution to the “Jewish problem”. However, most countries refused to allow Jewish immigration German foreign minister stated “We all want to get rid of our Jews. The difficulty is that no country wishes to receive them” Evian Conference made this clear

  17. Evian Conference • Proposed by FDR • Attended by 33 countries • No country agreed to expand quotas for immigration • FDR urged that more be allowed in but State Dept made it “not happen”.

  18. Evian Conference

  19. Ghettos Hitler ordered that Jews be sent to ghettos – segregated & dismal areas They were sealed with barbed wire & stone walls. It was hoped that Jews would die of disease or starvation. Jews formed resistance organizations & kept their traditions

  20. Concentration Camps • At first were built for political prisoners such as Communists and Social Democrats who were declared illegal by Nazi party in 1933. • Later anyone who opposed Nazis were sent there

  21. Wannsee Conference 1941 • Conference specifically devoted to how to kill Jews more efficiently. • Their current methods took too long and were too messy. • Nazis

  22. Genocide • Systematic and deliberate annihilation of a group due to their race, ethnicity or nationality

  23. Why Didn’t Jews Emigrate? • Early on Hitler said he would gladly have the Jews leave – even on a luxury cruiser. • However, he refused to allow them transfer any of their wealth/mone. • 137,000 Jews did leave between 1933-1937 • Evian Conference - Europe • 1924 National Origins Act - US • British White Paper - Palestine

  24. US Immigration Policy • 1921 Immigration law reversed long-tradition of open immigration from Europe • The law limited the # of immigrants from any country by imposing quotas. • 1924 National Origins Act was even more restrictive.

  25. What was the US Quota for Jews? • The number of Jews/Germans to be allowed into the US during these years was 25,000 • This was hardly enough to meet the needs of the Jews

  26. British Policy in Palestine • British White Paper • British had a mandate in Palestine. • Limited Jewish immigration to Palestine to 5000 a year due to Arab opposition. • As tensions rose in Europe the British didn’t want to alienate Arabs or cause them to support Nazis • Result is that Jews were prevented from immigrating to Palestine when they desperately needed to.

  27. They came first for the Communists.. but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.Then they came for the Jews... but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.Then they came for the Unionists... but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Unionist.Then they came for the Catholic... but I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.Then they came for me...and by that time... there was no-one left to speak up for me. Rev. Martin Niemoller, commenting on events in Germany 1933-1939

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