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Age of Oil Test Review Game

Age of Oil Test Review Game. Texas History. List the outcomes and affects of the ‘Permanent University Fund’?. -set aside land for Universities -helps Texas Universities -help found the University of Texas and Texas A&M -Texas Universities still use the fund today .

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Age of Oil Test Review Game

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  1. Age of Oil Test Review Game Texas History

  2. List the outcomes and affects of the ‘Permanent University Fund’?

  3. -set aside land for Universities -helps Texas Universities -help found the University of Texas and Texas A&M -Texas Universities still use the fund today

  4. Describe the accomplishments of the following individuals. -Scott Joplin -Elisabet Ney -Howard Hughes Sr. -Jane McCallum

  5. Scott Joplin- African American Texan who invented music called ragtime music. His best known works are “The Maple Leaf Rag” and “The entertainer Elisabet Ney- She sculpted statues of early Texas Heroes. Her work of SFA and Sam Houston can be seen in Austin Howard Hughes Sr.- multi-millionaire who owned a tool company, invented the drill-bit which made oil drilling much more efficient. These drill-bits are still used today Jane McCallum- Women’s suffrage leader, also a leader in education reform, prison reform, and child labor reform. She was part of the Women’s Joint Legislative Council also known as the Petticoat Lobby

  6. Locate Spindeltop on the map

  7. Define ‘Boom and Bust’. What does ‘Boom’ mean? What does ‘Bust’ mean?

  8. The cycle of economic gain and loss in cities and industries Boom: growth of population in cities (urbanization), thriving economy ($), job growth and available jobs, and Industrialization growth Bust: Population loss, struggling economy, high unemployment, little industry growth Think of those Ghost towns we talked about!!! http://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/americas-coolest-ghost-towns

  9. What is a ‘Progressive Movement’? Name some examples

  10. Progressive Movement- Social movements to create better overall societies -Women’s Suffrage -Temperance Movement/ Prohibition -Education Reform -Antitrust Movement -Labor Movement

  11. Define ‘urbanization’. How did it affect the following populations? -Rural -Urban

  12. urbanization: An increase in people living or working in cities Rural- farmers started to lose money. They eventually had to find work in the cities Urban: Cities experienced large amounts of growth in industry, jobs, and population

  13. Describe each of the following movements • The Temperance Movement 2. Women’s Suffrage 3. Antitrust Movement

  14. Temperance Movement- the movement to make alcohol illegal; prohibition Women’s Suffrage- the movement for women’s civil rights; mainly the right to vote acquired in the 19th amendment Antitrust Movement- movement to break monopolies and trusts; helped promote competition

  15. What James Hogg’s main contributions to Texas?

  16. -He founded the Interstate Commerce Commission which monitored the Railroad -He passed the antitrust act of 1889 which fought big businesses such as monopolies and trusts. The act focused mainly on the Railroad -first native born Texas Governor

  17. What were the affects of the Texas oil boom in 1901?

  18. -The urbanization of Texas cities -Industrialization of Texas (Ex: gas, automobile) -many oil companies are founded such as Gulf, Texaco, and Chevron are founded -Changes in Transportation, mainly the automobile and railroads

  19. What were the affects of the Galveston Hurricane? List as many as you can

  20. -Houston and other Texas cities start to become more urbanized -Galveston built a seawall -The Houston Ship Channel is expanded -Houston becomes one of the leading U.S. ports

  21. Who made up the majority of the Populist Party? Why did they start forming a party combatting urbanization?

  22. The Populist party was mostly compiled of farmers with Agrarian interests. They had the farmers interests in mind. It was a political party, formed by the farmer’s alliance to reduce the influence of big businesses on government such as the oil industry, and railroad industry

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