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Pushdown Automata (PDA)

Pushdown Automata (PDA). CSE-501 Formal Language & Automata Theory Aug-Dec,2010. ALAK ROY. Assistant Professor Dept. of CSE NIT Agartala. Pushdown Automata (PDA). Informally: Think of an ε -NFA with the additional power that it can manipulate a stack.

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Pushdown Automata (PDA)

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  1. Pushdown Automata (PDA) CSE-501 Formal Language & Automata Theory Aug-Dec,2010 ALAK ROY. Assistant Professor Dept. of CSE NIT Agartala

  2. Pushdown Automata (PDA) • Informally: • Think of an ε-NFA with the additional power that it can manipulate a stack. • Transitions are modified to accommodate stack operations. • Questions: • What is a stack? • How does a stack help? • Why PDA? • A DFA can “remember” only a finite amount of information, whereas a PDA can “remember” an infinite amount of (certain types of) information.

  3. q0 q6 • Example: {0n1n | 0=<n} Is not regular {0n1n | 0nk, for some fixed k} Is regular, for any fixed k. • For k=3: L = {ε, 01, 0011, 000111} 0 0 0 q1 q2 q3 1 1 1 1 0/1 1 1 q7 q5 q4 0/1 0 0 0

  4. In a DFA, each state remembers a finite amount of information. • To get {0n1n | 0n} with a DFA would require an infinite number of states using the preceding technique. • An infinite stack solves the problem for {0n1n | 0n} as follows: • Read all 0’s and place them on a stack • Read all 1’s and match with the corresponding 0’s on the stack • Only need two states to do this in a PDA • Similarly for {0n1m0n+m | n,m0}


  6. Characteristic of PDA • PDS (Pushdown Stack)

  7. PDA • Being nondeterministic, the PDA can have a choice of next moves. • Its moves are determined by: • The current state (of its “NFA”), • The current input symbol (or ε), and • The current symbol on top of its stack. • In each choice, the PDA can: • Change state, and also • Replace the top symbol on the stack by a sequence of zero or more symbols. • Zero symbols = “pop.” • Many symbols = sequence of “pushes.”

  8. Formal Definition of a PDA • A pushdown automaton (PDA) is a seven-tuple: M = (Q, Σ, Г, δ, q0, z0, F) Q A finite set of states Σ A finite input alphabet Г A finite stack alphabet q0 The initial/starting state, q0 is in Q z0 A starting stack symbol, is in Г F A set of final/accepting states, which is a subset of Q δ A transition function, where δ: Q x (Σ U {ε}) x Г –> finite subsets of Q x Г*

  9. Consider the various parts of δ: Q x (Σ U {ε}) x Г –> finite subsets of Q x Г* • Q on the LHS means that at each step in a computation, a PDA must consider its’ current state. • Г on the LHS means that at each step in a computation, a PDA must consider the symbol on top of its’ stack. • Σ U {ε} on the LHS means that at each step in a computation, a PDA may or may not consider the current input symbol, i.e., it may have epsilon transitions. • “Finite subsets” on the RHS means that at each step in a computation, a PDA will have several options. • Q on the RHS means that each option specifies a new state. • Г* on the RHS means that each option specifies zero or more stack symbols that will replace the top stack symbol.

  10. Conventions • a, b, … are input symbols. • But sometimes we allow ε as a possible value. • …, X, Y, Z are stack symbols. • …, w, x, y, z are strings of input symbols. • , ,… are strings of stack symbols.

  11. The Transition Function • Takes three arguments: • A state, in Q. • An input, which is either a symbol in Σ or ε. • A stack symbol in Γ. • δ(q, a, Z) is a set of zero or more actions of the form (p, ). • p is a state;  is a string of stack symbols.

  12. Actions of the PDA • If δ(q, a, Z) contains (p, ) among its actions, then one thing the PDA can do in state q, with a at the front of the input, and Z on top of the stack is: • Change the state to p. • Remove a from the front of the input (but a may be ε). • Replace Z on the top of the stack by . (or Pop Z, Push )

  13. Two types of PDA transitions: δ(q, a, z) = {(p1, 1), (p2, 2),…, (pm, m)} • Current state is q • Current input symbol is a • Symbol currently on top of the stack z • Move to state pi from q • Replace z with  i on the stack (leftmost symbol on top) • Move the input head to the next input symbol : p1 a/z/ 1 q a/z/ 2 p2 a/z/ m pm

  14. Two types of PDA transitions: δ(q, ε, z) = {(p1, 1), (p2, 2),…, (pm, m)} • Current state is q • Current input symbol is not considered • Symbol currently on top of the stack z • Move to state pi from q • Replace z with  i on the stack (leftmost symbol on top) • No input symbol is read : p1 ε/z/ 1 q ε/z/ 2 p2 ε/z/ m pm

  15. Example: PDA • Design a PDA to accept {0n1n | n > 1}. • The states: • q = start state. We are in state q if we have seen only 0’s so far. • p = we’ve seen at least one 1 and may now proceed only if the inputs are 1’s. • f = final state; accept.

  16. Example: PDA – (2) • The stack symbols: • Z0 = start symbol. Also marks the bottom of the stack, so we know when we have counted the same number of 1’s as 0’s. • X = marker, used to count the number of 0’s seen on the input.

  17. Example: PDA – (3) • The transitions: • δ(q, 0, Z0) = {(q, XZ0)}. • δ(q, 0, X) = {(q, XX)}. These two rules cause one X to be pushed onto the stack for each 0 read from the input. • δ(q, 1, X) = {(p, ε)}. When we see a 1, go to state p and pop one X. • δ(p, 1, X) = {(p, ε)}. Pop one X per 1. • δ(p, ε, Z0) = {(f, Z0)}. Accept at bottom.

  18. Actions of the Example PDA 0 0 0 1 1 1 q Z0

  19. Actions of the Example PDA 0 0 1 1 1 q X Z0

  20. Actions of the Example PDA 0 1 1 1 q X X Z0

  21. Actions of the Example PDA 1 1 1 q X X X Z0

  22. Actions of the Example PDA 1 1 p X X Z0

  23. Actions of the Example PDA 1 p X Z0

  24. Actions of the Example PDA p Z0

  25. Actions of the Example PDA f Z0

  26. Thank You

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