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Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems - Computer Science Research

The Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems conducts research in theoretical and methodological bases of computer science systems, including theoretical background, program construction, artificial intelligence systems, and software development.

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Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems - Computer Science Research

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  1. Created 1 april 1990 630090, Novosibirsk Lavrentiev Prospect, 6 Tel.: (3832) 330-86-52 Fax: (3832) 332-34-94 E-mail:mag@iis.nsk.su A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics SystemsRussian Academy of SciencesSiberian Branch(IIS SB RAS)

  2. Researches in the area of theoretical and methodological bases of creation of systems of computer science, including: theoretical background of computer science; methods and tools of constructing reliable and efficient programs ; artificial intelligence systems ; software and application packages for new computers, systems and networks. The main directions of activities

  3. Laboratories: Laboratory of Theoretical Programming VLSI CAD Laboratory Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Mixed Computation Laboratory Laboratory of Systems Programming Program Construction and Optimization Laboratory Laboratory of Complex Systems Simulation Scientific Research Groups: Group of Portable Software Structure of Institute

  4. The softwareforconstructionof servicesoncreationof thematiccollectionsis developed and realizedon the basis ofmaterialsof virtualfundof Electronicarchiveof academician A.P.Ershov.The createdservicehas functionalitiesonsearchingandselectionof the thematicinformationinfundof Archivewithan opportunityof the subsequentautomatedpublicationof the createdcollectionas mini-archiveonCD ROM, DVD, VHSetc. From the point of view of user the mini-archive represents a thematic cut of archive A.P. Ershov, nothing distinguished from the basic archive by the way of user interface down to presence in it of functionalities on searching of documents by various criteria. Activeworkonpopularizationof Electronicarchiveof academician A.P.Ershovwas carried out.A numberof the reportsdevotedto electronicarchiveatscientificconferenceswas made,publicationsinInternetare placed, a workonregistrationof Electronicarchiveof academician A.P.Ershovas Internet resourceson differentsearchserversand in cataloguesof electronicarchivesinInternetis carried out. Academician Andrei Ershov Archive

  5. Academician Andrei Ershov Archive

  6. Researches of methods of adaptive hypermedia and the international standards of representation in Internet of information resources on a cultural heritage are carried out. The architecture of a virtual museum and model of users, and also methods and the instrumental means oriented onto accumulation and processing of humanitarian knowledge within the framework of virtual museum SVM on a history of computer science in Siberia are developed. For the first time the virtual museum having the adaptive interface and giving to the broad audience of users convenient opportunities on updating and development of a museum is created. Worksongatheringandpreparationof the informationfordatabaseof a virtualmuseumcontainingthe descriptionsof scientists,collectives,events,projects,publications,conferencesandarchivalmaterialsare developed. Virtual museum of a history of Informatics in Siberia

  7. Virtual museum of a history of Informatics in Siberia

  8. The mechanism of traditional Novosibirsk schools of young programmers (NSSYP) aimed at attraction of gifted youth to modern scientific - experimental activity in the field of computer science and programming is created. Fundamentalbasesof computer scienceandinformationtechnologiesinmoderneducationin relation toa problemof reproductionof the scientificstafffora modernscienceare investigated. The technique of the organization and maintenance of the educational process basing on statement of interesting projects - workshops, uniting schoolboys effort, students, professionals and science officers is developed. The complete set of technical decisions on information and scientific maintenance of such educational process, selection of participants of summer school is realized. The projectof developmentof mechanisms NSSYPinthe absentia - remote (distance) formis developedwith the purpose ofexpansionof itsscope. NSSYP– Novosibirsk Summer School of Young Programmers

  9. The polynomial on complexity algorithm of the bottom and top approximations of model checking for basic logic of actions with motionless points of mu-calculus is offered. The problem of model checking for the cooperating distributed agents in terms of combined logics of knowledge and actions with constructions for motionless points is investigated. ExperimentalprogramcomplexSPV (SDLProtocol Verifier),intendedformodelingandverificationof the communication protocols, includingverifierof painted Petrinetworks,whichusesa methodof model checkingconcerningthe propertiessubmittedin mu-calculusis realized.The samemethodis realized in the systemof verificationof the feasiblespecifications represented in Basic-REAL language . Logicmethodsandverificationof distributedsystems

  10. Logicmethodsandverificationof distributedsystems

  11. The representative subset of language C, named C – light is offered . For language C – light, full structural operational semantics is developed. In the language C- light, some core named C- light-kernel for which axiomatic semantics is developed is allocated and its consistency concerning operational semantics is proved. Rules of translation from language C - light in language C-light-kernel are determined. The prototype of experimental system of verification of C-light programs, including compiler from language C-light into language C-light-kernel, the generator of conditions of correctness of C-light-kernel programs, the proof system of conditions of a correctness is developed and realized. Programming language C - light

  12. The concept is offered and the architecture of an adjusted web-portal of knowledge providing substantial access to systematized knowledge and information resources of a given field of knowledge is designed. The information model of a portal which basing on a system of anthologies, including anthology of scientific activity, anthology of scientific knowledge and anthology of a selected scientific discipline is developed. Anthology of scientific activity, anthology of science, and also anthology of archeology and ethnography are developed. Database and the basic modules of the portal : the user web-interface, the web-interface of the manager, the collector of the ontological information including the module of gathering the information and the module of automatic indexing of texts of given subjects are designed and developed. Adjustment of the portal on a subject domain “archeology and ethnography” is carried out. Installation and adjustment of the portal of knowledge on server is executed. WEB-portal of knowledge

  13. WEB-portal of knowledge

  14. Language Modula-2 (standardISO 10514)is widely usedforprogrammingthe built - insystems,suchasthe onboard software of satellites etc. By contract withNPO PM,the basicRussianmanufacturerof satellites, the cross-programming system(KSPM2 - 1750)fornewtargetplatform BCVM OVS-1750was completely realized. The basicfeatureof the realizedsystemisan integration with the programming system GNU C (GCC-1750 ver. 1.5.2 and ver. 1.4.1 of company XGC Software), achieved with the help of translation Modula-2 programs in C language. Realizationof the fullcross-programming systemforthe platformBCVM OVS -1750(Contract with NPO PM, Krasnoyarsk)

  15. By contract with State Corporation «Information satellite systems» of a name of academician M.F.Reshetnyov, the information system "Archive of support of program projects and documents" (IS ASPID) is created. The system is intended for creation and support of electronic archive of program projects of the onboard software for satellites. Information system ASPID for a creation and long-term support of the onboard software of satellites

  16. Information system ASPID for a creation and long-term support of the onboard software of satellites

  17. Algorithms and program complex for the data processing, received in the process of radioactive oil well logging • Within the framework of the contract with West-Siberian Corporation TYUMENPROMGEOFIZIKA (WSC TPG), a series of new algorithms for processing the signals arising at Radioactive Oil Well Logging is developed. • The program complex “SpectrumAnalyzer”, giving wide opportunities: loading, viewing and processing of initial energy and time spectra; calculation of various analytical parameters; calculation of concentration of natural radioactive elements; export of results in the form of LAS format used in geophysics, is created. • Algorithms and the program complex are used by operation of petroleum deposits and are competitive with world analogues.

  18. Algorithms and program complex for the data processing, received in the process of radioactive oil well logging

  19. Algorithmsandprogramcomplexof the analysisandpredictionof processesof functionof regulatorysystemsina cell • Advanced algorithms are developed and software for analysis and a prediction of processes of function of regulatory systems in a cell is realized. • Algorithms for a prediction of transcription factors, basing on the data from the microchips,homological data, phenotypic features and other biological data, are investigated. • Methodsof receptionof different input (entrance)datafromthe most populargeneticdatabasesare developed for these algorithms.

  20. Algorithmsandprogramcomplexof the analysisandpredictionof processesof functionof regulatorysystemsina cell

  21. Preparationof the high skilledstaff • The institute has the big postgraduate study and prepares for post-graduate students.There is Dissertational council on protection of doctor's theses on a specialty 05.13.11 in the field of physical and mathematical sciences. • IIS SB RAS is working in close cooperation with Novosibirsk State University, which is the main source of students and young researchers for Institute. Many employees of Institute (professors, etc) are working at the University part-time, and students are passing their diploma practice in Institute. • Employees of Institute give 18 basic courses, and carry out more than 20 special courses, and also 10 special seminars in mathematical faculty of NSU. About the same number of special courses and special seminars are read and carried out by employees of IIS in information technologies faculty of NSU. • Annually more than 100 students are passing their diploma practice in scientific laboratories of Institute.

  22. Participationinexhibitions • At the Siberian fair and other exhibitions, Institute of Informatics Systems SB RAS showed the following program products: • ·        bCAD — family of programs for flat plotting, volumetric modeling and photo-realistic toning ; • ·   NeMo+ — technological complex of development of program systems on the basis of the integrated model of representation and processing of knowledge ; • ·    SemP-TAO — program toolkit on the basis of the integrated model of representation and processing of knowledge . • At the ExhibitionUCHSIB «Education of Siberia to XXIcentury » IIS SB RAS receivedSmallgoldmedalfor technology of training of young programmers at summer school . • At the ExhibitionSibPolyTechIIS SB RAS receivedSilvermedalfor creating software for processing signals of radioactive oil well logging.

  23. International cooperation • The institute of systems of computer science regularly carries out the international conferences ”Perspectives of Information Systems” devoted memories of academician A.P.Ershov. Usually more than 40 scientists from foreign countries take part in them. Works of conference are published in the publishing company “ Springer Verlag” in series Lectures Notes in Computer Science. • Also during last five years on the basis of Institute, other international conferences are carried out. In 2003 ‰ 2007 conferences - competitions of young scientists were carried out(spent) with the support of Microsoft. • The institute has wide international contacts with scientific organizations and the companies working in the field of information technologies: Microsoft Research, IBM, Samsung etc. Employees of Institute regularly visit other countries for participation in the international conferences and for joint scientific work.

  24. Applied software • At Institute there is a belt (zone) of innovation firms working in the field of applied software: ProPro, Excelsior, Xtech etc. • Excepting traditional subjects, such as creation of compilers, designing, verification, testing and optimization of programs, creation of CAD systems, network applications, also the works oriented onto selected subject domains: onboard computers for communication satellites, a railway transportation, applied genetics, search of petroleum, etc. are conducted.

  25. Thank You!

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