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Part I: Constellations, Stars, and DSO’s

Part I: Constellations, Stars, and DSO’s Aquila: Altair , CoRoT-2A , SS433 Hercules: M13 Aquarius: NGC 7293 Leo: Regulus Auriga: Capella Lyra: Vega , M57

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Part I: Constellations, Stars, and DSO’s

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Part I: Constellations, Stars, and DSO’s Aquila: Altair, CoRoT-2A, SS433 Hercules: M13 Aquarius: NGC 7293 Leo: Regulus Auriga: Capella Lyra: Vega, M57 Bootes: Arcturus Orion: Betelgeuse, Rigel, M42 Canis Major: Sirius Perseus: Algol Canis Minor: Procyon Sagittarius: Sag A*,M17, G359.23-0.82 Carina: Eta Carinae Scorpius: Antares Centaurus: Proxima Centauri Taurus: Aldebaran, HL Tau, M1, M45 Cassiopeia: Cas A, Tycho, NGC 281 Hyades Dorado: 30 Doradus Ursa Minor: Polaris Cygnus: Deneb, CygnusX-1, Ursa Major: Mizar, Alcor, SN1993J NGC 7000 Vela: γ Velorum, Vela SNR Gemini: Castor, Pollux, Geminga Virgo: Spica Libra: Gliese 581

  2. Aquila: Altair, CoRoT-2A (star with planet), SS433 (X-Ray Binary)

  3. Aquarius: NGC 7293 (The Helix Nebula)

  4. Auriga: Capella

  5. Bootes: Arcturus (Red Supergiant)

  6. Canis Major: Sirius & Canis Minor: Procyon

  7. Carina: Eta Carinae (Hypergiant)

  8. Centaurus: Proxima Centauri (Red Dwarf Star)

  9. Cassiopeia: Cas A (Type II Supernova) Tycho’s Star (Type Ia Supernova), NGC 281 (Star Formation Region)

  10. Dorado: 30 Doradus (Tarantula Nebula)

  11. Cygnus: Deneb, Cygnus X-1 (X-Ray Binary) NGC 7000 (North American Nebula)

  12. Gemini: Castor, Pollux, Geminga

  13. Libra: Gliese 581 (Red Dwarf)

  14. Hercules: M13 (Globular Cluster)

  15. Leo: Regulus

  16. Lyra: Vega, M57 (Ring Nebula – Planetary Nebula & White Dwarf)

  17. Orion: α Orionis(Betelgeuse - Red Supergiant), Rigel M42 (Orion Nebula – Star Formation Region)

  18. Perseus: Algol

  19. Sagittarius: Sgr A*, M 17 (Omega or Swan Nebula – Star Formation Region), G357.23-0.82 (Pulsar)

  20. Stars: α Scorpii – Antares

  21. Taurus: Aldebaran (Red Supergiant), HL Tau (Star & Planet), Hyades (Open Cluster), M1 (Crab Nebula - SNR), M45 (Pleiades – Open Cluster)

  22. Ursa Minor: Polaris Ursa Major: Mizar, Alcor, SN1993J (Supernova)

  23. Vela: γ Velorum (multiple system – Wolf Rayet Star), Vela SNR

  24. Virgo: Spica

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