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Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte . From Citizen to Ruler . Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?. Napoleon was a French Brigadier General/ Emperor during the French Revolution in France during 1700 and 1800s.

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Napoleon Bonaparte

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  1. Napoleon Bonaparte From Citizen to Ruler

  2. Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? • Napoleon was a French Brigadier General/ Emperor during the French Revolution in France during 1700 and 1800s. • Born in Ajaccio, France on August 15, 1769, Napoleon was the fourth of eleven children of Carlo Bonaparte and Letizia Romolino. • His father, Carlo, derived from a lesser Corsican nobility and, following the annexation of Corsica in 1769, was granted the same privelages as the French Nobility. • Napoleon had an elementary education in Ajaccio. • He was sent to the College of Autun in January 1779 with his brother, located in the duchy of Burgundy. • In May of the same year, Napoleon transferred to the more fashionable College of Brienne, another military school, while his brother Joseph remained at Autun. (Here is where he earned the nickname “Little Corporal” for his stature and attitude.

  3. Education in the Military and Battlefront Field (Cont.) • At Brienne, Napoleon received excellent Military and academic educations and in 1784 was called in the EcoleMilitaire of Paris. (The Royal military school of Paris; Finest in Paris before the revolution.) • In 1785 he entered the service of Louis XVI with a formal education that prepared him for his future role in French history.

  4. Napoleon’s Involvement in the French Revolution and France’s military field • Now a second Lieutenant, Napoleon had a strong attachment to Corsica and visited his home frequently, even taking a leave of absence. • He spent the critical summer of 1792 in Paris, then returned to Corsica once again for the last time in October. • On this Visit, Napoleon took on the power struggle between the forces supporting Pasquale Paoli and those supported by the French Republic. • After Paoli was victorious, Napoleon and his family fled to the mainland where Napoleon turned his full attention to his military career.

  5. Military Involvement (Cont.) • The siege of Toulon provided Napoleon with his first opportunity to display his ability as an artillery officer and brought him national recognition. • France had gone to war with Prussia and Austria in 1792, England joining in 1793. Still Napoleon captured Toulon. • After his role in dislodging the British, Napoleon was promoted to Brigadier General. • He made the acquaintance of Maximillion Robespierre. • The over throw of the Jacobin regime led to Napoleon’s imprisonment in the Fort Carre on August 9th.

  6. Napoleon and France’s battles • Throughout the winter of 1794-1795, Napoleon was employed in the defense of the Mediterranean coast. In April 1795, he was ordered to Paris and in June, he was assigned to the Army of the West. • Napoleon put down the Uprising of Vendemaire by unhesitantly turning his artillery on the attackers.

  7. Napoleon’s Role in the Revolution • Napoleon was quite respective of the revolution. After meeting Robespierre and learning about what he wanted to do for the freedom of the people in France, Napoleon graciously took on the responsibility of the Revolution. • He helped make an army and did not interfere with the battles of the citizens. He became a very well known military leader and man.

  8. Napoleon’s Marriage/ Personal Life • In the winter of 1795, Napoleon met Josephine de Beauharnais, the former Mademoiselle Tascher de La Pagerie. • Born on the island of Martinique, she had been married to Alexandre de Beauharnais at the age of 16 and had borne him two children. • When Alexandre was executed during the last days of the terror, she was free to marry Napoleon. • Married March 9, 1796, Napoleon left to fight more battles the very next day. • (She totally cheated on him by the way, leading to his broken heart and pressurous situations during battles)

  9. The Egyptian Campaign/ Military Campaign • Napoleon didn’t’ want to remain waiting in Paris. When an expedition to Egypt was proposed Napoleon hopped aboard eagerly. • He sailed from Toulon on May 19, 1798, with an army of 35,000 men. • On June 11-12 he captured Nalta and on June 30th the task force reached Alexandria, Egypt. • He sailed to Cairo and fought the first major battle. He Drove the Mamaluks back into the desert in the Battle of the Pyramids. Lower Egypt came into Napoleon’s control. • After it came into his control he built hospitals, recognized the government, post office, and introduced the first printing press in Egypt.

  10. Napoleon’s changes/ Dictatorship • Napoleon began to solve the problems that faced France at the turn of the century. • By 1802 he was the most popular dictator France had ever know. He established the Empire on May 18, 1804.

  11. Basically…. • Napoleon was one of France’s most renowned military voices and a revolutionary leader to France’s broken government.

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