
10 Steps to Establish a GSA: LAUSD Policy Considerations

Learn how to start a GSA in a school following LAUSD policy considerations. Steps include guidelines, finding an advisor, informing administration, choosing meeting time/place, advertising, and holding meetings. LAUSD supports students' rights and provides guidelines for creating a safe space for LGBTQ+ students.

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10 Steps to Establish a GSA: LAUSD Policy Considerations

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  1. Start a GSA:10 Steps GSA Network Recommendations with LAUSD Policy Considerations Student Health and Human Services Office of Human Relations, Diversity and Equity

  2. Learn how to start a GSA Objectives Consider LAUSD policy around creating a GSA

  3. 1. Follow Guidelines  Establish a GSA the same way you would establish any other group or club.  Each school may have their own policy around starting clubs or groups. This may include getting permission from an administrator, finding an advisor, and/or writing a constitution.  GSAs are protected in LAUSD under The Equal Access Act

  4. LAUSD - "Voluntary student initiated meetings are permitted, regardless of religious, political or other content."

  5. 2. Find an Advisor  Find a supportive teacher or staff member who has proven to be an ally around sexual orientation and gender issues to advise your club.  It could be a teacher, counselor, nurse, or librarian.  Tip: Find co-advisors for extra support.  LAUSD requires that all student meetings are supervised by a certificated employee of the district.

  6. LAUSD - "No sponsorship of the meetings is required or provided by the school or its staff."

  7. LAUSD - "School staff attend meetings only in a nonparticipatory capacity."

  8. LAUSD - While school staff cannot curtail or otherwise control meeting topics or content, students should not use school facilities to publish or otherwise disseminate:  Matter that is obscene to minors according to current legal definitions.  Matter which is libelous according to current legal definitions.  Matter which incites students so as to create a clear and present danger of the imminent commission of unlawful acts or of the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school.  Material which expresses or advocates racial, ethnic, gender or religious prejudice.


  10. 3. Inform Your Administration of Your Plans  Tell administrators what you are doing right away.  Having an administrator on your side can be very helpful when talking to teachers, parent groups, the community, and the school board.  If an administrator is resistant to the GSA, let them know that forming a GSA club is legally protected.

  11. LAUSD does not require the direct involvement of an administrator.  "In essence, administrators, while responsible for the educational program and supervision of students, may not substitute their judgment as to what is in the best interest of students with regard to meetings of voluntary student groups."

  12. 4. Inform Guidance Counselors about the GSA  Counselors and social workers may know students who would be interested in attending the group

  13. 5. Pick a Meeting Place and Time  Pick a classroom or meeting spot that students can easily find and is located in a safe place, such as your advisor’s classroom or a meeting room in the library.  Help people find you by posting rainbow signs and other posters.  LAUSD requires that students have access and use of facilities for meetings that are the same as those available to other school clubs.

  14. LAUSD - "Meetings are permitted during 'noninstructional time.'”

  15. LAUSD - Scheduling  1. Hours during which students may use facilities for meetings should be the same as those available to other school clubs.  2. Students seeking to reserve time for meetings should follow the school procedures for reserving time for meetings.  3. Notice of availability of facilities should be the same as with other school clubs.

  16. 6. Advertise (and Get Food!)  Figure out the best way to advertise at your school. It may be a combination of school bulletin announcements, flyers, social networking sites, and word-of-mouth.  Also get food and tell people there will be food: people always come to meetings when you provide food! If your flyers are defaced or torn down, don't be discouraged. Keep putting them back up to let others know you are committed to a safe place for all students. Advertising your GSA – using terms like gay and transgender – can be part of educating the school and can actually make students feel safer, even if they don't attend a single meeting.

  17. LAUSD - school campuses may have individual policies regarding food on campus. Please ask administrators before bringing outside food onto campus.

  18. 7. Hold Your First Meeting  You may want to start out with a discussion about why people feel having this group is important.  The student facilitator can ask questions like:  What do you hope to get out of being part of this club?  What would you like to see the GSA do this year?  How can this club make lasting change at our school?  Be sure to start every meeting with a go-around of name, year, and gender pronouns.  LAUSD policy supports students use of preferred name and pronouns.

  19. 8. Establish Ground Rules  Ground rules help ensure that group discussions are safe, confidential, and respectful. Many groups have a ground rule that no assumptions or labels are used about a group member's sexual orientation or gender identity. This can help make members feel comfortable attending and being themselves in the space.


  21. 9. Plan for the Future  Develop an action plan with assigned members responsible for action items. Brainstorm activities. Set goals for what you want to work towards, including events and campaigns (learn more at gsanetwork.org!).

  22. 10. Register Your GSA!  Now that you've started it up, register your GSA with the GSA network in your state! Visit the National Directory to find your state's GSA network.  https://gsanetwork.org/gsa-registration/  You can also register your GSA with the Office of Human Relations, Diversity & Equity to get updates and info!  https://forms.office.com/r/A1YDAEfGap

  23. Links  GSA Network Start a GSA: 10 Steps  https://achieve.lausd.net/cms/lib/CA01000043/Centri city/Domain/383/10Steps.pdf  GSA Advisor Handbook  https://achieve.lausd.net/cms/lib/CA01000043/Centri city/Domain/383/GSA%20Advisor%20Handbook.pdf  LAUSD Bulletin - Meetings of Student Groups BUL-5072.0  https://achieve.lausd.net/cms/lib/CA01000043/Centri city/Domain/383/Meetings%20of%20Student%20Groups. pdf


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