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French Rotavirus 2014x

French Rotavirus 2014.pptx. 3/25/2013 11:36 AM. Govera. New Rotavirus Vaccines. Glass RI, et al. Transactions of the American and Climatological Association, Vol. 123, 2012, page 36-53. Effet Indirect Sur La Maladie Rota Chez Adultes , USA. Anderson et al. CID, 2013.

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French Rotavirus 2014x

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Presentation Transcript

  1. French Rotavirus 2014.pptx 3/25/2013 11:36 AM

  2. Govera

  3. New Rotavirus Vaccines Glass RI, et al. Transactions of the American and Climatological Association, Vol. 123, 2012, page 36-53.

  4. Effet Indirect SurLa Maladie RotaChez Adultes, USA Anderson et al. CID, 2013

  5. Rotavirus Hospitalizations among Children <5 yrs El Salvador, Jan 2006 – December 2009

  6. L’Efficacité des Vaccins RotaContre La Maladie Grave ParDose Aux Etats-Unis

  7. Hospitalizations Pour Invagination Intestinale USA Avant et Aprés Introduction du Vaccin Rotavirus Pentavalent Zickafoose JS, Arch Peds Adolesc Med, Vol 166(4):350, 2012

  8. Invagination Intestinale

  9. Vaccination ContreGastroentériteRotavirus Grave en Pays Tropicaux

  10. EFFICACY of RV5 Against Any and Severe GI-4 Rotavirus Gastroenteritis Through the First Full Rotavirus Season Based on Frequency of Breastfeeding

  11. Anti-rotavirus IgA antibody GMC and Seroconversion ratesImmunogenicity Cohort

  12. Souche Néonatale Indienne ORV-116E est moins immunogène quand les anticorps maternels sont élévés Appaiahgari MB, et al. Vaccine 32:651-6, 2014

  13. Prédiction des Morts Evités, 2011-2030 Par Vaccination Rotavirus Dans les Pays Admissibles Pour Soutien par GAVI Atherly, Vaccine, 2012

  14. Effectiveness of Rotavirus Vaccines Payne DC, et al. CID 2013:57(1):13-20

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