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Egypt Education Service EES

Must be implemented as a web interface to extend the service to users worldwide. ... Professional web hosting or dedicated server. Apply Content-Based ...

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Egypt Education Service EES

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Presentation Transcript

    Slide 1:Egypt Education Service (EES) Capstone Design

    Mohammed Khalilia Saif Khairat

    Slide 2:System Overview

    A system is needed to educate users about Egypt through displaying images and information. Must be implemented as a web interface to extend the service to users worldwide.

    Slide 3:Users

    Users privileges: Delete images Update images Upload images Add new user Search and browse for images. Upload and download images, add description to uploaded images based on the user permissions.

    Slide 4:Administrator

    Have privileges to: Add new users Manage existing users Grant an revoke privileges from regular users Be able to view all the albums and sub-albums created by other users and modify them.

    Slide 5:Server and Development Environment

    MySQL Database Server Server side scripting in PHP World Wide Web HTML and CSS compliance

    Slide 6:Security Requirements

    Protect user’s identities by securing database as well as sessions Server behind a firewall to minimize malicious traffic User authentication using password MD5 is used for password encryption

    Slide 7:User Requirements

    Simple, easy to use interfaces for all user classes Professional, trustworthy appearance User must upload images and no other files (e.g PDF)

    Slide 8:Process flow

    Slide 9:System Implementation ERD for 1st Prototype

    Slide 10:System Implementation

    Ensure that user permissions are working correctly Ensure uploaded files are of proper type

    Slide 11:System Testing

    Repeated attempts to break the site and cause errors Explore every possible scenario a user may encounter Simulate everyday use of system Providing “bad input” to verify system will not allow the user to present errors

    Slide 12:Future Work

    Professional web hosting or dedicated server Apply Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) to eliminate similar images.

    Slide 13:Questions?

    Slide 14:Demo


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