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Chapter 2 Atoms, Molecules and Ions

Chapter 2 Atoms, Molecules and Ions. What is in an atom?. Name the three subparticles that make up an atom: 1. 2. 3. Who Discovered Them?. http://www.physlink.com/Education/AskExperts/ae46.cfm. Label the following:. http://www.chemcool.com/referencetables/periodictable.htm.

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Chapter 2 Atoms, Molecules and Ions

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  1. Chapter 2Atoms, Molecules and Ions

  2. What is in an atom? Name the three subparticles that make up an atom: 1. 2. 3.

  3. Who Discovered Them? http://www.physlink.com/Education/AskExperts/ae46.cfm

  4. Label the following: http://www.chemcool.com/referencetables/periodictable.htm

  5. PRACTICE PROBLEMSCalculate the # of protons, electrons, or neutrons for the following elements http://www.dayah.com/periodic/

  6. Critical Thinking Of the three subabomic particles, which one gives the identity to the element? WHY? Explain 2. List at least three facts about the Nucleus.

  7. WEBQUEST!! Today we are going to use the Internet to research the timeline of the discovery of the atom!

  8. Nuclear Stability: Radioactivity Radioactivity: Nuclear reactions: Reactions that change in the _______________ _____________ and produce ____________________. Three kinds of radiation occur: 1. 2. 3. http://library.thinkquest.org/17940/texts/radioactivity/radioactivity.html

  9. Nuclear Stability Almost all the atoms you encounter have a ______________ nuclei  not ________________. Radiation in __________________. What makes a nucleus unstable? Let’s see (and think)….. Review: Nucleus is made up of ____________ and _______________. Review: Positive charges _________________ each other.

  10. So why don’t the protons fly apart from the nucleus? There is a strong force that overcomes the electrical repulsion known as the Strong ________________ force. The neutron does _______________ experience and electrical repulsion because it has ______________ charge. It does however help in lessening the repulsion of the protons. The neutron is the glue that holds the nucleus together.

  11. Elements between ______________ and ___________( ______________ to ____________) stable nuclei have ________________ number of protons and neutrons. After _____________ protons the nucleus needs more ________________ to be stable. After _____________ protons (_________________) no number of neutrons is sufficient to _________________ the nucleus together indefinitely. After #83  ________________.

  12. Types of Decay Radioactive elements emit different kinds of radiation They are distinguished by their charge mass and _______________ power.

  13. Charge and penetration power:Alpha (α) A stream of high alpha particles which is made of 2 _____________ and 2 __________ (identical to the He+2 nucleus)  __________________. Does not have much _____________ power. Travel only a few _____________ and may be stopped by paper or clothing

  14. Charge and penetration power: Beta (β) A stream of high speed ___________ . NOT the electrons that come from the orbital of the atom, the electron must come from the NUCLEUS. A NEUTRON CHANGES INTO A ________________ (which remains in the nucleus) AND AN ___________. The beta particle (or electron) is propelled out of the nucleus at _____________ speed. Beta radiation is about 100 times more penetrating than alpha radiation. It can penetrate 1-2 millimeters into solid material. MAY pass through ___________ and damage skin.

  15. Charge and penetration power: Gamma (γ) A very energetic form of light that our eyes ____________ see. Does not consist of particles. Sybolized: It is able to penetrate deeply into a solid material, including body tissue. VERY DANGEROUS.

  16. Nuclear reactions Nuclear reactions: A reaction that keeps track of reactant’s components. Alpha Beta

  17. The Molecule Different Formulas: Molecular: Empirical: Structural http://dbhs.wvusd.k12.ca.us/webdocs/Mole/EmpiricalFormula.html http://dl.clackamas.edu/ch106-01/strform.htm

  18. The ION Cation: Anion: http://www.launc.tased.edu.au/online/sciences/PhysSci/pschem/ion/Ions.htm http://www.launc.tased.edu.au/online/sciences/PhysSci/pschem/ion/Cations.htm http://www.launc.tased.edu.au/online/sciences/PhysSci/pschem/ion/Anions.htm

  19. Examples Indicate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons for the following: 1. Sodium atom  Sodium ion

  20. Example 2 2. Chlorine atom  Chlorine ion

  21. Try These!

  22. Isotopes H1 (hydrogen): ________p, ________e, ________n (99.9844%) H2 (deutrerium):________p, ________e, ________n ( .0156%) H3 (tritium): _________p, ________e, ________n (0.0004%) http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/isotopes/

  23. http://www.dayah.com/periodic/

  24. About The Periodic Table:Define These Family/Group: Period: Main group elements Characteristics of the periodic table:

  25. Characteristics http://chemistry.about.com/od/elementgroups/a/metals.htm http://chemistry.about.com/od/elementgroups/a/nonmetals.htm

  26. Characteristics Semi-Metals: http://chemistry.about.com/od/elementgroups/a/metalloids.htm

  27. Writing Compounds • First: What are the charges of each family on the periodic table?

  28. Criss-Cross Method • For Ionic Compounds ONLY!!

  29. Names of compounds . Monatomic cations: Take the name of the ______________ from which they are derived, Na+ __________________ K+ ____________________ EXCEPT: Many _____________________ metals can form more than one type of cation. A ___________________________ is added to tell the difference. a. Fe 2+ _________________ Fe 3+ __________________

  30. Monatomic anions Add the suffix _________ to the end of the stem from which they are derived. N 3- _______________________ O 2- ____________________ S 2-___________________ (pg.43)

  31. Polyatomic IonsMEMORIZE THESE!

  32. REVIEW Ionic Compounds: (REVIEW: Ions are made up of a ______________ and a __________________.) First name the _____________________ then the ____________________. Binary Molecular Coupounds: (REVIEW: Molecules are made up of a ______________ and a __________________.)

  33. Diatomic molecules Diatomic molecules : What are the diatomic molecules?

  34. Rules for Naming molecules Rules are the same as ionic compounds however, now include prefixes Mono is only for second element!!! 2. Prefixes: 1= 6= 2= 7= 3= 8= 4= 9= 5= 10= Mono is only for second element!!! http://www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu/~woodward/ch121/ch2_naming.htm

  35. Examples N2O3= NF3= PCl5= P2O5= O2= CO2= http://www.chem4kids.com/files/atom_naming.html

  36. Flow Chart • If you are a visual person, this might make naming compounds easier: http://dbhs.wvusd.k12.ca.us/webdocs/Nomenclature/HO6-Flowchart-Naming.pdf

  37. Common names of molecules: Memorize these!

  38. Naming Acids Certain binary molecular compounds that start with ________ form acids when combined with ____________. http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/compounds/slides/sld009.htm

  39. Review With These: • http://www.cottonchemistry.bizland.com/chapter9/Chapter%209%20Chemical%20Names%20and%20Formulas.ppt

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