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Inclusive practice - software on campus and for students to download

Inclusive practice - software on campus and for students to download. Lena Borg Melldahl Disability coordinator University of Gothenburg. What is special?. We have made a specific investment in software for students with disabilities

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Inclusive practice - software on campus and for students to download

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  1. Inclusivepractice- software on campus and for students to download Lena Borg Melldahl Disabilitycoordinator University of Gothenburg

  2. What is special? • We have made a specific investment in software for students with disabilities • The software is bought as campus licenses paid by the university central budget • Free of charge for all students and staff - even for use in their personal computer at home • Students are allowed to download the software from the Student Platform • Faculties and university libraries are recommended to equip computers for students, staff and public with the software where it is possible • The departments are recommended to elect people to give students support • Recommendation by the Vice-Chancellor in a formal decision

  3. How it all started • There was not any software on campus for students with disabilities when I was asked to be a coordinator, many years ago • I couldn't handle the question on my own • I invited people from the division for IT and the IT boss at the library to cooperate • We visited the community library and a company specialized in software for visually impaired people • By that time I didn't realise that my colleague and I were doing “inclusive work”. It just felt natural to work in that way

  4. Development from start to now • The first two software programmes were installed at the “Reading Studios” at the university libraries together with other technical equipment for students with reading difficulties • The departments were told to install the software on all student computers • The software for students with disabilities were accessible on a cd that the student could buy through the students bookshop at a cost of 100 Swedish crowns (around 9-10 Euros). • Later on the software were included in a general Start DVD • The university library took over the sale of the Start DVD • Now the students are free to download the software from the Student Portal and the university covers the whole cost.

  5. The advantage of campus licenses Totally included with other accessible software for students and staff No demand for documentation of disability The software can also be of use to students and staff with Swedish as a second language Good for everybody else who wants to improve their language Free of charge for students and staff

  6. Support • General support in how to install and use the software is not always available to students • However: support on how to use the software is given by the librarians to students with disabilities • The IT-technician at my department may help the students to download the software when students come to me and ask for help

  7. Software included • EasyProducer • EasyReader • Saida • SpellRight • Stava Rex • SuperNova • WordFinder • GustavasOrdbok(a dictionary - only on campus)

  8. What is needed for success? • Cooperation with others, who are enthusiastic and willing to investigate new possibilities to improve the conditions and environment for students • A possibility to integrate the purchases in the ordinary university budget or a possibility to allocate specific money

  9. For more information in English • http://www.licenser.gu.se/gu/student_eng.html And more information in Swedish http://licenser.gu.se/funktionshinder http://www.utbildning.gu.se/student/funktionshinder/

  10. Thanks for listening! Lena Borg Melldahl Disability coordinator University of Gothenburg www.gu.se/english

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