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Planation . In the U.S in the 1800s planation were the places were people plant cotton and tobacco. But in all those planation down south the plantation owners, had slaves working for them. The termite was terrible.. Slaves were whipped if they weren't doing the job right or not fast enough.

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  1. Planation In the U.S in the 1800s planation were the places were people plant cotton and tobacco. But in all those planation down south the plantation owners, had slaves working for them. The termite was terrible.. Slaves were whipped if they weren't doing the job right or not fast enough. Timothy Bell

  2. Life on the planation Five facts about the slaves life on the planation. 1. Slaves would work from sun up to sun down. 2. Slaves were given about two sets of clothes one for the summer an one for the winter. 3. They only got enough food to keep them alive. 4. Slaves would call the planation owners house the “The big house”. 5. They were beat if they didn’t do there job right. Anthony Morena

  3. The Life Of A Slave The life of a slave, was more fit for an animal than a person. Their cabins usually consisted of, wood, with cold hard dirt floors. During the winter, they slept on freezing cold floors. When it rained, they slept on mud. This was one of the many hardships A slaved faced in its lifetime. Slaves were also deprived of a life. No family, No real name…No identity. You could have been bought and sold 100 times in a lifetime, and none of that life was considered to be yours. You were property. That’s what your life was valued at. From the auction block till death…you weren't your own person. You were property Max O’Handley

  4. Punishment Of Slaves Five facts about the Punishment Of Slaves 1. Slaves were punished for their behavior, which was mostly; the speed and quality of their work. All the reasons they were punished for was resisting slavery, not working hard enough, talking to much or using their native language, stealing form his master, murdering a white man, and or trying to run away. 2.One of the many ways slaves would be punished is they would get whipped. Whipping was mainly used to control the slave’s behaviors. The number of lashes that a slave received reflected the seriousness of the offense 3.Sometimes the over seer would punish the slaves not the slave owner, this gave the slave the opportunity to be beaten harder or very little. 4.Slave owners didn’t like to beat the slaves so bad that they'd die because then they would lose money. 5.When punished for any capitol offense they where commonly crucified. Brett McNamara

  5. AbolitionistMovement • There were many horrors of slave life. Few people believed it was wrong. On April first, 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe released “Uncle Toms Cabin”. It demanded that, the U.S deliver on the promise of freedom and equality. It advanced the abolitionist movement…and contributed to the outbreak of the civil war. This book, was a major contribution to, the future of slaves, In a positive way. • Max O’Handley

  6. Who Did What? • Timothy Bell- Introduction to the plantation. • Life On The Plantation- Anthony Morena • Punishment Of Slaves- Brett Mcnamara • Life Of A Slave- Maxwell O’Handley • Abolitionist Movement- Maxwell O’handley

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