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    1. NURSING CARE OF CLIENTS WITH VISUAL OR AUDITORY PROBLEMS Marilyn Cannon, ARNP,CS 2004 This section discusses the nursing care of clients with visual or auditory problems. Please refer to your class syllabus for objectives and reading assignments.This section discusses the nursing care of clients with visual or auditory problems. Please refer to your class syllabus for objectives and reading assignments.

    2. REVIEW OF STRUCTURE & FUNCTION OF THE VISUAL SYSTEM PLEASE REVIEW THIS SYSTEM IN YOUR CURRENT NURSING OR ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY TEXTBOOK Please review the anat & phy of th eye. A brief review follows.Please review the anat & phy of th eye. A brief review follows.

    3. Brief Review of the Eye Eyeball covered with three layers: Outer layer is the sclera Middle layer is the choroid Inner layer is the retina Sclera is made up of tough fibrous tissue. The white of the eye is part of the front surface of the sclera. The other part of the front surface of the sclera is the cornea (the window of the eyebecause it is transparent. It lies over the iris(the colored part of the eye.l Conjunctiva, which are mucous membranes cover the entire front surface of the eyeball & line the upper & lower lids. The front part of the choroid is made up of 2 involuntary muscles –the iris & the ciliary muscle. The iris is shaped like a circle with the center being the pupil. The iris is responsible for constricting the pupil in bright light and dilating the pupil in dim light. The ciliary muscle is responsible for changing the convexity of the lens to accommodate near The retina contains rods (for night vision) & cones for daytime vision and color vision. Fluids fill the inside of the eyeball to maintain its shape, to help refract light is behind the lens and to nourish the eye. The aqueous humor is in front of the lens and the vitreous humor is behind the lens. Sclera is made up of tough fibrous tissue. The white of the eye is part of the front surface of the sclera. The other part of the front surface of the sclera is the cornea (the window of the eyebecause it is transparent. It lies over the iris(the colored part of the eye.l Conjunctiva, which are mucous membranes cover the entire front surface of the eyeball & line the upper & lower lids. The front part of the choroid is made up of 2 involuntary muscles –the iris & the ciliary muscle. The iris is shaped like a circle with the center being the pupil. The iris is responsible for constricting the pupil in bright light and dilating the pupil in dim light. The ciliary muscle is responsible for changing the convexity of the lens to accommodate near The retina contains rods (for night vision) & cones for daytime vision and color vision. Fluids fill the inside of the eyeball to maintain its shape, to help refract light is behind the lens and to nourish the eye. The aqueous humor is in front of the lens and the vitreous humor is behind the lens.

    4. VISION Is the reflection of light from an object, through the cornea, aqueous humor, lens, and vitreous humor to the retina, where it is sent to the cerebral cortex and perceived as an image. Same as slide… vision is impaired if there is pathology in ay of these areas. The following slide demonstrates the structures used in the process of vision.Same as slide… vision is impaired if there is pathology in ay of these areas. The following slide demonstrates the structures used in the process of vision.

    5. Structures of the Eye

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