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Marjan Sedmak, AGE Platform Europe , President

2012 Europe - Taiwan Health Dialogue , Taipei July 9-12, 2012 EY 2012 Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations as a step towards Age Friendly Europe 2020* Session 5, Healty Ageing. Marjan Sedmak, AGE Platform Europe , President. Let‘s introduce ourselves :

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Marjan Sedmak, AGE Platform Europe , President

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  1. 2012 Europe-TaiwanHealthDialogue, TaipeiJuly 9-12, 2012EY 2012 ActiveAgeingandSolidaritybetweenGenerations as a step towardsAge FriendlyEurope2020*Session 5, HealtyAgeing Marjan Sedmak, AGE Platform Europe, President

  2. Let‘s introduceourselves: AGE Platform Europe is: ten yearsold in 2011 an „umbrella“ organisationwith 165 members …with more then 30 millionindividualmembers voicingtheneedsandaspirationsofover 150 millionolderpeople in EU strictly not-for-profit workingon a wide range of policy areas that impact on older and retired peoplethrough the activeparticipation of their membersat EU, national, regional and local levels providinga European platform for the exchange of experience and best practices.

  3. The Genesis of the longevity problem Phases: catastrophe – Schirrmacher, DasMethusalemKomplott (2004), butthere is a… „window“ (2005), so there is a… „challenge“ (2006)andwhere is thechallengethere is are olderpeople as… …opportunityandresource (2007)… …reallyonly to staylonger in thelabour market?

  4. Active ageing in new perspective 2008-2012 Activeageing, mostlyunderstood as a longerpresence in labour market (2008) New paradigm: activeageing as a rightofoldergenerations to take part in social tissue (2009) Activeandhealthyageing as rightbut…. ….as long term investment as well. Tunnelviewofvs. skylineview

  5. Industrial society: distortion of perspective years Leisure (withillness) work education

  6. The society we live every day in and with years education work leisure

  7. The re-discovery of lost (third) generation Expansionofthereducedperspective, dominant in industrialsocietyforthe last century, discovers: invisibleresource invisibleandneglectedcontributors invisible social mechanismsdrivenbythem invisiblevalue. And so thequesionappears:

  8. Work and its market value vs. work and its social value Is the employment the only expression of work? Work as employment: Market value: tendency →→ 100 Social value: important, but there is more Work as general human activity: Market value: tendency→→0 Social value: enormous, mostly ignored

  9. The Genesis of active ageing Activeageing as a… Longerpresence in labour market Volunteering (ifpossiblefornothing) Inclusionintocommunitylife, social, cultural, political Participatoryprocess Activecitizenship …requireslife-cycleapproach to the problem. Life-cycleapproach is holisticapproach.

  10. Active ageing requires the presence of every generation in the lives of every other generation.Active ageing is per se solidarity and cooperation between the generations.

  11. Method: holistic approach

  12. Confluence of actions and ideas WHO Age FriendlyCities ….developing in projects on age friendlyenvironment EY2012 ….developing in 2020 as Age-FriendlyEuropean Union by2020 Participatoryapproach ….as a wayoftheinclusionallstakeholdersintosearchforinovativesolutions

  13. From European Year 2012 of Active Ageing and Solidarity between the Generations… • 2008, Slovenian Presidency: 29 April as the EU Day of solidarity between generations • 2012:10thAnniversary of the United Nations Action Plan on Ageing. • AGE Platform Europe and Coalition with other EU stakeholders (Eurodiaconia, the Red Cross, Eurochild, The Youth Forum, the European Anti-Poverty Network or the European Disability Forum, etc.) • In theframeworkof EY 2012 AGE seeks to: Promote active ageing in employment Promote active ageing in the community through volunteering and caring Promote healthy ageing and independent living Enhance solidarity between generations in order to create a society for all ages

  14. …towards the Age Friendly Europe Age friendlyEurope is supposed to be a societyforallages – everybody is cited - alldecisionmakersandallrelevantstakeholdershave to take collectiveresponsibility… …fordesigningnewwaysoforganisingoursocieties to ensurea fairerand more sustainablefutureforallgenerations…. ….takingintoaccountthecurrentdemographicchange is a keyopportunityforeveryone to worktogether to createan Age-FriendlyEuropean Union by 2020.

  15. Age Friendly Europe by 2020… Creatingan Age-FriendlyEuropean Union means: fosteringsolidaritybetweengenerations enablingtheactiveparticipationandinvolvementofall age groupsin society whileprovidingthemwithadequatesupportandprotection. ThroughanAge-FriendlyEuropean Union, every age andpopulationgroupwillbenefit.

  16. …is expected to assure… A positiveattitude to ageingthatrecognisesthevalueofall age groups’ identitiesandcontribution to society; An inclusivelabour market thatensurestheparticipation in paidworkofyoungerandolderpeople, includingthosewithdisabilities or chronicconditions, supportstheintergenerationalknowledge transfer andenablesworkersto bothmaintaintheirhealthandreconciletheirworkandprivatelives; Accessibleoutdoorspaces, buildingsand transport as well as adaptedhousingandphysicalactivityfacilitiesthatpromoteindependentlivingandparticipation in society.

  17. …and… Goods and services, adapted to the needs of all, digital inclusion; The possibility to have a voice in the decision-making and research processes; The opportunity to actively participate in all social activities, Access to lifelong learning; Social protection systems based on intra- and inter-generational solidarity that prevent and unroot poverty; Conditions and opportunities to grow and age in good mental and physical health.

  18. European Strategy for Active and Healthy Ageing and an Age-Friendly EU TheStrategyshould: Buildsynergiesbetweenexisting EU policyprocessesandthe UN policyinstruments on ageingin thepromotionofactiveageingandsolidaritybetweengenerations; Includethecreationofan EU Age-FriendlyEnvironmentNetworkandotherinitiatives (EuropeanCovenantofMayorsto gatherandsupportlocalandregionalpublicauthorities); ReinforceOpen MethodofCoordination to effectivelyinvolvecivilsociety in social policymakingforadequate, fairandsustainable social protectionsystemsandsocial cohesion; Strengthenresearchthatpromotessolutions,fairforallgenerationswhilecontributing to sustainableandinclusivegrowth in a Europefreeofpoverty.

  19. Ultimate objective is not for the benefit of gambling financial industry but… Welfarestate/Sozialstaat/loStato sociale hasbecomeindispensableandundeletable part oftheEuropeancivilisationandculture; It has to beconsolidated, takingintoacountnewdemographicrealities; Therefore no short term reaction to thepresenteconomicandfinancialcrisis/recessionshouldjeopardise or renderimpossiblereconstructionofWelfareState in newparadigm. This is responsabilityofpoliticsandpoliticiansbutours as well!

  20. Nihil novi sub sole Ita enim senectus honesta est, si se ipsa defendit, si ius suum retinet, si nemini emancipata est, si usque ad ultimum spiritum dominatur in suos. Ut enim adulescentem in quo est senile aliquid, sic senem in quo est aliquid adulescentis probo; quod qui sequitur, corpore senex esse poterit, animo numquam erit. For old age is honoured only on condition that it defends itself, maintains its rights, is subservient to no one, and to the last breath rules over its own domain. For just as I approve of the young man in whom there is a touch of age, to I approve of the old man in whom there is some of the flavour of youth. He who strives thus to mingle youthfulness and age may grow old in body, but old in spirit he will never be. Marcus Tullius Cicero: Cato Maior de Senectute, 45 B.C.

  21. Thank you for you attention AGE Platform Europe Rue Froissart 111 1040 Bruxelles – Belgique tel. : + fax : + www.age-platform.eu

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