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What is SalesNow ?

What is SalesNow ? . SalesNow is a customer relationship management app that combines a smart phone component – available for BlackBerry and iPhone – with a hosted service allowing salespeople to share information with co-workers. . What can it do ?.

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What is SalesNow ?

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  1. What is SalesNow ? • SalesNow is a customer relationship management app that combines a smart phone component – available for BlackBerry and iPhone – with a hosted service allowing salespeople to share information with co-workers.

  2. What can it do ? • It tracks contact information for customers and leads, appointments and other information about deals and relationships. The app can be customized to suit specific businesses’ needs. • It tracks all calls, meetings, tasks and emails associated with customers. • It also has a simple sales funnel to manage leads and deals.   • It can fully synchronizes all changes to a secure hosted website.  And as an added bonus, it integrates with Outlook 2007.

  3. What is it so good ? • SalesNOWis quickly deployed, cost-effective and easy to use. • It offers immediate, measurable results and a rapid ROI. SalesNOW automates the process of tracking deals, building detailed customer profiles, servicing clients and developing long-term customer relationships. • Tight integration to BlackBerry calendaring, • Half the subscription price of comparable CRM software, join over 25,000 professionals already using this award-winning solution. • So you can save cost and focus on the most important part of your business – building profitable customer relationships

  4. What is their vision ? • To drive sales success. • Increase sales effectiveness • Boost sales revenue • Take control of their sales data and utilize it to drive sales ahead. • To concluded • manage sales, deals, activities, and email to sell more, sell faster, and build profitable customer relationships.

  5. How to access it ? • Access your SalesNOW web account where all data entered on your mobile device is synchronized and stored. Modify information, print reports, and view dashboards all from the Internet. • Any changes entered on the website are sent to your mobile device so all your data is kept up to date and available to you anywhere you go.

  6. What is it available in ? • It is avaliable for iphone, ipod touch and blackberrys • SalesNow costs $19.95 (U.S.) a month, with a one-month free trial available. • You can get it from the apple app store or the blackberry app world.

  7. Reviews • Excellent CRM for BlackBerryAugust 20 2009Release 2009.7.2This is a great CRM system that fully integrates with the BlackBerry. It tracks all calls, meetings, tasks and emails associated with customers. It also has a simple sales funnel to manage leads and deals.  The best feature is that it fully synchronizes all changes to a secure hosted website.  And as an added bonus, it integrates with Outlook 2007. • Nice Product for BlackBerryJune 26 2009Release 2009.3.16This is a pretty good product for managing my customers and deals on my BlackBerry. It also has a nice web component where everything I enter on my BlackBerry is synchronized to my SalesNOW web account.

  8. Discussion

  9. Citations • http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/your-business/business-categories/biz-categories-technology/handy-apps-for-salespeople/article1761642/ • http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/salesnow-mobile-crm/id378161024?mt=8 • https://www.salesnow.com/Default.aspx • https://www.salesnow.com/aboutus.aspx • http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/reviews/537?lang=en • http://your.rogers.com/business/wireless/solutions/salesnow.asphttp://www.emotionpicturestudios.com/salesnow/SalesNow.html • http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/reviews/537?lang=en

  10. Citations for pictures • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.jpalarms.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/access_card.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.jpalarms.co.uk/access-control-systems/&usg=__ee1KFQm9eFgHdNlZVtfN3gbQIa8=&h=265&w=285&sz=37&hl=en&start=69&zoom=1&tbnid=k8OZvak3xn5kNM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=115&prev=/images%3Fq%3Daccess%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D594%26bih%3D564%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C2737&um=1&itbs=1&ei=ia3XTIfSG82bnAeZqr3SCQ&biw=594&bih=564 • http://www.themillionairesecrets.net/images/2009/03/key-to-success.jpg

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