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Medical Terminology

Learn commonly used abbreviations in healthcare, define prefixes, suffixes, and root words, and combine word parts to form medical terms. Understand the meaning of physician orders and practice using medical abbreviations in sentences. Explore root words and common medical terms.

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Medical Terminology

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  1. Medical Terminology Health Team Relations Unit a-

  2. Objectives • Identify abbreviations commonly used in the health care setting • Define Prefixes, Suffixes. And Root words • Combine word parts to form commonly used medical terms

  3. Why use abbreviations? • Short form for giving directions • Easier to write than to write a detailed message • Quicker • Physicians talk very fast, must be able to write as quick as they talk!!

  4. Commonly used abbreviations • Stat= Immediately (right now) • VS= vital signs • Rx= prescription • Prn= as needed • Hs= hour of sleep (bedtime) • Npo= nothing by mouth • Po= by mouth • Bid= 2 times daily • Q2h= every 2 hours • >= greater than • Amb= ambulate • Mg= milligram • Ml= milliliter • l= liter • Cc= cubic centimeter • Tsp= teaspoon • Ekg= electrocardiogram • d/c= discharge • Eeg= Electroencephalogram • Dnr= do not resuscitate • <= Less than

  5. Commonly used abbreviation con’t: • c/o= complains of • Br= bedrest • Adl= activities of daily living • f/u= follow up • Hob= head of bed • bp= blood pressure • Hr= heart rate • Hx= history • Nka= no known allergies • Nkda= no known drug allergies • Q= every • S= without • C (with a line over the top)= with

  6. What does the following Mean? Br c brp Ff1 qh Vs qid Bed rest with bathroom privileges Force fluids every 1 hour Vital signs four times daily

  7. Interpret the following physician orders: • Stat morphine 2mg po now and q2h prn pain. • Ambian q hs prn insomnia • Patient may amb bid & prn. • VS q2h post procedure • f/u with MD in 3 weeks. • Patient on continuous BP until SBP <100. • Patient is a DNR after speaking with family about results of Ekg and eeg. • Patient has nka. Please give aspirin prn q8h swelling in bll. • Patient hx shows arthritis, pericarditis, and dermatitis. • Patient is being admitted with appendicitis. Please give Tylenol 350mg po q8h prn fever >100.1 F.

  8. Abbreviation Sentences • Circle the medical abbreviations, then use your imagination to complete the sentences. • 1: If I get < C on my report card, I _______________________________________. • 2: If a person takes 100 mg of aspirin, he or she will ________________________ • ________________________________________________________________. • 3: Teenagers should always amb to the __________________________________. • 4: The best Rx for a broken heart is _____________________________________. • 5: If a parent tells me to clean up my room stat, I ___________________________ • ________________________________________________________________. • 6: When I’m walking around my yard, I usually DNR ________________________ • ________________________________________________________________. • 7: I do my homework prn, which usually ends up being ______________________ • ________________________________________________________________. • 8: If they did an EEG on me, they would find ______________________________ • ________________________________________________________________. • 9: If I could have a tsp of anything I wanted on my cereal, it would be ___________ • ________________________________________________________________. • 10: I am usually NPO when _____________________________________________. • 11: My VS are not normal when I ________________________________________. • 12: My hs is usually __________________________________________________. • 13: At least bid, teachers should ________________________________________. • 14: Once I bought a 2 L _______________________________________________. • 15:In order to take 2 Tylenol po, I need a glass of __________________________.

  9. ~Root words~ht01:02 Arter= artery Bronch= related to the bronchi (airway/lungs) Cardi= heart Derm=skin Gingiv= gums Hepat= liver • Nephr= kidneys • Pneum= lungs • Trach= trachea or “windpipe”

  10. *Prefixes* • Anti= against, opposite • Brady= slow, delayed • Epi= upon, on, over, near • Peri= about, around • Micro= small • Pre= before • Tach= swift, rapid

  11. Suffixes • Centesis= puncture, aspiration • Megaly= enlargement • Otomy= make an incision or cut into • Plasty=surgical repair • Spasm= twitching, involuntary contraction • Uria= urine

  12. Can you figure out the root word for the following words? • 1- Arthritis • 2- Biology • 3- Bronchitis • 4- Cardiologist • 5-Dermatologist • 6- gingivitis • 7- gastritis • 8- hemetology • 9- hepatitis • 10- hysterectomy • 11- nephritis • 12- psychiatrist • 13- Pneumonia • 14- tracheotomy

  13. Common medical words • Cardiology • Cardiologist • Pericarditis • Appendicitis • Dysuria • Hepatitis • Cholecystitis • Appendectomy • Nephrology • Nephrectomy

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